A Letter to Law Enforcement

If anything has happened to me resulting in accident, injury, or death, especially a car wreck, it ties back to my family. I have an account at Charles Swabb that is quite substantial and my father is the beneficiary. I fear they will hurt or kill me in order toget their hands on this money. Please investigate and take this into account.

Thank you

Nicole Graves

Sandy Oregon-Day 1006

Perspective is everything. If you don’t like what you see, change your angle. Life rarely gives us exactly what we want. It’s our job to find the frame to make life into what we desire and need.

A turn of direction this morning changed my perspective from man made jungle to the heavens on earth. Sandy, Oregon is on the way to Mt Hood from Portland. Getting up to go to pee, on a cold winter morning at the crack of dawn, never looked this beautiful before.