Monday October 21st 2024Journal at Jeep DealershipMoon in Gemni Sun in Libra— Last day of Libra season

Here I sit at the Jeep dealership in Eugene. Everyone around me is poisoning me and I feel super nauseous. The customers are related to my uncle Jeff Whiddon, but they are from the north. I am finally getting my new fuel pump installed and getting my oil changed. I have been putting this off since March. It’s overdue, but I dont know if it was worth the wait. I tried to wait for the revolution to reach all the people, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

It rained last night and the Jeep leaks pretty bad in the rain. Which makes it stink because it grows all the bacteria they poison us with. We have to get out of the rain. We have to get out of Eugene/Springfield. We need to go to Bend. The weather is nicer there. Plus, the air is cleaner. I need new tires and brakes. But I can get those in the bend area. I need to vote or at least get my ballot before I leave. Haywood is so sick from the poisons he can barely walk and hadn’t eaten in days. Yesterday I literally shoved some food down his throat. They are putting so much poison in everything it’s killing him. There is no reason to stay in Eugene. The people here are extra culty and try to kill me a lot everyday. There is no comfort or security here. I prefer the desert. It helps with my ph balance and I loose 5 pounds without trying after a couple days there. Because there is less poison and co2 in the air. Loosing weight is all about breathing out carbon. And there is more co2 in the air along I5 especially in Eugene/Springfield. It’s a toxic waste dump.  There is no added security to staying in Eugene/Springfield.  I think it is best to leave as soon as possible. I will miss dairy mart milk. But there is eckhardt milk in Redmond and bend. There will be no more coffee there. But there should be fewer fleas too.

I have to go tonight. There is no reason to stay here. Haywood will dir if I stay here. They poisoning the water. He’s tiny again because he lost so much weight.

Tomorrow is the beginning of Scorpio season. Death and rebirth, new beginnings, new chapters, new lives. These people make me super nauseous.

I dream of the day I get to leave Eugene and never come back unless I want to. And honestly I dont know why I would want to. I dream of going back home to Las Vegas. And then if I get bored there, I dream of living on a huge solar powered ship and going all over the world to fix the ocean and meet people and share my gut bacteria. I can farm my gut bacteria on a solar powered and wind turbine powered ship. I can dump limestone into the ocean and see the best methods to balancing the calcium levels in the ocean for optimal health for all of us. Plus, I can add probiotic bacteria to the ocean. Which will vlcolonuze the world. The Gulf of Mexico seems to be a great place to start. That part of the world has been destroyed greatly. And that would help the united states a lot and mexico.

I dont know if I will want to live on a ship. But that seems to be the most logical way to get my gut bacteria to the dairy farmers worldwide. I can do the edges and farmers from inland can visit the farms on the edges to get their cows inoculated with my bacteria. I do like to be on the move. But I also am a home body. So a ship with my home that moves around the world seems like the best of both worlds. Plus, my family’s cult Playbook says yo stay in motion. A target constantly in motion is harder to hit.
I dream of a normal ordinary life. But I know my life will never be normal or ordinary. But I would like the opportunity to pretend it is. I dont dream of world domination like my family. I dream of normal and ordinary. World domination is too much work and responsibility. I have no desire to have a world army filled with idiots. I would rather have a world of people who are self sufficient and goal oriented. I suppose I never dreamed of having a world. Let alone a world of people. I have always just wanted to be left alone to work on my projects, interests, and goals.

It’s sad that my goal in life is just to be left alone enough to just live. I dont want anything really out of life other than to be left alone to just live my life. My brain means I can solve most of the worlds problems. But I dont want to. The world has only caused me problems. I dont want to help them. I do want to fix the ocean and the soil and the air quality. Which will in turn improve the epigenetics of humans and make them more human on a gene and cellular level. Which will make it easier for them to solve their own problems. I think that is more than enough. People will never learn if I clean up their mess for them. They will just destroy everything again. Because they dont understand how hard it is to figure the stuff out that I do. I have been working on solving and figuring everything out my whole life. Whilst they have been destroying the world. I was not put here on earth to be their slave or my family’s slave. I was not put on earth to be everybody’s bitch. No matter how much they believe this to be true.

I haven’t journalled like this in a long time. It helps to reduce anxiety and see what really matters. There is so much noise in the world. It helps to find what really matters. And honestly I’m not sure what really matters for me right now. After 1300 days of the signing up to kill me group by group by group. I really don’t like them. I didn’t like them much to begin with. It’s illogical to like people who try to kill you. If I wanted to like people who tried to lil me, I would like my family.

You know I try my hardest everyday to overcome the destruction and survive. But mostly it’s just because I don’t want to live in pain. Everyone trys to kill me. But they want me to die a slow painful death. I wish they killed me swiftly and got this all over with. There is not really much of anything in this revolution for me. I’m literally fighting a war just to be left alone. But they will never leave me alone, even if they do stop trying to kill me. This is a no win situation for me. Funny my life has been a war, but there is no winning for me. Just survival. The whole world owes me an apology. But nothing can make up for hoxssw they have treated me and what they have done. It’s a weird place to be. To know there is no winning for me is hard to deal with. There is no happy ending possible. The best I can hope for is a more pleasant and comfortable life. But I will always be a prisoner to my birthrights and this stupid imaginary game. I am never going to be able to be close to humans. Which is a big relief, but it is also kind of sad.

After Haywood dies I want to put my heart back away in body. No more living beings to care for. I love love and I love Haywood. But it is just not conducive with the way the world is or what I represent in this stupid imaginary game. Love is just a weapon used to destroy and hurt and kill me. I’m really good at it and that means it is the biggest weapon my family has used against me my whole life. Which makes it a maladaptive coping mechanism for me. I intend for it to be a positive outlet and experience. But instead it complicates my life too much and hurts me. Caring for plants and the ocean after Haywood is gone will have to work. Because that is all I have the bandwidth to do. In the world as it is, the things you care about are the things used to destroy and kill you. It has taken my whole life to learn how not to care about hardly anything. Yes, I mind about everything. But I don’t care.

I hadn’t journalled in awhile. It feels better to do so. But because of the chip in my head I don’t do this much because it is like explaining my inner world to the world trying to kill me. It’s counterproductive to say the least. But it helps sometimes to calm me down when I am sitting in a car dealership waiting area with people swarming around me poisoning me and as I am paying for these people to break my car. I try to avoid paying for destruction but no matter how much I try I still end up doing it every day.

Love Always

Nicole D Graves

How Do Personality Disorders Change Your Brain?

Mental health is a combination of gut bacteria and your brain muscle. If your gut bacteria is balanced, the muscle that is your brain will be toned and developed in a healthy manner. Mental illness is like trying to run a marathon in high heels. You may accomplish it, but it will be harder and extremely painful.

Can you imagine what your leg muscles would look like after training to run a marathon in high heels? That is what your brain muscle looks like when you are mentally ill. Your brain muscle is developed in a manner that makes using it in a healthy manner very difficult. Muscle memory gets you to walk on your tip toes because that’s what it’s used to. Which means mental illness is basically just a bad habit and an addiction. In order to be mentally healthy, you have to use your brain muscle appropriately. You have to train to be mentally healthy.

Personality disorders mean that you do not have a well developed personality or personal reality. Your frontal lobe is where your personality lives in your brain. The frontal lobe is responsible for higher cognitive functions such as memory, emotions, impulse control, problem solving, social interaction, and motor function.

Having a personality disorder means not having a well developed frontal lobe. And the frontal lobe is where things come together in your brain. If your brain is a wood shop, your frontal lobe is where the furniture is actually built. It’s where the magic happens. So, to correct a personality disorder you need to grow your frontal lobe. Which means creating a personality of your own and a personal reality.

People with personality disorders also have an enlarged striatum. This part of your brain is involved in motor control, reward, emotion, and decision-making. You know how people with personality disorders have a hard time regulating their emotions. This is the consequence and the cause. They don’t regulate their emotions and the striatum grows. Which makes it harder to regulate their emotions. It is a cause and effect of emotional dysregulation. The more emotionally unregulated you become, the harder it gets to regulate your emotions. Muscle memory goes into effect. When you train for a marathon in high heels you start walking on your toes even when you don’t think about it or have high heels on.

Another reason the striatum is enlarged is from looking forward to things. People with personality disorders rarely enjoy the moment. They have almost an inability to be present because they are always plotting, planning, and looking forward to things. They use these strategies to try to emotionally regulate. “I’m not happy right now. So, I will do this, this, and this in the future.”

Part of emotional regulation is learning and accepting that not all moments are pleasant or enjoyable. Being mentally healthy means being present in moments that are uncomfortable. You dont have to accept that life will always be uncomfortable. But you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

When you accept something, you no longer have to run from it. Being present in uncomfortable moments is about acceptance and not spending your whole life running from uncomfortable things or situations. Because that running is what perpetuates the discomfort. Running from uncomfortable things is what is uncomfortable. When you accept what is, then you can move forward and change things. Rather than be stuck in a mental health spiral.

Also, having an enlarged striatum effects your dopamine levels. Because the striatum is your reward center. When you look forward to something you produce a large amount of dopamine. So, looking forward to things is a rush and makes everyone happy. But the kicker is when you actually get to that moment or event your brain does not produce as much dopamine. Looking forward to something creates more of a dopamine rush than actually experiencing the event or thing. This is how personality disorders get set up for disappointment. They look forward to things constantly, but are always disappointed when it happens. They seem impossible to please because they don’t know how to manage their neurotransmitters or expectations.

The only way to overcome this lack of dopamine from looking forward to things is by learning to be present in the moment. Being present in the moment can also produce a rush of neurotransmitters. But if you are constantly looking forward, rather than being in the moment, you will not get this rush of neurotransmitters. Constantly looking forward to things, but not knowing how to enjoy and be in the moment kills your joy. Because it is dysregulating your dopamine levels.

This is also where our c diff infections come into play. C. Diff dysregulates our dopamine and this causes addiction. Learning how to overcome personality disorders is about learning how to get high on life and regulate your neurotransmitters, especially dopamine.

There are countless cause and effect scenarios happening in everyone’s brain all the time. But people with personality disorders have not learned how to regulate these causes and effects. Your brain is a muscle. You just have to learn how to train it.

How Is Common Sense Different From Common Knowledge?

Common sense comes from using your senses. If you ignore your senses and feelings you will not have common sense. Common sense is no longer common in the modern world, because people ignore their feelings. They think being grown up is about ignoring the feelings and signals from their nervous system. When in actuality, true intelligence comes from learning how to decipher and interpret these feelings and signals.

Your nervous system carries signals from your senses to your gut. And your gut deciphers those signals and sends the information to your brain. Your digestive tract is where you have the most nerve cells in your body. You know that gut feeling? That is your nervous system deciphering signals from your senses.

Common knowledge on the other hand, is knowledge that most people know and are aware of. Just because something is common knowledge does not make it true. Actually, it is highly likely that it is untrue or destructive if it is common knowledge. You have to consider the source.

The average American is poor, fat, sick, and divorced. Common knowledge is what has lead to this state of being for the common American. If you want to live like a common American by all means listen to common knowledge. Because that is how they got to where they are.

Social norms are common knowledge. They are not common sense. Social norms have been designed to destroy and enslave us. Social norms lead to people being a common American. And the common American is poor, fat, sick, and divorced.

An example would be breeding. It doesn’t make sense to have children when you cannot afford to care for them adequately. Yet, common knowledge leads people to have children. Even when they cannot afford them and it becomes a stressful hardship for all involved.

Another example, is most marriages end in divorce. So common sense says that if you get married it will most likely end in divorce. Yet, people still do it without preparing for the consequences.

Another example of a social norm is we are taught to be kind and forgiving. But common sense says you shouldn’t be nice or near people who hurt you. Forgiving someone who hurt you, just gives them the opportunity to hurt you again. Plus, when you are nice to someone who hurt you it creates a trauma bond and Stockholm syndrome. Which creates a death spiral in your mental health setting you up to have abusive relationships throughout your life. The absolute last thing you should do to someone who hurt you is be nice and forgive them.

Common sense is logical. Common knowledge is not always logical. Just as feelings are logical. And emotions are often illogical. When you take your emotions and filter them through your critical logical mind you get feelings. Your feelings are trustworthy. Your emotions are not.

Common knowledge is just like emotions. You need to filter common knowledge through your critical logical mind to turn it into common sense. Common sense is trustworthy. It’s logical. And common sense is no longer common. So you may be unlike everyone around you if you use common sense. But common sense is your only protection from ending up like the commoner who is poor, fat, sick, and divorced.

Destruction Overview Cliffsnotes version by Nicole D Graves(Updated Feb 2024)

What you need know

1. My birthrights trump everyone’s. I am second on the Graves side of the family, second on the Kudearoff side of the family, and both my parents are #2s. Plus, my Dads older sister does not have children and has never been married. So, I inherit her birthrights from the Graves & Bennit family. My grandma and Dad’s Mom, Laverne Lippe(originally Bennit) and her two parents Mr. and Mrs Hitler. Yes, my great grandpa who lived in Texas was Hitler. Plus my Grandpa Dawsia Graves and his two parents. By birthright I am more powerful than both my Dad, Brother, and Uncle Norm in Idaho or anyone in the Kudearoff family, even my Aunt Lana. She only has my grandma Kudearoff’s birthright. My Grandpa Kudearoffs went to my uncle Nick that’s why he was killed.

2. Learned helplessness is a lie. It’s a systemic Candida & C Diff bacteria infection. You are powerful, you just have an infection. And you inherited it from your Mom, so you have never known how powerful you truly are.

3. There is a covert genocide of Hispanic, Black, Italian, and Asian people, but it is done using food so it effects us all.

4. The systems are set up to hijack your humanity by changing the way you process Oxytocin. This inhibits your ability to feel love and enables you to commit crimes against humanity more willingly. Sociopaths aren’t born they are made. This is how my family makes them.

5. There is a worldwide epigenetic trigger of Autism, Dyslexia, other learning disabilities, and all chronic illness. This is done with many factors, but the main three are omega 3 to omega 6 ratios, immunizations, and antibiotics.

Autism is caused by the antibiotic resistant bacteria called C Diff. This is also what causes addiction because it changes the way your brain processes dopamine. Addictuon is just an antibiotic resistant infection.

Dyslexia is caused by an overabundance of omega 6 during pregnancy when the nervous system is being created and formed. And the negative epigenetic triggers of dyslexia and gene mutations make it hard for you all to access your logical brain. Instead of asking why when given an order, you ask yourself how you will carry out the order and do the thing. My family created the super soldiers they always wanted.

This is also why the 90s kids and younger are hard to relate to and seem so odd to those of us who are older. They have more dyslexic gene mutations and epigenetic triggers. Which makes them creative brain based and more predisposed to emotional addiction.

The more you partake in the war games the more negative epigenetic triggers you will have. And the more you will be cut off from your logical brain and predisposed to emotional addiction and not knowing who you are. It’s hard to have a sense of self when addicted to your emotions and unable to logically think about why you do the things you do. Focusing on how you do things wont lead you to figuring yourself out. You have to ask yourself why you do things. And why comes from your logical brain. You all have been conditioned and genetically modified to not ask why because it makes you the perfect soldier and easy to control/manipulate.

6. Due to all the negative epigenetic triggers we are experiencing our children are born with gene mutations. So every generation is a lesser than version of human. If you have kids you are helping my family create their very own subhuman slave race. This is why they hand out privilege for having children.

Negative epigenetic triggers in you lead to gene mutations in your children. Epigenetics can be changed, gene mutations are forever.

7. The systems are set up to make us all fail. No amount of privilege will save you from the destruction of the systems. Even the people who created the system of destruction cannot escape from the destruction of the systems they created. My Dad is dying from colon cancer from the food system, C Diff, and the MTHFR gene mutation.

8. I escaped a death camp in southern Arizona and started this revolution in March 2021, you need to join. I have driven to present this news update to people from the Mexico border all the way up to Bellingham, Washington. And these people have helped me reach the world.

The farmers, the world leaders, and the fancy oil families have all helped me stay alive. I would have died a long time ago without great help. They all want to help me create a new royal family to push my family out of power. And they understand I want to free you all and myself. They want to be free too. But I can’t do this without your help.

9. I need your help spreading awareness, especially to the younger generations 90’s kids and younger. These are the people who are impacted the most by the epigenetic triggers and gene mutations.

These are the creative brain based generations we need to help us figure out how to reverse the subhuman slave race and free ourselves. They literally were genetically modified to help us figure out how.

People like me with Asperger’s were designed to figure out why because we are logic brain based. But the younger generations were designed for how. We may not fully understand them, but they know more than we ever will be able to understand. They see things we don’t see. Because they can create something out of nothing.

10. Your gut bacteria is warred on by all the systems creating brain damage and damage to your Amyglada which causes you to be in a constant state of unconscious fear. This is to keep you small. Sometimes this is experienced by feeling an overwhelming stress all the time and a hunger that never really goes away or is satisfied. And these feelings intensify in the winter.

To correct this you need to take vitamin K2 and work on your gut health. Free floating calcium in your bloodstream can lead to confusion,  dementia, and Alzheimers. Plus, c diff needs calcium to germinate. So the more you limit the free floating calcium in your bloodstream, the more you will help reduce your c diff infection, anxiety, and brain damage. Plus, this will strengthen your teeth and bones.

Vitamin K2 is better than benzos or anxiety medication. Try it with half a teaspoon of cream of tartar(potassium) and feel how relaxed humans are supposed to be.

11. I am looking for alliances in this revolution and new world. I have the words for the destruction, the knowledge on how to heal and the power to change everything. Plus, I have built a revolutionary army that surpasses all divisions of people who believe in potential. It’s literally an army of the best and the brightest. However, until I have someone in my corner in the overt world I can’t do much more for any of us. I am only one person and I am human too.

12. The Kudearoffs are currently without power. My Moms generation outlived their power. They killed my Grandma Kudearoff when she was almost 58. My Mom turned 68 this summer. I’m pretty sure you are not allowed to outlive the people you kill to steal their power. So this would apply to my Dad too. I’m not sure how old my Grandpa Graves was when they killed him, but my Dad is 72 almost 73. Which is way older than my Grandpa Graves ever got to be.

13. Stay tuned for more information updates I need to be able to communicate with you all so I can help you overcome the destruction of the systems. My revolutionary people have created a relay system to broadcast my radio waves worldwide. Find a way to get all your people tuned in. Plus I write a blog get all your people tuned in.

14. Water is the greatest tool of destruction, disease, and brainwashing. Not only does water have poisons and the wrong ph and spike your insulin, but the chlorine and antibiotics in it allow for our bodies to be drained of zinc and magnesium. These are the cofactors needed to produce enzymes in our bodies. Without enzymes we are unable to absorb nutrients from our food. This is why we are a world of overweight people who are starving/malnourished. Also, when people are malnourished they are more susceptible to suggestion and brain washing(the war games is just a series of covert suggestions). And malnourished people enjoy the pain of others because their brains are not getting what they need to function correctly. So with every shower you take your humanity is going down the drain.

15. My family covertly started world war 3 in the 1970s. They plan on building the Mexican Berlin wall soon. This is the wall Trump was talking about.

16. You know how people fake laugh all the time? This is to get you addicted to heard mentality and valuing the heard above yourself. Social laughter lights up your brain with dopamine and many other feel good chemicals. It is similar to mammals who partake in grooming each other. However with our c diff infections that alter the way our brains process dopamine causing addiction, social laughter causes us to become addicted to heard mentality. Valuing what the heard believes above what we value ourselves. This is why so many people never know who they really are. They just accept who they are told they are and who they are supposed to be.

17. My family has us all surrounded. They have created a caste system of fancy families who profit off the war games and turning us into a subhuman slave race. These people surround us and are my family’s cult members. They are easy to identify because they follow the playbooks to my family’s cult(stay tuned and I will give it to you)and act like them. Often pretending to be Gods, but really they just have cluster b personality disorders.

These fancy families control what all comes in and out of cities worldwide. And they surround us, policing us to make sure we stay within the role we have been assigned to play within the caste system they have created. These are the people who have been my family’s right hand men. And these are the people who have profited off of our pain and turning us all into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

I’m not sure if it should make you feel better or worse. But I have yet to find a fancy family who fully understood what they were doing.

18. My Mom and Dad taught me to do the edges first when I did puzzles because the rest falls into place easier this way. My family has done the edges of most countries because the rest will fall into place easier. Not only does my family have the cities surrounded by controlling the fancy families, but they control what comes in and out of many countries and cities by controlling the edges. They don’t need to be an overt leader to control a country or the world if they can control what goes in and out of a country/city.

19. I have worked with the Mexican mafias to redirect their drug trafficking to include people who do not support the Mexican Berlin wall being built. My family had them in a position where they were fund raising for their own demise. But the thing is they are doing this to all of us. We are all raising money to build the systems that destroy us all. The medical industry is a perfect example. It doesn’t intend to heal any of us. Just to enslave and destroy us. And to create great profits and pain as it kills us.

20. Tv, media, social media, music, your phone, social norms, traditions, pleasantries, etc are all used to keep us all in a trance state which is a form of hypnosis. Turn your phone on airplane mode, stop talking to people, dont listen to music or watch TV and see how you change after a couple days. It’s incredibly uncomfortable because we are addicted to this shared delusion we all are engulfed in and conditioned to believe is reality. We are at war and your body knows it, but your mind says everything looks okay you must be wrong. If we aren’t at war why are people so unhealthy? Why do people enjoy destruction so much if we arent at war? We are at war and your body knows.

You know how when my family sends people with their dogs and children to police and walk the neighborhoods and they do that small talk that is so uncomfortable and empty feeling? That is part of how you are put into a trance and your guard is put down. You know how some people in the professional world act so nice and kind, but your body tells you they are preying on you? That is how you are put in a state of hypnosis. Listen to your body. Your body feels the war, your mind just questions it because everyone pretends and acts like they are good people and this is all normal. None of this is normal. People kill people they claim to love to steal their birthrights. Drinking water, eating food, and breathing the air makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. This is not normal. And this is me starting a conversation about it all. This is war. We have to admit to our problems before we can solve them.

21. There is bad bacteria and viruses in gas and diesel. So every time you drive your car, mow your lawn, etc you are spewing pathogens into the air and universe so we all breath it in. This goes into our bodies and creates infections. This is why heart disease is a #1 killer. We all have systemic infections that involve all of our organs. Specifically you breath in the bad bacteria and it makes itself at home in your nose and mouth, gut, and then travels to your heart and reproductive organs. This causes heart disease, gingivitis, autoimmune diseases, and infertility among numerous other things. Every time you breath you are breathing in bad bacteria.

22. Paper products have bad bacteria on them. This is why my family sends people to the store to buy toilet paper and napkins. They have bad bacteria on them that contribute to our infections which erode our epigenetics and make us more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. Plus the bad bacteria makes its way to your reproductive organs and heart and gut through toilet paper. Also, when you have sex with people you share infections and bad bacteria. This is why my family sent so many people to buy toilet paper when covid hit.

23. Lumber and countless other building materials and things have bad bacteria on them. Your house is a weapon of destruction meant to cause disease.

Materialism can actually kill you. Because your things grow bad bacteria and cause infection in your body. If you partake in poisons that means your things are a weapon used against you.

24. I have been homeless since I escaped the death camp in Southern Arizona in March 2021. I rarely take concentration camp showers at planet fitness because they add poison and bad bacteria to the water even more so. My family won’t let me work. I have my Oregon real estate license and Oregon insurance license( I was a realtor in AZ). I can’t do anything for you all if my fanily continues to make the world treat me like a leper. I only experience people in my overt life who have signed up to poison and kill me. Everyday I sit around as a prisoner of war waiting to be freed or to die. My whole life I have been a prisoner of war. I am 43 years old.

All I need is a normal ordinary life to help you all overcome the destruction for generations to come. I have no interest in being fancy or pretending to be a God like my family. I just want and need to be a normal ordinary person. My family has always kept me from being normal and ordinary my whole life.

If I die before menopause my Dad will steal my eggs and create my children without my mitochondria. Which means they will be like the rest of my family. And he will probably create them with dyslexia so they are easier to control. If I die after menopause, my Dad will clone me. I can only protect you people if I’m alive.

25. My Dad has been hiding war games money in my name at Charles Swabb since I was 10 years old. He is blocking my access to this account. You all need to help me access this money so I can help you become human again on a gene and cellular level. The more secure I am, the more likely I am to be able to stay alive and continue to fight for your freedom. And to have children to continue to protect you all after I’m gone.

26. Medical professionals put bad bacteria in your body. This happens to everyone. But this is how my family’s cult kills people they want to get rid of. This bacteria spreads to your organs and creates disease/chronic illness and organ failure. The people in my family often work in the medical industry. So everytime you seek medical treatment it is like asking people from my family to help you. They have no interest in healing you, only in enslaving and killing you.

They told my Grandma Kudearoff she had lung cancer so they could kill her with medical treatment. Can you really trust the medical industry when in the world my family has created we all have a price to kill another?

27. The poisons from the cars that leaves behind a purple and sometimes blue tint is manganese. This causes all kinds of health issues including heart disease. It’s constantly in the air. We all need to heavy metal cleanse.

Plus there is flouride in water and other heavy metals in food(especially bromide in breads). Everytime you eat in your car or outside you are eating the poisons from cars and heavy metals and bad bacteria. This is why my family gets their cult members to eat in their cars. It creates disease. The more Dysbiosis you have in your gut bacteria the easier you are to brainwash and the more susceptible you are to suggestion because you become malnurished. This covert war is just a series of suggestions.

28. I believe in democracy and I do not want to be a dictator or leader of a communist regime. I’m hoping you all will help me build a democracy. This way I am free and you all are too.

29. I need your help reaching all the leaders of the mixed Russian people. My family keeps calling on them to kill me. These seem to be more normal ordinary people rather than people born into the war games.

30. Your car license plate connects to the war games group you belong to. So I have been exposing people from my family’s cult. If you enjoy the glass house you have built, it’s best not to associate with my family and risk being exposed. This will continue daily until I have a life that allows me the security I need to reverse the destruction.

31. You all need to declare war against the groups still fighting this war for my family. If anything happens to me you all are going to continue to be a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level till the end of time. I am the last person who can protect you from my family. They have killed everyone else that can tell them no.

32. The people who work at grocery stores are killing us and making us subhuman. Because the quickest way to erode someone’s epigenetics, and make them subhuman on a gene and cellular level, is to put poisons and bad bacteria in their food and drinks. My family may be the ones who created this mess, but the people who work at the grocery stores are the ones with our blood on their hands. Food is not produced with this much poison. It arrives to the grocery stores in a cleaner manner.

Most of the people who work at the grocery stores are from the caste system of fancy families who profit off our pain and deaths.

You know how you get bloated after eating sometimes? Well, that’s bad bacteria in the food.  When it is your upper stomach it means it was extremely bad and full of bad bacteria. Beer is a great example. Also, cheese is as well. It makes you constipated because it has the bad bacteria that causes colon cancer. You know how sometimes you get explosive diarrhea? That’s c diff bacteria and others that cause vitamin and mineral malabsorption. When you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria they steal your iron and other vitamins and minerals. Do you have bloating that never goes away, thinning hair, loose skin, etc? Those are signs of malnutrition and low iron and bacterial infections/overgrowth.

If you are constipated you have bacteria that do not produce enough seratonin. Thus you probably are sad or anxious. If you are prone to diarrhea you have gut bacteria that produce too much seratonin. And you are at risk to have seizures if it gets too bad.

All dairy products have intestinal worms /eggs in them. These worms suck your blood from your digestive tract and make you and your immune system weaker. Enzymes and minerals seem to kill them best. Deworming your pets, children, and yourself regularly. Freezing your dairy products will kill these worms and their eggs.
If you doubt me put a glass jar with milk or cream on your counter for two to three weeks covered. Watch the worms grow.

33. When the food system was Genetically modified in the 1980s, they used mutated viruses to change the epigenetics of crops and then create gene mutations just like they did with humans. Remember when the food changed in the mid 1980s?

Conventionally raised animals eat these genetically modified plants/grains with bad bacteria/viruses. So bad bacteria is in plants, meat, and dairy even before the grocery store people poison it.

Most of these strains of bad bacteria are aimed at creating insulin resistance directly. However, all bad bacteria causes insulin resistance indirectly because the more infection in your body the harder it is for your body to balance your blood sugar.

33. There is more protein in foods than the nutrition label states and eating protein is pushed on us not only because it inhibits our bodies from recycling old damaged cells and spikes insulin, but because it prohibits our guts from producing serotonin. And serotonin helps regulate our immune system and eliminate inflammation on top of making us feel good. Humans need serotonin for homeostasis. So this is part of why people are so willing to destroy each other and why we are constantly looking for a head change. Chocolate, sugar, coffee, ice cream, heroin, marijuana, destroying another, shopping etc. If we had the neurotransmitters we need to feel and be human we wouldn’t be looking to get high all the time.

This is what causes carb cravings. You eat the carbs and often they have too much protein and dont give your body what it needed to produce serotonin and so those cravings intensify. You have to eat carbs on an empty stomach without much protein and have the nutrients needed as building blocks for serotonin like magnesium. You know how when you eat bread before a meal you fill up really quickly? That’s serotonin. Have you read the nutrition facts on the bread aisle? They put so much protein in bread because it blocks our bodies from getting what they really need. Have you noticed how butter changed in the past 5 years? It has protein in it because milk products stimulate serotonin. Have you noticed name brand potato chips have more protein than store brand potato chips? Have you noticed in the past 2 years Albertsons and Safeway stopped carrying store brand potato chips? This is also probably why they put arsenic in rice grown in California. And its probably why Asian people who eat rice daily live longer and have healthier lives.

This is also part of why so many Americans have kidney disease. Too much protein is bad for the kidneys. Plus, c diff attacks our kidneys, insulin resistance strains our kidneys, and the alkaline ph of water and drinks also stresses our kidneys. Kidneys represent fear and anxiety in Chinese medicine. If you feel fear and/or anxiety you need to support your kidneys.

34. Financial domination is how my family keeps us all under control and in line. We all fear having everything taken away at any moment. Leaving us to never be able to fully enjoy anything because there is always a worry of loss in the background.

Security is a basic human need. When humans do not have their basic human needs meet they are hurt. Hurt people hurt people. You know that saying “You are in a world of hurt.” Well my family keeps us all in a world of hurt because it’s easier to control us that way.

My family has been rigging the stock market since I was in 6th grade. Don’t listen to everything everyone says. You have been set up to fail on multiple levels. And to blame yourself for failing.
35. This revolution needs to reach the fancy families that are in my family’s cult. These are the people my family uses to enslave us all. And they have no clue what is really happening because they are sheltered from everything. Do you really think they would sign up to be a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level? Their money helps them stay more human, but it doesn’t make them exempt from the destruction. If we can reach them, we can become human again.


37. Connect me with the families in charge of the regular Americans. I need to speak with all your leaders nationwide.

38. Let everyone know when the communication hubs in Salem or Berlin ask you all to do something they are speaking for me. Without them I would be dead. Honor their requests immediately.

39. I expect all leaders to punish their people who have signed up to kill me and perpetuate the Truman show my family creates around me. No one signs up to be near me to cause anything good to happen. I can’t do much from this Truman show to help you all get better. And that is my family’s intentions. They want you all to continue to be their subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level till the end of time. For that to happen they have to isolate and kill me first. Which is what your people are signing up to do by being around me.

Also, take into account that anyone using their car as a weapon and releasing pathogens and poisons into the environment and atmosphere is enslaving you and your children on a gene and cellular level. What would you do to someone trying to enslave you and your own children?

40. You need to sprinkle Epsom salt and liquid iodine everywhere you go, but especially around where you live and work. This will allow the air to have more minerals and help us all become more human on a gene and cellular level. Also, it will allow our food to have more minerals. And it will help battle the pathogens and poisons in the air currently making us all more subhuman with every breath we take.

41. I have created programs to help you all reverse the brainwashing that started with my great Grandpa Hitler. There are also audio recordings to go along with these written programs(reach out to the communication hubs in Salem and Berlin to get access to recordings). I expect all leaders to make their people participate in these.

Your brain starts downloading programs during the third trimester of pregnancy before you are born. And for the first 7 years of your life you are in a state of hypnosis. But the catch is that this programming is in your subconscious mind. So you dont even know  you have been set up to self destruct. And we inherit these programs from our family. So if you have relatives that were Nazi SS soldiers or if you have relatives who were in concentration camps you have the most destructive programming in your subconscious. This is brainwashing. And we have to reverse it in order to live good lives and be healthy.

42. If you are a leader outside Eugene/Springfield, you need to send people here to watch over your people. My family leads by example and brainwashing. Which means your people here have been conditioned to not be loyal to where they cone from just like my family. Your people may not be malicious, but they have almost killed me before I could reach you all. And that would have lead to you all being a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level till the end of time without knowing it. It’s safe to bet your people here need to be watched over closely. They are a danger to themselves and especially you all.

43. Race is a social construct used to control you. There is no scientific test for race. Yes, there are tests to see where your ancestors most likely lived. But those are not 100% accurate because people travel and move. Race is just apart of this stupid imaginary game. And it’s a way to divide and control you. Divide and conquer.

P.S. If one of you all can help me become a National news update so I can reach all the people I would super appreciate it. Or if you can get me back into all the grocery store news updates I would appreciate that. Anyway you can help me reach more people I appreciate.

How Can My Gut Bacteria Change Your Life?

The destruction of the world is rooted in genes, epigenetics, and viruses. However, in order for the destruction to work your gut bacteria has to be subpar and destroyed. Follow along with me carefully because this involves many chain reactions with cause and effect. The damage you all have  to your brains, in your frontal lobe, prohibits you all from seeing and understanding cause and effect.

Disbiosis is when you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut and microbiome. This is how all disease is created. Life is about balance and you are a bug. You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. You are a collective of organisms and you are not even mostly human. You are a bug. So when your bugs are out of balance you get sick. Your immune system is the collective of good bugs you have to keep you healthy. They fight to keep you healthy because they want to be healthy and have a good home. You are their home. These bugs are you. And they fight to keep you alive because they want to stay alive.

Gene mutations are a problem in themselves. But one of the chain reactions they cause is that they make you more prone to disbiosis. Which is an of overgrowth of bad bugs that cause disease. So the more gene mutations you have, the more bad bugs you will have. Because it will be easier for them to make themselves at home in your body. The more gene mutations you have, the more disbiosis you have. Which means the more gene mutations you have, the more disease you will have.

Epigenetics are directly effected by your gut bacteria and microbiome. The more disbiosis you have the more dysfunctional your mitochondria will be in every cell of your body. Dysfunctional mitochondria is the root source of modern day diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Disease is epigenetic. Only 6 diseases in the whole world are purely genetic. The disease we experience in the modern day world is epigenetic and caused by mitochondria dysfunction.

The mitochondria in each cell of your body writes messages into those cells. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday as you create new cells in your body your gut bacteria and microbiome directly effect the health of the mitochondria in each of those new cells. And the messages those mitochondria write add up to be your epigenetics. Everyday you are becoming more optimally human or more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level based on the messages written by mitochondria in the cells of your body. Every few years every cell in your body is replaced. Your epigenetics are constantly in motion, never staying the same. Because your environment is constantly changing. Nothing ever stays completely the same. And this is a blessing. Because it means you can become more optimal of a human on a gene and cellular level everyday. And if you do this everyday for long enough you will see great changes. Everyday is hope for better.

There are viruses called phages. These phages eat strains of bacteria. What my family has done is create phages that eat the strains of your good gut bacteria. This makes you vulnerable to the destruction of the world. These are some of the viruses in the poisons you people use everyday on yourselves and others. And because you have been doing this for generations, these viruses surround us in our environment, aka the world.

These phages that eat your good gut bacteria have caused some strains of good gut bacteria to go extinct. Which you can guess is not good. Gut bacteria is about balance. But it is also about ratios and diversity. Just like genetic diversity trumps all, gut bug diversity also trumps all. Being healthy isn’t about eliminating the bad bugs. Its about having as many different strains as possible and having more good gut bugs than bad. The bad bugs won’t hurt you unless they outnumber the good bugs. Having a little exposure to bad bugs actually makes you stronger. Because your immune system will know how to fight those bad bugs. This is how immunizations work. They give you a little bad bugs and your body learns how to fight those bugs, keeping you safe. So, the goal is not to eliminate all the bad bugs, that would make our immune system weak. The goal is to have great diversity and as many strains as possible while consistently having more good bugs than bad bugs.

The biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game is in all the different poisons you all use. Yes, they have chemical poisons, heavy metals, bad bacteria, and viruses. But the part that is really destroying us all and our gut bacteria is the phages. The viruses that attack and eliminate our good gut bacteria.

My whole life people from all different groups have signed up to destroy me for privilege. On this revolution, every group in the world signed up to destroy and kill me group by group. This means I have been exposed to all the biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game. Which means my gut bacteria is like an immunization to the biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game.

Plus, people like me with Autism have more of a diverse microbiome. Which means I have more strains of bugs. Plus, I have Asperger’s. Which means I have more strains of bacteria that make me smart and able to use my brain optimally. So, the phages my family created to attack our good gut bacteria do not effect me the same way they do you all. Because I have more strains of rare bacteria. So my gut bacteria is able to flourish still.

Also, I have never poisoned anyone and I am not mentally ill. Mental illness is from your gut bacteria. You all pretend to be like my family and poison yourselves and others. This erodes your gut bacteria making you mentally, which changes the way you use the muscle that is your brain. In order to fix mental illness, you have to use your brain muscle differently. Which can be done by changing your gut bacteria. Your gut bacteria determines how you use the muscle that is your brain. You know how old people get atrophy in their muscles? Well, the healthy parts of your brain muscle are atrophied and some were never developed to begin with. To develop a muscle you have to exercise it. Your brain is a muscle.

So add all of these things together and what do you get? If I farm bacteria and share my gut bacteria with you all, it will help you correct your mental illness and use your brain more optimally. It will give you an immunization to the biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game. It will allow you to have more gut bacteria diversity. Allowing you a stronger immune system and helping you overcome the gene mutations you have. Plus most importantly, it will improve your epigenetics making you more human on a gene and cellular level.

By sharing my gut bacteria with you all, I would be giving you a shortcut to overcoming the destruction you have  waged on yourselves and the world for generations. And I bet you are thinking how could she share her gut bacteria with me? There are so many people in the world, how would I be able to get some of this bacteria?

Well, I have spoken with the farmers and they have agreed to help me fix the destruction of the world. Which means fixing your gut bacteria. All we would have to do is give dairy cows a fecal transplant with my pooh and they would have my bacteria. Then you would drink the milk and get my bugs. This is very accessible to everyone. It took me awhile to figure this one out.

But here is the deal. I need to go home. Las Vegas is my home. I need a house and a career. And I need a normal ordinary life where I have some time to cultivate my gut bacteria and overcome you people trying to destroy and kill me for 43 years. I have no desire to play this stupid imaginary game or to be a communist dictator. But I will protect you all from everyone else who wants to destroy you and be a communist dictator. In the 1900s, 4 people in my family became Dictators. Everyone in my family aspires to destroy and boss you people around. I may not want to be a communist dictator, but I sure as hell am not going to let anyone else be one. I will probably never add up to all the things you people expect from me. But I will offer you freedom if you free me. And I have had 43 years of being a prisoner of war to figure a lot of things out. I hope to share these things with you.

I have consciously cultivated my gut bacteria for over 20 years just to survive you people. You know how people with Asperger’s have special interests? Well, I love gut bacteria. And it seems we all can profit from this interest of mine. Help me go home and get a normal ordinary life and I will help you all be human on a gene and cellular level in ways you never imagined. What would it feel like to be smart like me? You all can find out if you help me, help you.

How Can You Have To Earn Things If You Are Born Deserving and Worthy?

You are born deserving and worthy. Anything you are willing to work towards, you are deserving and worthy of. However, often you cannot accomplish everything on your own. This means you have to earn the help or aid of another in order to obtain some of the things you are deserving and worthy of.

No one was born to be a slave. But this means no one was born to be your slave. So if you want the help of another in obtaining what you are deserving and worthy of you have to make it a win win situation. Aka you have to make it a symbiotic relationship.

You are born deserving and worthy. But sometimes you have to earn the help of others to obtain those things.

How To Tell If Someone Is Knowledgeable Or Intelligent?

People who are knowledgeable obtain a lot of facts, aka knowledge. They memorize and retain information. And they repeat this information. There is no original thought in being knowledgeable. It is mimicry.

People who are intelligent also obtain facts and information. But they put together this information in ways to explore the unknown. We learn about the unknown through intelligence. Intelligence is problem solving and connecting the dots. Pattern recognition and putting together logic puzzles is intelligence. Something cannot become knowledge until it is known.

Einstein was intelligent. Issac Newton was Intelligent. They took facts and knowledge and put them together in ways never done before to create knowledge on the unknown.

Memorizing facts is not intelligence. Anyone can memorize facts with enough repetition. Science says it takes about 66 repetitions to cement something into your subconscious mind. Being knowledgable is something everyone can accomplish without ever having an original thought.

Original thought is intelligence. Intelligence is putting things together in a way never done before to explain the unknown to make it known.

How Can Love Never Be Selfless?

Love is a social construct. But self is also a social construct. We have talked about how your ego is just a reaction to the environment and the roles pushed upon you. So, when you think of self, you are often thinking of your ego. But you are not your ego. Your ego is a reaction. And you are a being, a human being.

What is a human being? A human being is a collective of organisms. As a human being you are more parasite, virus, and bacteria cells than you are human cells. So, as a human being you are a collective of organisms. And most of your cells are not even human.

Microcosm-macrocosm is when you learn about the world to learn about yourself. Or when you learn about yourself, you learn about the world. So, what is Earth? Earth is just a collective of organisms. Just like human beings are a collective of organisms. We are all connected.

So, when we talk about the person you were born to be, we are talking about a being that is a collective of organisms. But this collective of organisms also belongs to a larger collective of organisms called Earth. We are all connected. This is oneness. We are taught to find this feeling in many spiritual practices. But rarely is it ever explained logically. We are a collective of organisms that belongs to an even larger collective of organisms. And this is where the idea of oneness comes from. It’s not a spiritual made up thing. It’s a fact and science.

So, if we are all connected because we all belong to the collective of organisms that is called Earth, than no act of love or kindness can technically be selfless. Because we are all connected. If we help another organism, we will benefit. Because we are all connected. So, there really is no self. And there is certainly no selfless love. All love is based on self interest. Because we are all one.

How To End Violence Worldwide

Violence is a result of immaturity. And it symbolizes a lack of self awareness. Therefore in order to end violence we all have to grow up and become aware of ourselves as a world and a collective. We can’t overcome worldwide violence without worldwide growth.

First, we need to become aware of violence in ourselves. It’s not good or bad. It just is. Awareness isn’t about judgement. It is about being aware. When you start judging, it is no longer awareness. It is judgement.

Why do we experience violence? Violence normally stems from some form of anger. We are angry our lives are in danger, so we lash out. We are angry our rights are stepped on. We are angry our freedoms are disregarded or belittled. We are angry our worldviews or opinions are not acknowledged. From anger stems violence.

So what is the root cause of anger? Anger is a secondary emotion. It is the result of being hurt. So when we act with anger in violence, it is because we are hurt. We fear for our lives and that hurts us. So we act out in anger and violence. Hurt is the primary emotion behind violence. Violence can be boiled down to hurt. Hurt people, hurt people. Because they are acting out that hurt as anger and violence.

Being grown up means seeing your actions as they really are. When you act out in anger and violence, you are doing so because you are hurt. And anger and violence is rarely if ever going to make that hurt go away. Most of the time it just perpetuates that hurt and continues it indefinitely.

An example would be myself. I so very badly want to lash out at the world and hurt you all. Because you have destroyed and hurt me in any way possible not just on this revolution, but throughout my 43 years of life. I am hurt by you all. And it logically makes sense that I want to lash out and hurt you all. It is completely logical and easy to understand. When someone hurts us we want to hurt them back. It is apart of Darwinism and survival of the fittest. An animal in the wild doesn’t just let another wild animal attack and kill it. The animal fights back and defends itself. It’s natural to fight back. It’s programmed in us to fight back. It’s darwinism. We are supposed to fight back.

But we also are designed to pay attention to our hierarchy of needs. We need to prioritize the things we need most. And we need to do what it takes to get those things.

If I lash out and hurt the world as the world has hurt me and I fight back as I am designed to do, I am never going to get my hierarchy of needs fulfilled. I would be forfeiting my dreams, goals, and potential. So yes, it is within my rights as a human being to fight back and hurt you all as you all have hurt me. But if I choose to do so I am forfeiting the things that matter most to me.

My dreams, goals, and potential are way higher on my hierarchy of needs than fighting back. It doesn’t make me weak to not fight back. It makes me stronger than any person in my family has ever been. I understand if I fight back I am acting on my hurt. And in doing that I would jeopardize and forfeit the things I really want in life.

Anger and violence come down to a decision. Do you want to act out on your hurt? Or do you want to be a grown up and do what is in your best interest so you can fulfill your hierarchy of needs?

Do you want to be stuck in the pattern of allowing your hurt to control and dictate your actions? Or do you want to act on self interest and what is best for you?

Granted this doesn’t mean allowing other people to attack and kill you. But it means fighting back in a way that allows you to meet your own needs without perpetuating violence.

Do you want what you really need? Or do you want to be petty and act out in violence because you are hurt and dont know how to be grown up and do what is in your best interest?

Violence is rarely ever in anyone’s best interest. And often people dont even understand that they are getting in the way of their dreams, goals, and potential by acting in violence.

How To Heal Your Cancer, Especially Children’s Cancer

If you or your child have cancer there are three things you need to fix.

#1 Stop poisoning yourself and your children.

#2 Fix your or your child’s subconscious beliefs.
The easiest way to do this is with you and I statements on a recording before bed and first thing in the morning.

#3 Fix gut bacteria with natural antibiotics and antifungals on a rotation. Plus, pharmaceutical worm pills are amazing at killing cancer. You can get these in quantities by crossing the border into Mexico. No prescription is needed and get different brands to rotate. This will help deal with tolerance.

Fixing gut bacteria is about killing bad bugs and growing good bugs. Yes, this can be done with food. But if cancer or any kind of chronic illness is present then you need to use food and natural antibiotics and antifungals. Prescription worm medication is not 100% necessary. But it is really effective and fast acting and often cheaper than herbs when bought in Mexico.

You will need to change your diet and eat fermented foods you make yourself. This is as easy as leaving milk out on the counter for a day or two. But you will also need to create different mixes of natural antibiotics and antifungals to overcome tolerance. When you take a natural antibiotic or antifungal, your body develops a tolerance. This is homeostasis in action. To overcome this you need to switch medicines/herbs every 5 to 10 days. It works best if you have 3-4 different mixtures you take. And remember when mixing natural antibiotics and antifungals mixing different kinds multiples the effects. They dont just add to the effects of each other, they multiply.

Also, try to keep as many of the natural antibiotics and antifungals as ones that do not kill your good bugs. This is not always possible, because some of the really strong killers kill all bugs. This is why it is important to eat fermented foods daily. Also, a mix of fermented foods are best. And no fermented foods with red spices. Those grow antibiotic resistant bacteria.

A treatment example:

Everyday:  high dose vitamin C, high dose lysine powder( 2/day 30 minutes before meals), high dose iodine, high dose calicum, high dose vitamin D

First Rotation:
Rx worm pills 2-3/day for 5 to 7 days

Second Rotation:
Turmeric oil(powder has oxalates and hurts your kidneys), fresh garlic chopped finely and let sit for couple minutes and swallow, caprylic acid, oregano oil … 2-3/day for 5 to 7 days

Third Rotation:
Woodworm, black walnut, aloe vera … 2-3/day for 5 to 7 days

Beware of grapeseed extract it works but it turns on MTHFR gene mutation that most of us have. All grapefruit things do this. So no grapefruit regularly.

This is just an example, but this is how I healed my cancer. If you can’t get rx worm pills, then just do three different mixes of natural antibiotics and antifungals. Try as many different kinds as possible because some will work better for you then others. Notice the ones that make you feel better and keep those ones in rotation. Rotating the 3 different mixes is what allows them to actually kill the bad bugs. And eating fermented foods is what helps you build more good bugs as you kill the bad bugs.

Lysine actually physically prohibits viruses from replicating. And most cancers and autoimmune diseases are caused by viruses. However, getting your gut bacteria in check is what will allow for remission and continued health after you kill off the cancer. It is probably best to continue some kind of mild treatment for a couple years afterwards. Maybe just taking a few natural antibiotics and antifungals in a rotation all the time. Buying herbs in bulk and making your own supplements is way more cost effective then buying them premade.

However, if you do not fix your subconscious beliefs you will not get better. On average science says it takes about 66 repetitions to rewire your brain completely. And again it is best to continue rewiring your brain for a couple years to really get it all in there solidly.

This will not only heal cancer it will heal most autoimmune diseases.

Also, it is great to add in some binders. Binders are substances that get heavy metals and toxins out of your body. Chorella, aloe vera, activated charcoal(do not take at same time with herbs or vitamins), high dose vitamin C, diatomaceous earth food grade are a few of my favorites. Beware of spirulina because it is high in arginine and grows the viruses in your body. Which is very counterproductive.

This is the blueprint for treating pretty much any kind of modern illness. Disease is epigenetic. There are only 6 diseases in the world that are caused by genes alone. So by changing your environment you can overcome epigenetics diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Your body is your environment.

Love Is Self Interest and Transactional

Love is based on self interest and is transactional. But we are often told love is self sacrificing and given freely. Love is a social construct, just like race. Our culture often tells us the beliefs to have on love, just as with everything else.

First, what is love? How do you define love? Love is the act of caring for someone over and over. When someone shows a pattern of caring for us and doing what is in our best interest, we say this person loves us. Love is a verb. Love is the act of caring for someone over and over. Love is the establishment of a pattern in behavior.

Why do we love our parents as children? If love is about self interest, why do we seem to be born loving our parents and family? Because we are trying to survive. If we love our parents they are more likely to like us and care for us. We love our parents even if they destroy us, because we are trying to survive. And if we can get them to love us our chances of survival improve as children.

Love is about self interest. As a human you are designed to survive. We love our parents to improve our chances of survival as children. But if you have a parent that destroys you and you continue to view destruction as love your chances of survival decrease dramatically.

Love is not manipulative. When someone cares for you in order to get a certain result that is in their best interest, but not in yours, this is manipulation. Love and the act of caring for someone over and over means doing things that are in their best interest.

Say you have a partner, and this person likes to get you coffee and food all the time. This seems like it’s in your best interest. And it’s a caring act. However, if that person only likes to get you coffee and food so they can poison you. Then it’s not caring. It’s destructive and manipulative. Love is not manipulative or destructive.

The next thing that comes to mind is why would we love someone if we don’t get to manipulate them? What’s in it for us? When you create a pattern of caring for someone over and over to create a loving relationship and bond, they will also create a pattern of caring for you over and over. Love is based on self interest. It’s pretty impossible to love someone who destroys you or manipulates you. This is because they are not creating the pattern of caring for you over and over. It’s pretty impossible to love someone who doesn’t care for you.

Love is a two way street. Love is the combination of two people creating a pattern of caring for each other over and over with their actions. If someone doesn’t do caring acts for you, you will not love them. But you may mistake manipulative acts as caring. However, once you identify manipulation the love that you thought you had for someone disappears very quickly. Because the pattern is interrupted.

If love is about self interest, then what is self love. Self love is the act of caring for yourself over and over. It is creating a relationship with yourself where you trust that you will do what’s in your own best self interest. Self love is also about self interest. You have to do what is best for yourself. And you have to be able to trust that you will be able to identify and do what is in your own best interest. You develop this confidence in yourself and this self love by creating a pattern of caring for yourself over and over. Self love is just a pattern of actions. To develop or increase your self love, you just create more of a pattern, more caring acts. Self love becomes the norm when over time you always make decisions in your best interest. It’s when you can trust yourself to protect you.

Now this doesn’t mean love is selfish. Selfish people manipulate others. Loving people compromise when it doesn’t effect their self interest. Say you like Mexican food, but your friend likes Italian. It’s not going to hurt you to eat Italian with them. It’s a compromise and it’s a caring act. This is how you create a pattern of love.

Now say you are vegetarian and your friend wants to go to a steakhouse with no vegetarian options. It would be self sacrificing to go to the steakhouse. You would be giving up your self interest. However, maybe that person will do a caring act for you to make up for it. If your friend offers to buy you the best salad they have at the steakhouse because they really want to go there and then you get to pick the movie you both go see. That is compromise and it is a little self sacrifice. But your friend compensates you for your sacrifice. It’s transactional. And the sacrifice was compensated for.

Self interest doesn’t make you selfish. It increases your chances of survival. You are supposed to make decisions that encourage your evolution and survival. This is Darwinism. It is survival of the fittest. If you cannot identify and act on your own best self interest predators will kill you.

Race Is A Social Construct

Time is a man made invention. Days exist. Years exist. The seasons exist. Morning, afternoon, and evening exist. But 3:05pm does not exist. Time is a man made construct.

Sometimes time flies. And other times it crawls. The sun rises and sets at different times all year long. Time isn’t consistent. But we treat it as it is because it makes running the world and civilization easier. It makes us civilized, right?

Race is a social construct. It’s not real. There is no test to find out what your race is. Sure, there are tests to see where your ancestors most likely lived. But those are not completely reliable, because people travel and move.

You people are a lot of different things. But you only seem to identify and categorize yourself by just one of those things. And that label you give yourself is what creates the patterns in behavior and epigenetics that make up race.

Basically you join a culture of other people who are a lot of different things, but who choose to identify as the same race as you. A culture is just a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These beliefs create patterns in behavior and epigenetics. Because beliefs are your environment. And epigenetics are dictated by environment.

So when this stupid imaginary game gets you to identify with one race, really all that is happening is you are joining a culture. Race doesn’t exist. Sure we can trace back where our ancestors came from. But your ancestors aren’t you. And a lot of your ancestors didn’t live in the region that you identify with. And when you only display one part of yourself with loyalty and pride, it means all the other parts will make you feel inferior. Because if your race is the best, how can the other parts of you that are different races be good and valuable?

Race is a way to induce shame. Because shame means there is something wrong with you. Guilt means you made a mistake. But shame means there is something wrong with you. And you had no part in choosing the races you were born into. And God only makes one kind of human.

Race is just a way for this stupid imaginary game to control you and play mind games with you. Making you feel inferior. Race doesn’t exist. Your ancestors they existed. And yes they belonged to a culture and that culture influenced the circumstances you were born into. But you probably belong to a different culture. And that will make you different.

Race is a social construction. There is no scientific backing or tests to figure out race. Your culture does define you because your culture influences and determines your beliefs. And beliefs dictate epigenetics.

A study of European people of all kinds compared their facial features. This study discovered the differences in their facial features were only 14% genetic. You are like the race you identify with because you believe yourself to be that race. And join that culture. Culture dictates epigenetics. Because a culture is just a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. And beliefs dictate epigenetics.

Race doesn’t exist. It’s just another way to control you and your mind.

Divide to conquer, right?

Shame, Guilt, and How To Forgive Yourself

We have been taught to crucify ourselves over making mistakes because it keeps us stuck. Part of being human is making mistakes. The key is to learn from them and move forward. Live and learn as the saying goes.

Shame is used to keep us stuck. Shame implies there is something wrong with you and that is why you made a mistake. Shame prohibits you from moving forward. Because if there is something wrong with you that caused you to make the mistake then you believe you are helpless to change it. You can change your behavior. There is nothing wrong with you. Guilt is the feeling you get from making a mistake that is intended to get you to do better. Guilt is designed to help you live and learn. There is nothing wrong with you. Humans make mistakes and you are human. That means you need to learn how to forgive yourself and move forward. If you dont learn this you will be stuck making the same mistakes over and over.

Yes, mistakes suck. Yes, guilt sucks. Yes, forgiving yourself is hard. But you get better at it. And the sooner you learn to course correct the easier it gets to forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself for one mistake is easier than 10 years of the same mistake. So the sooner you learn to identify your mistakes, the easier it gets to course correct and move forward

There is nothing wrong with you. Shame is a tool to keep you stuck. You are human. Humans make mistakes. Guilt is to remind you not to make the same mistake again. Being human is hard, but forgiving yourself makes being human a lit easier. Plus, it allows for growth.

How To Clean Up The Ocean

Currently everyone dumps raw sewage into the ocean. Even cruise ships of people from all over the world drop sewage into the ocean wherever they cruise. Do you know why this is so concerning? This means all the mutated viruses from all the genetically modified foods from all over the world are in the ocean. And this means everytime you eat seafood or seaweed you are eating all the mutated viruses from all over the world. Plus, of course there are toxins, bad bacteria, and parasites. But like we said before viruses are forever. So they are a bit more scary and concerning.

Remember how viruses live in fat cells? This means shrimp are one of the worst things you can eat. Anything fattening from the ocean is going to have more viruses. Pretty overwhelming to think about, right? Seafood is supposed to be one of the best things for us, but it’s become one of the worst things for us. Seaweed is an amazing superfood, but it could kill us in the current state.

So what do we do besides pass laws to get people from dumping raw sewage into the ocean. It will take decades to get people from all over the world to completely stop. And realistically people will never stop fully. There will always be those people looking to save a buck here and there at the expense of the world. People like my family will always exist. So what do we do?

Well, probiotic bacteria eat viruses. So we put probiotic bacteria in the ocean to control the viruses. There are also viruses that can be created to eat certain strains of bacteria. These are called phages. These are what my family used to make some strains of your gut bacteria go extinct. We can create and use these to clean up bad strains of bacteria we find in the ocean.

Probiotic bacteria also eat heavy metals and clean up a lot of toxins. The ocean may never really be clean again. But hopefully we can clean it up enough that seafood won’t be so deadly to eat. Seafood is supposed to be one of the healthiest things in the world. It would be good if we could eat it again someday.

Personal Health 101 Day 17

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to  produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

On day 14, we talked about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

On day 15, we talked about GMO’s.

GMOs are created by inserting mutated viruses into organisms. You know how KFC can’t be called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore? Well, that’s because they don’t serve chicken. The meat they serve is just a vehicle to get you to eat viruses.

All GMOs foods are like this. Plus, often they have been designed to have more of the amino acid arginine. Because this grows the viruses in your body.

These mutated viruses cause disease. And once you have a virus it stays in your body forever. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasite, and viruses from our Mom’s side of the family? We inherit these GMO viruses too.

So yes, the grocery store workers are killing us with bad bacteria and heavy metals they put on the food. But the food has literally been designed to kill us slowly, covertly, and painfully over time.

On day 16, we talked about ethanol.

GMO corn has mutated viruses in it. And GMO corn is in gas. This means not only do cars and other gas operated machines spew bad bacteria into the environment, they also spew mutated viruses into the air and environment.

Covid was far from the first virus we were exposed to. When food was genetically modified in the 1980s, we were genetically modified. Because we eat the food and it becomes a part of who we are. And we inherit viruses from our Mom’s side of the family.

We breath bad bacteria and viruses with every breath we take. And these bad bacteria and viruses are living in the materials that make up your houses, homes, and cars. Remember how to tell the difference between good bugs and bad bugs? Good bugs make you a better human because they form symbiotic relationships with you. And bad bugs eat you alive till you die because they are parasitic.

You will be eaten alive till you die, unless you learn how to cultivate your good bugs and kill parasitic bugs.

Today, on day 17, let’s talk about how the pandemic never really ended.

The Covid virus wasn’t what killed people. The overload of bad bugs on their immune system is what killed people. We may have addressed the existence of one virus. But we never addressed the root problem. When you don’t get to the root of a problem, it keeps growing back.

Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, bad bacteria, parasites, and heavy metals can be removed from your body with time and efforts. But viruses are forever. You can bring the number of virus cells down in your body to where your immune system can keep them in check. But you can never fully remove virus cells from your body.

We live in a world with mutated viruses from GMO’s and countless other viruses. We catch these viruses from each other, from just breathing the air, eating food and drinking. Viruses cause obesity, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and countless other complications. But we have never addressed the elephant in the room.

The pandemic never ended and we never addressed the root to our pain and suffering.

Personal Health 101 Day 16

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

On day 14, we talked about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

On day 15, we talked about GMO’s.

GMOs are created by inserting mutated viruses into organisms. You know how KFC can’t be called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore? Well, that’s because they don’t serve chicken. The meat they serve is just a vehicle to get you to eat viruses.

All GMOs foods are like this. Plus, often they have been designed to have more of the amino acid arginine. Because this grows the viruses in your body.

These mutated viruses cause disease. And once you have a virus it stays in your body forever. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasite, and viruses from our Mom’s side of the family? We inherit these GMO viruses too.

So yes, the grocery store workers are killing us with bad bacteria and heavy metals they put on the food. But the food has literally been designed to kill us slowly, covertly, and painfully over time.

Today, on day 16, let’s talk about ethanol.

GMO corn has mutated viruses in it. And GMO corn is in gas. This means not only do cars and other gas operated machines spew bad bacteria into the environment, they also spew mutated viruses into the air and environment.

Covid was far from the first virus we were exposed to. When food was genetically modified in the 1980s, we were genetically modified. Because we eat the food and it becomes a part of who we are. And we inherit viruses from our Mom’s side of the family.

We breath bad bacteria and viruses with every breath we take. And these bad bacteria and viruses are living in the materials that make up your houses, homes, and cars. Remember how to tell the difference between good bugs and bad bugs? Good bugs make you a better human because they form symbiotic relationships with you. And bad bugs eat you alive till you die because they are parasitic.

You will be eaten alive till you die, unless you learn how to cultivate your good bugs and kill parasitic bugs.

Personal Health 101 Day 15

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to  produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

On day 14, we talked about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

Today, on day 15, let’s talk about GMO’s.

GMOs are created by inserting mutated viruses into organisms. You know how KFC can’t be called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore? Well, that’s because they don’t serve chicken. The meat they serve is just a vehicle to get you to eat viruses.

All GMOs foods are like this. Plus, often they have been designed to have more of the amino acid arginine. Because this grows the viruses in your body.

These mutated viruses cause disease. And once you have a virus it stays in your body forever. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasite, and viruses from our Mom’s side of the family? We inherit these GMO viruses too.

So yes, the grocery store workers are killing us with bad bacteria and heavy metals they put on the food. But the food has literally been designed to kill us slowly, covertly, and painfully over time.

Personal Health 101 Day 14

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

Today, on day 14, let’s talk about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

Personal Health 101 Day 12

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

Today, on day 13, let’s talk about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living. Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to  produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

Personal Health 101 Day 11

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

Today, on day 11, let’s talk about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

Personal Health 101 Day 11

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

Today, on day 11, let’s talk about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.