Reprogramming Your Subconscious Part 2 Day 11 (Edited/Updated)

Edit/Update: Your civilization gut bugs eat both protein and fat. Aka your self destruct button eats protein and fat.

On day 1 of part 2, we took a tour of your brain. Let’s say someone put a chip in your head to try to brainwash you from the inside. It could save your life if you understood the regions of your brain and what your different kinds of thoughts feel like.

First, pay attention to what part of your brain lights up when you hear the following set of words. This may feel like a fuzzy feeling or heat. Try to pinpoint where the energy is in your brain.

Cake, sex, smoking, wine, chocolate, pizza, ice cream, happy, sad

Where did you feel the energy in your brain go when you heard those words? Did you feel the energy in the middle of your head behind your eyebrows? This is your reptilian brain. This is your survival brain. This is the part of your brain that makes you easy to control when you get stuck here. This is the reptilian experience. It is about survival.

Next, 2+2, 5×5, 10-8, 20+60, 10×4

What part of your brain did you feel light up for this sequence? Did you feel the top of your head above your reptilian brain come alive? This is your critical logical mind. This is where your spirit lives. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind you are cut off from your spirit and the human experience. Being human is about critical logical thought. Otherwise, you are just having a reptilian experience.

Next, hear that voice that says, “You deserve better than this.”

This voice has appeared throughout your life. Did you feel the very top of your head light up? Its above your critical logical mind. This is your crown chakra and the voice of God. God talks to you, you just have to listen. Your spirit and soul align with the voice of God in your head. So when you need to fact check yourself, cross reference the voice of God in your crown chakra. Your spirit and God will never clash. They always align.

Next, I am a good person. I am healthy. I do things everyday to bring me joy. I am achieving my purposes. I am living my destiny. I was born to change the world.

Where did you feel these statements in your head? Did you feel the top of your head below your crown chakra, but above your reptilian brain? This is again your critical logical mind and your conscious brain. This is where you live. This is your consciousness and your spirit.

Next, you are a good person. You are healthy. You do things everyday to bring yourself joy. You are achieving your purposes. You are living your destiny. You were born to change the world.

Where did you feel these statements in your head? Did you feel it in the back of your head by your reptilian brain and your critical logical mind? This is your subconscious. This is the part of your brain that runs the show about 95% of the time. It is your habit mind. Most of the beliefs in here were inserted from other people.

Your subconscious is a recording device. Did your Mom ever yell at you because she didn’t want to be a broken record? Your subconscious learns from broken records. The more you hear something, the more it will be etched into your subconscious beliefs. Even if it is not true.

You know those people who listen to country music about loosing their job, their boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on them, getting drunk, their dog getting run over by a car, etc. Those beliefs are in their subconscious, because they listen to those songs over and over. And often while driving and creating gamma brain waves. So, they are super etched in their subconscious.

Music is a great way to brainwash people because they will listen to it on their own over and over. Especially because people rarely just sit around listening to music. They are almost always doing other things at the same time, like driving or exercising. Which causes gamma brain waves. And we talked about how this causes extra plasticity in your brain, wiring and firing things in quicker. Plus, this releases dopamine reinforcing the behavior and making them want to listen to the music again. Music is a great way to program people to self destruct without them even realizing it. If you can control the messages in the music people listen to, you can control them and dictate their lives.

Your subconscious is always recording your experience. Whatever programs are downloaded in your subconscious are the programs it will run when it’s in charge 95% of the time. The beliefs you put in your subconscious, become the programs you run. The beliefs in your subconscious become your reality and life experiences. This is the most powerful part of your brain, because it is in charge 95% of the time.

Next, I am a good person. You are a good person. I am healthy. You are healthy. I do things everyday that bring me joy. You do things everyday that bring you joy. I am achieving my purposes. You are achieving your purposes. I am living my destiny. You are living your destiny. I was born to change the world. You were born to change the world.

Where did you feel those statements in your brain? Did you feel the “I” statements in your critical logical mind where your spirit lives? Did you feel the “you” statements in your subconscious that acts as a recording device? Did you feel how there was a tension in your brain between the two parts? It almost feels like two magnets when they repel each other.

This series of statements was wiring and firing the same beliefs into two different parts of your brain. The “I” statements where wiring it into your conscious. And the “you” statements were wiring it into your subconscious. And doing these together creates connections between your conscious and subconscious that are almost unheard of in regular human life.

These connections between your conscious and subconscious will enable you to achieve the life of your dreams effortlessly. Because your subconscious will automatically take you where your beliefs lead. Your subconscious is the boss. So if you want something in life you have to use your conscious mind aka your spirit to program your subconscious with the beliefs that will get you there. Your conscious and your spirit are only in charge 5% of the time. The chances of your critical logical mind overcoming your subconscious are almost nonexistent.

What are you listening to that your subconscious is recording and turning into your beliefs? Your beliefs are your environment. Epigenetics are dictated by environment.

Who in your life tells you who “you” are the most using “You” statements? This is the person who is programming you. But are they programming you to suceed or self destruct? More often than not this person is programming you to self destruct and live a life of pain and disappointment. Your life is a printout of the programs the people around you have inserted into your subconscious using “You” statements.

Let’s create some intelligence in your brain and set you up for success!

I am safe.
You are safe.
I am free.
You are free.
I am happy.
You are happy.
I am healthy.
You are healthy.
I am grateful.
You are grateful.
I am at peace.
You are at peace.
I am love.
You are love.
I am loved.
You are loved.
I am accomplishing my purposes in life.
You are accomplishing your purposes in life.
My body is healing.
Your body is healing.
My body is my home.
Your body is your home.
I am my ideal body weight.
You are your ideal body weight.
My heart is healthy and strong filled with vitality.
Your heart is healthy and strong filled with vitality.
My thyroid is balanced filling my body with energy.
Your thyroid is balanced filling your body with energy.
My healthy lungs fill my body with the oxygen I need to remain calm at all times.
Your healthy lungs fill your body with the oxygen you need to remain calm at all times.
My kidneys are healthy and strong allowing me to live without anxiety.
Your kidneys are healthy and strong allowing you to live without anxiety.
My liver is healthy and strong filtering toxins effortlessly, allowing me to live without anger.
Your liver is healthy and strong filtering toxins effortlessly, allowing you to live without anger.
My reproductive organs are healthy allowing me to create life.
Your reproductive organs are healthy allowing you to create life.
My pancreas is balanced allowing me to remain level headed at all times.
Your pancreas is balanced allowing you to remain level headed at all times.
My digestion is highly effective and without pain, allowing me the nutrients I need to thrive.
Your digestion is highly effective and without pain, allowing you the nutrients you need to thrive.
My gut bacteria takes care of me.
Your gut bacteria takes care of you.
My microbiome supports my health in every way possible.
Your microbiome supports your health in every way possible.
My skin is healthy, tight, and glowing allowing it to remove toxins from my body efficiently.
Your skin is healthy, tight, and glowing allowing it to remove toxins from your body efficiently.
My mind is clear and concise.
Your mind is clear and concise.
My soul sings everyday, because it’s happy to be alive.
Your soul sings everyday, because it’s happy to be alive.
I am reaching my potential.
You are reaching your potential.
I am deserving of the life of my dreams.
You deserve the life of your dreams.
I am deserving of anything I am willing to work towards.
You deserve of anything you are willing to work towards.
I do things that bring me joy daily.
You do things that bring you joy daily.
I am connected to devine order.
You are connected to divine order.
I do things everyday to make myself a better human.
You do things everyday to make yourself a better human.
I am living my destiny.
You are living your destiny.
I was born to change the world.
You were born to change the world.

On day 2 of part 2, we installed another program in your brain designed to create success.

I know who I am and honor my spirit.
You know who you are and honor your spirit.
I am beautiful inside and out.
You are beautiful inside and out.
My life is filled with joy and peace
Your life is filled with joy and peace.
I pursue my purposes everyday.
You pursue your purposes everyday.
Love surrounds me in every aspect of my life.
Love surrounds you in every aspect of your life.
I am grateful before things happen.
You are grateful before things happen.
I deserve excellence in every part of my life.
You deserve excellence in every part of your life.
My soul purpose is to be me and enjoy life.
Your soul purpose is to be you and enjoy life.
The people in my life value me and add value to my life.
The people in your life value you and add value to your life.
My posture supports optimal health.
Your posture supports optimal health.
My health excels in ways I never imagined possible.
Your health excels in ways you never imagined possible.
The inflammation in my body decreases everyday.
The inflammation in your body decreases everyday.
My body has devine intelligence, knowing what I need and healing.
Your body has devine intelligence, knowing what you need and healing.
Peace is my set point where I begin and end each day.
Peace is your set point where you begin and end each day.
My brain is creating more connections between my conscious and subconscious everyday creating intelligence.
Your brain is creating more connections between your conscious and subconscious everyday creating intelligence.
I am a limitless genius.
You are a limitless genius.
My epigenetics are becoming more optimal everyday.
Your epigenetics are becoming more optimal everyday.
My dreams, goals, and purposes come to me with ease.
Your dreams, goals, and purposes come to you with ease.
I am living my destiny.
You are living your destiny.
My life supports me in all ways.
Your life supports you in all ways.
I dream larger than life because my reality has exceeded my imagination.
You dream larger than life because your reality has exceeded your imagination.
My body feels better than ever before.
Your body feels better than ever before.
Good health engulfs me.
Good health engulfs you.
Everyday I change the world by sharing my skills and gifts.
Everyday you change the world by sharing your skills and gifts.
My body regulates my microbiome, killing parasites of all kinds with ease.
Your body regulates your microbiome, killing parasites of all kinds with ease.
I am weathly beyond belief.
You are wealthy beyond belief.
I am rich in every aspect of my life.
You are rich in every aspect of your life.
The relationships in my life make me a better person.
The relationships in your life make you a better person.
All my needs are met and I have security.
All your needs are met and you have security.
My home is my safe place. And my body is my home.
Your home is your safe place. And your body is your home.
My body takes care of me and my immune system is strong.
Your body takes care of you and your immune system is strong.
Life just makes sense to me.
Life just makes sense to you.
Being human is a gift I never fully experienced until 2024.
Being human is a gift you never fully experienced until 2024.

On day 3 of part 2, we talked about personalized programming.

You know how when you get a new computer it has the basics on it, but nothing else. It has notepad, solitaire, and a calculator. But if you want to add specialized programs you have to do it yourself. Like if you want Excel, Turbo Tax, and Quickbooks you have to install those yourself. Well, we can work on programming ourselves together and this will give you an operational base for success. But you have to do personalized programs in order to achieve your specific dreams, goals, and purposes.

It’s just like making a grocery list when you want to make dinner. You write a list of the ingredients and go get them at the grocery store. Except, you make a list of the beliefs necessary to achieve your desired outcome. And you make a recording using a voice recorder on your phone. Then you put your phone on airplane mode while you sleep and have it play the recording on repeat all night. This will allow you to install the program into your subconscious when you are in a state of hypnosis, characterized by theta brainwaves. This state happens twice a day, right before you fall asleep and right as you wake up. This will enable you to succeed at whatever you desire. Mind over matter, right?

Let’s say you were sick and could barely move or think and were stuck in bed most of the day. Sure, you need to take vitamins, meditate, be positive, and focus on healing modalities. But really your first priority needs to be installing the programs to allow health into your life and body. If you have beliefs that say you are sick and dying, you won’t get well. No matter how much effort you put into doing yoga, positive thinking, heavy metal cleansing, etc.

If your programming is black and white, your life will be black and white. If your programming says you are sick, you will be sick. However, if your programming is technicolor, your life will be technicolor. And if your programming says you are healthy, you will be healthy. Your subconscious is in control 95% of the time and gets you to do things to reinforce your beliefs without you consciously knowing or understanding what you are doing. So if you believe yourself to be healthy, your subconscious will make you do all the healthy things to get you healthy. And maybe it wont take all the things if you have beliefs that support health in your life and body.

We have been taught to focus on matter and everything outside of us in efforts to achieve our dreams and goals. But you are the answer and the solution to everything. You change yourself and you get what you desire. Remember how much resistance you felt in your brain when we first started the “I” and “You” statement programming? It was intense. But how much resistance do you feel in your brain now when you listen to “I” and “You” statements. It’s noticeably less, right? And it has only been a couple days. This is your brain changing. This is you changing.

If we had been taught how to achieve our dreams in a manner that was effective, we all would have achieved more of our dreams. But what we were taught was to look outside of ourselves for the answers. Because this allows us to be easily controlled and lead astray and manipulated. If someone believes the answers to their problems are outside of themselves, they will always be seeking to consume and buy things in efforts of buying the answers they seek. Materialism and consumerism are rooted in our belief and program that the answers are outside of ourselves. That we are incomplete and need to obtain completeness outside of ourselves. Capitalism has been turned into materialism. Because capitalists who seek their potential are hard to control. But materialists who seek to buy the answers they desire and their happiness are extremely easy to control.

So, yes this way of doing things feels weird. And it feels a bit cheesy and wrong. But what if this is all it takes to make the life of your dreams a reality? What if all you have to do is listen to a recording a few nights a week as you sleep to achieve your goals? What if you could be your ideal weight without exercising excessively or dieting? Wouldn’t you try a fad diet if it promised to offer the results you have been looking for? Maybe this is the fad diet that you have been searching for your whole life. It’s merely about programming the beliefs into your subconscious about the body of your dreams.

What do you really have to loose? Because it only takes about an hour to make a specialized voice recording. And you have everything to gain. If you need proof that it will work, listen to the voice recording we did together for a week while you sleep. And after a week access how you feel. Because your brain will have been wired and fired to be different. Which means you will be different. If someone who doesn’t know you can compile a list of beliefs that make you feel better, imagine how much a list made by you would change your life.

On day 4 of part 2, we talked about changing the world together with our beliefs. Remember how I told you all that you are the power that people have fought wars over since the beginning of time? Well, allow me to explain myself.

Did you know that group meditation has been proven to change the world? There have been studies of groups of meditators who focused on reducing crime rates. These people didn’t have to get together in the same room. They just all focused on the same thing. Which was reducing the crime rate. And they created about a 20% reduction in crime. Not too bad, right? Mind over matter!

We talked about how we are all just energy. Your spirit is energy and your spirit lives forever. And your beliefs effect your epigenetics. But your beliefs also effect your energy. Energy is contagious. Have you ever been around someone who was happy and excited? It’s pretty hard not to smile around them, right? Have you ever been around someone who constantly rains on everyone’s parade? You start to dread being around this person, right?

Energy is contagious. You are contagious. Whatever feelings and beliefs you have, you spread throughout the world. People are always absorbing information from you with their nervous system and mirror neurons. So you are contagious and have the opportunity to be a revolution all on your own. Everyday you decide if you will make people smile or if you will rain on their parades. Just with the beliefs you have and your presence. Because beliefs are energy. And energy is contagious.

Now the meditators who reduced crime just consciously meditated on peace. Meaning they were only using 5% of their brain. But what if they programmed both their conscious and subconscious with the belief of peace. Do you think that would improve the results?

When there is a large group of people thinking the same thought at the same time, the world changes. It sounds hippie. But really it’s science because you are contagious. Energy is contagious. Beliefs are energy. Beliefs are contagious. Because beliefs are waves of energy. They are vibrations of energy. And vibrations flow from everything in the universe affecting our collective consciousness.

So you know how we have a subconscious mind, right? Your subconscious ties into everyone else’s subconscious. We are all connected. We are basically like one big organism. Remember your mirror neurons are in place to get you to jump off a bridge if everyone around you was jumping. You have control over others. But you don’t get to force people to do things. You have to be different, so their mirror neurons urge them to be different like you. And if a big group of people are being different more people will have the urge to be different like them.

Remember the equation for starting a cult? The third person will join or die. This is how heard mentality works. Currently, we are in a unique position. Because we are the majority. And if we change our beliefs and change the collective consciousness people will change to be like us. It’s science and rules of energy. It’s pretty neat, huh?

So today, let’s create some “You” and “I” statements to change the world. Installing this program and these beliefs will change the world because it will change the collective consciousness. The more of us who sleep with this recording on a loop, the more change we see in the collective world.

My world has changed for the better.
Your world has changed for the better.
My life keeps getting better and better each day.
Your life keeps getting better and better each day.
My world is filled with clean air, food, and water.
Your world is filled with clean air, food, and water.
In my world all people are equal and everyone deserves a good life.
In your world all people are equal and everyone deserves a good life.
In my world no one was born to be a slave or a slave master.
In your world no one was born to be a slave or a slave master.
The Earth supports my health.
The Earth supports your health.
I support the Earth.
You support the Earth.
My leaders support my growth, goals, and destiny.
Your leaders support your growth, goals, and destiny.
The people in my world respect and care for nature.
The people in your world respect and care for nature.
The oceans are clean in my world.
The oceans are clean in your world.
The ozone layer is repairing itself in my world.
The ozone layer is repairing itself in your world.
My family loves and cares for me.
Your family loves and cares for you.
My family isn’t necessarily the family I was born into. My family is the people who love and care for me.
Your family isn’t necessarily the family you were born into. Your family is the people who love and care for you.
My family cannot hold me hostage. Because I choose whether or not to be a willing participant. I deserve to be loved by my family and the people who surround me.
Your family cannot hold you hostage. Because you choose whether or not to be a willing participant. You deserve to be loved by your family and the people who surround you.
My family supports my dreams, goals, and purposes.
Your family supports your dreams, goals, and purposes.
The world supports my dreams, goals, and purposes.
The world supports your dreams, goals, and purposes.
My world is healthy and safe.
Your world is healthy and safe.
I earn my way in this world by sharing my skills and gifts.
You earn your way in this world by sharing your skills and gifts.
Destruction is not love in my world.
Destruction is not love in your world.
Love is the verb to describe the actions of the people in my world who care for me. Love is a verb, not a prison sentence. I am not required to love people who hurt me.
Love is a verb to describe the actions of people in your world who care for you. Love is a verb, not a prison sentence. You are not required to love people who hurt you.
In my world when people love me they make me feel good.
In your world when people love you they make you feel good.
In my world crime rates are almost nonexistent.
In your world crime rates are almost nonexistent.
My community is a safe place.
Your community is a safe place.
Children in my world are free of adult tasks because they are busy being children.
Children in your world are free of adult tasks because they are busy being children.
In my world children are safe and supported in all ways.
In your world children are safe and supported in all ways.
In my world when children are sick we hold the parents accountable.
In your world when children are sick we hold the parents accountable.
In my world having obese children is considered child abuse.
In your world having obese children is considered child abuse..
In my world people are healthy and their ideal body weight.
In your world people are healthy and their ideal body weight.
In my world food is not used to kill people.
In your world food is not used to kill people.
In my world people do not poison each other, because that is wrong and attempted murder.
In your world people do not poison each other, because that is wrong and attempted murder.
My world is a beautiful welcoming place.
Your world is a beautiful welcoming place.
In my world, Nicole Graves is free to live a normal ordinary life with more than enough safety and security to have children.
In your world, Nicole Graves is free to live a normal ordinary life with more than enough safety and security to have children.

On day 5 of part 2, we talked about how to love yourself.

Changing the world doesn’t really matter, if your inner world is a hateful place. Environment dictates epigenetics. And so the world around us has a lot of control over who we are. But your inner world and your beliefs have more control. Mind over matter, right?

If you don’t love yourself, your inner world is going to be your own personal hell. You have to love yourself before you can enjoy the world fully. And you have to love yourself before anyone else can really love you.

With the world the way it is and with the people who raised us not really loving us, loving yourself is a foreign concept. Loving yourself isn’t about being perfect. It’s about creating a bond with yourself based on love and care rather than trauma and neglect.

Remember how we talked about how no one has a real human connection or bond when we live in a world of people who poison each other? Destruction isn’t love. When people destroy each other their bonds are trauma bonds. We live in a world with no real human connections. The world operates out of trauma.

So if you have never experienced a real human bond, how do you create one with yourself? Well, you stop destroying yourself. You can only have a real bond with yourself based in love when you don’t destroy and hurt yourself on purpose.

In order to love yourself, you have to start caring for yourself. This means no longer destroying yourself. Love means only having good intentions for yourself. Sure, you will probably make mistakes sometimes and that’s okay. We all unintentionally hurt ourselves occassionally and that is apart of the human experience. But people are not intended to destroy themselves on purpose. This is a learned behavior and conditioning from living in a world with people who poison each other. You cannot have a true human natural bond with anyone while destroying them. You only create trauma bonds like this. So the first step in loving yourself is to stop destroying yourself in all ways.

Next, you have to love your family that you were born into. You do not have to allow them to continue to abuse and hurt you. You do not have to allow them in your life at all. But you do have to love them. Because they are apart of who you are. They may not deserve your love, but you deserve to love yourself. And if you hate your family, you will always hate parts of yourself. You can 100% hate everything they have done to you. You can even hate your childhood. But you have to love your family, because you deserve to love yourself.

No person is born evil. We all have good parts and bad parts. And some people evolve to have mostly bad parts. However, there are good parts to find in everyone. Take the good parts from your family and make those parts apart of who you are. Fix the bad parts you inherited from them, but keep the good.

Even Hitler had good parts. He taught me my love for small dogs. If it wasn’t for him I would have never wanted to get a small dog and I never would have known love. And this revolution would never have taken place without me knowing love. Because love is worth fighting for.

The small parts that you take from your family evolve and create the human you were destined to become. You dont have the option of leaving everything behind because you do get your genes from your family. And you probably will always look like them. You can overcome your genes with epigenetics. But why try to change the good things you inherited from your family? You should cherish those good things because they are your payoff from living through a lot of pain, trauma, and inhumanity. Maybe the good parts you inherit from your family will be the parts that lead you towards your purposes? Maybe those good parts will lead you to finding the reasons you were sent here to Earth. Maybe those good parts are why you were born into your family? Devine order means there is a reason you were put where you were. Just like the stars you are exactly where you are supposed to be.

It’s not possible to give up all the things you have in common with your family. You can change a lot and be completely different than them. You never have to be like them fully if you choose not to be. But there are some good parts you should hold tight to. And you need to love your family for these good parts. Because you deserve to love yourself. If you hate your family, you will always hate parts of yourself. You deserve better than that.

On day 6 of part 2, we talked about mental rehearsal and mind movies.

How do you actually make your dreams a reality? How do you actually manifest the life of your dreams? Well, there are of course the daily steps you take in the material world to create the life you desire. And those are important. But you can draw your dreams, goals, and purposes closer to you in the quantum field simply by rehearsing them in your mind.

You can call this mental rehearsal, mind movies, visualization, or daydreaming. But the only real important thing is that you go over what you desire to occur over and over in your mind. This wires and fires the experience into your brain. And your brain will think it has already happened. Which causes your subconscious to make it happen.

Remember your subconscious is in charge 95% of the time. What it believes to be true, it creates in your material world. So by picturing your desired outcome over and over, you are wiring and firing that outcome into your subconscious. What you make a habit of seeing in your mind’s eye becomes apart of your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Your beliefs and habits become your reality.

On day 7 of part 2, we created a mind movie.

Everything is easier to do on your own after you experience someone else doing it. So, let’s create a mind movie together. Remember there really is no right or wrong way to do this. As long as you are mentally picturing something you want to experience, it will be wired and fired to your subconscious.

And yes, it’s important to do these mental rehearsals with the big moments in your life that change everything, but don’t forget about the moments that make up the majority of your life. Mentally rehearsing how you relax in the evening after work may be just as important as those big moments in life. Because you spend a lot more of your time relaxing on a weekday evening than you do in that moment that only takes one day of your life, but changes everything. How you relax and spend your free time can change everything too. So don’t overlook the small things that add up to become the majority of your life.

Picture this, it is a late Sunday morning. You spent the morning relaxing and doing whatever it is you enjoy doing on a weekend morning. It is a sunny spring day, warm but not too warm with a slight breeze. You ate dinner early last night and fasted because today you are having a late lunch or brunch with friends and/or family(dealer’s choice). You need to go to the grocery store to pick up a few more things before people arrive. You showered and put on one of your favorite outfits. You can feel the material against your clean skin.

Picture yourself healthier than ever before. This revolution has been great for you because you have become more human on a gene and cellular level. You produce more telemares because you are being of service and working on your purposes in life. Your DNA has fewer flaws and your epigenetics are more favorable. See yourself standing in your house grabbing your car keys. And notice how healthy you are and how you glow and radiate good energy. You have never seen yourself so healthy or at ease. What does it feel like to be a better version of yourself? What do you notice first?

You grab your car keys and your dog or your child may ask to come along to the store with you. Dealer’s choice if you bring them. You get outside and make your way to your car smelling the air and the breeze gently hitting your face and body. The air feels different nowadays. It feels cleaner and healthier. Like it’s doing something good for your body. Because now it has more minerals in it from remineralizing the soil. Plus, this eliminates some of the bad bacteria in the air. We have changed the gas and diesel so it no longer has bad bacteria. And this has changed the air quality dramatically as well. You find yourself breathing deep more than ever before. Breathing never felt so good. You notice the small things in life more now because you are calm and at ease.

And that folks is how you create a mind movie. It doesn’t have to be anything impressive. It can just be the ordinary things in life like getting ready to go to the grocery store real quick. Because these things make up the majority of your life. If you can create peace and happiness in the everyday ordinary moments your life will be a better quality.

On day 8 of part 2, we talked about your gut.

You have heard that saying about your gut being your second brain, right? Well, that’s not true. Your gut is in charge of your brain. Your brain is limitless. The limits you experience come from your gut.

Remember how your nervous system is a hoader? Well, you have more nerve cells in your digestion than anywhere else in your body. So, this is where the hoader lives. You collect information with your nervous system all day, everyday. Remember how your nervous system sends information to your brain for it to organize and store? Your gut bosses your brain around all day, everyday.

The quickest way to disable you not only physically, but also mentally is to mess with your digestion and gut.

So, let’s say we lived in a world where everyone poisoned everyone. People poisoning each other’s food would cut them off from their critical logical mind enough that they would never think about the ramifications of poisoning each other. Even if they had a device they held in their hand everyday that would tell them what they were doing to themselves and each other. Pretty nuts, huh?

On day 9 of part 2, we talked about your gut bacteria.

You are more parasite, virus, and bacteria cells than you are human cells. You are a collective of bugs. If you kill your bugs, you kill your potential in all ways and then you die. Without your bugs you won’t be able to protect yourself, let alone live a good life.

If your gut controls your brain, you need to understand your gut bacteria. A doctor from Italy who now lives and practices in Spain described this the best. She said that your gut bacteria is a civilization inside of you. There are tourists and there are residents. Your residents establish themselves in the first 2 years of your life. And throughout your life some tourists decide to stay and take up residency. But mostly your residents stay the same after the first 2 years of your life.

Your residents eat protein and fat. And your tourists eat carbs. And tourists can sometimes stay for a few months.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women destroyed their children, your gut bacteria would be where your self destruct button is found. Because your mother gave you a civilization of gut bugs intended to kill you and make you sick. Plus, immunizations have bad bacteria, heavy metals, and antibiotics in them in varying amounts. There is no standardized immunization dose because they are taken out of a vial and the person administering them adds their own poison.

When protein and/or fat goes through your colon, aka your large intestine, it feeds the gut bacteria implanted in you when you were a child. This bacteria was put here to make you self destruct. If you were born after 1990 or 1991 that is when the immunization schedule was changed and increased. So you will have even more destructive bacteria in your colon.

All bad bacteria causes insulin resistance. So if you notice your insulin gets harder to control the more protein abd fat you eat, this is one of the contributing factors. The less protein and fat you eat, the less you feed the self destruct button implanted in you. And the more you will be able to think clearly.

On day 10 of part 2, we talked about the Holy Trinity of health.

There are only about 6 diseases that are genetic. The rest are epigenetic. The more you improve your epigenetics, the more you eliminate disease from your life.

The Holy Trinity of health are gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. They exist in a triangle that goes around and around creating a snowball effect in your life and body. This snowball can be positive or negative based on your choices and how you live your life.

Your gut bacteria dictates the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Everyday your body is creating new cells with new mitochondria. And mitochondria write messages into your cells. These messages in all the cells of your body add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you are either becoming more human or subhuman on a gene and cellular level.

To eliminate disease and improve your health you need to interrupt this loop by improving your gut bacteria. Which will improve your mitochondria and then epigenetics. Even if you have one of the very rare diseases caused by genes, improving your epigenetics will improve your overall health and ability to have a good life.

Today, on day 11 of part 2, let’s talk about how to find yourself and God.

We talked about where to find yourself and God already, remember? Your spirit is in your critical logical brain in the middle of your head. And God is at the top of your head in your crown chakra. Which is right above your critical logical brain.

Where and how are two completely different questions. Just because you know where something is doesn’t necessarily mean you know how to get there. Remember how your critical logical brain is cut off from your access when you have disbiosis, which is just a fancy word for an overgrowth of bad bugs? Well, you access your spirit and God through your critical logical brain. So if you have dysbiosis, you will not be able to access your spirit or God freely.

Next you may be wondering, what is the difference between good bugs and bad bugs? Good bugs create a symbiotic relationship with you, so you can both reach your potential and have good lives. Good bugs understand that it is in their best interest to not only keep you alive, but to keep you in the best health possible. Where as bad bugs will eat you alive. They do not care that if they kill you they will be killing their home and themselves. They have no regard for self interest. They just take, take, take, until they can’t take anymore and you are dead. Pretty stupid, huh? But I bet you can think of a lot of people who are like this, right?

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. If you have an overgrowth of parasitic bugs, you will act like a parasite. However, if you have mostly symbiotic and good bugs you will seek to create win win relationships in your life and world. God is only interested in win win relationships and so is your spirit. God will not plot with you on how to take, take, take, until you destroy everyone and everything around you. And neither will your spirit. Remember God and your spirit always align.