Reprogramming Your Subconscious Part 2 Day 1

Today, on day 1 of part 2, we are going to take a tour of your brain. Let’s say someone put a chip in your head to try to brainwash you from the inside. It could save your life if you understood the regions of your brain and what your different kinds of thoughts feel like.

First, pay attention to what part of your brain lights up when you hear the following set sof words. This may feel like a fuzzy feeling or heat. Try to pinpoint where the energy is in your brain.

Cake, sex, smoking, wine, chocolate, pizza, ice cream, happy, sad

Where did you feel the energy in your brain go when you heard those words? Did you feel the energy in the middle of your head behind your eyebrows? This is your reptilian brain. This is your survival brain. This is the part of your brain that makes you easy to control when you get stuck here. This is the reptilian experience. It is about survival.

Next, 2+2, 5×5, 10-8, 20+60, 10×4

What part of your brain did you feel light up for this sequence? Did you feel the top of your head above your reptilian brain come alive? This is your critical logical mind. This is where your spirit lives. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind you are cut off from your spirit and the human experience. Being human is about critical logical thought. Otherwise, you are just having a reptilian experience.

Next, hear that voice that says, “You deserve better than this.”

This voice has appeared throughout your life. Did you feel the very top of your head light up? Its above your critical logical mind. This is your crown chakra and the voice of God. God talks to you, you just have to listen. Your spirit and soul align with the voice of God in your head. So when you need to fact check yourself, cross reference the voice of God in your crown chakra. Your spirit and God will never clash. They always align.

Next, I am a good person. I am healthy. I do things everyday to bring me joy. I am achieving my purposes. I am living my destiny. I was born to change the world.

Where did you feel these statements in your head? Did you feel the top of your head below your crown chakra, but above your reptilian brain? This is again your critical logical mind and your conscious brain. This is where you live. This is your consciousness and your spirit.

Next, you are a good person. You are healthy. You do things everyday to bring yourself joy. You are achieving your purposes. You are living your destiny. You were born to change the world.

Where did you feel these statements in your head? Did you feel it in the back of your head by your reptilian brain and your critical logical mind? This is your subconscious. This is the part of your brain that runs the show about 95% of the time. It is your habit mind. Most of the beliefs in here were inserted from other people.

Your subconscious is a recording device. Did your Mom ever yell at you because she didn’t want to be a broken record? Your subconscious learns from broken records. The more you hear something, the more it will be etched into your subconscious beliefs. Even if it is not true.

You know those people who listen to country music about loosing their job, their boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on them, getting drunk, their dog getting run over by a car, etc. Those beliefs are in their subconscious, because they listen to those songs over and over. And often while driving and creating gamma brain waves. So, they are super etched in their subconscious.

Music is a great way to brainwash people because they will listen to it on their own over and over. Especially because people rarely just sit around listening to music. They are almost always doing other things at the same time, like driving or exercising. Which causes gamma brain waves. And we talked about how this causes extra plasticity in your brain, wiring and firing things in quicker. Plus, this releases dopamine reinforcing the behavior and making them want to listen to the music again. Music is a great way to program people to self destruct without them even realizing it. If you can control the messages in the music people listen to, you can control them and dictate their lives.

Your subconscious is always recording your experience. Whatever programs are downloaded in your subconscious are the programs it will run when it’s in charge 95% of the time. The beliefs you put in your subconscious, become the programs you run. The beliefs in your subconscious become your reality and life experiences. This is the most powerful part of your brain, because it is in charge 95% of the time.

Next, I am a good person. You are a good person. I am healthy. You are healthy. I do things everyday that bring me joy. You do things everyday that bring you joy. I am achieving my purposes. You are achieving your purposes. I am living my destiny. You are living your destiny. I was born to change the world. You were born to change the world.

Where did you feel those statements in your brain? Did you feel the “I” statements in your critical logical mind where your spirit lives? Did you feel the “you” statements in your subconscious that acts as a recording device? Did you feel how there was a tension in your brain between the two parts? It almost feels like two magnets when they repel each other.

This series of statements was wiring and firing the same beliefs into two different parts of your brain. The “I” statements where wiring it into your conscious. And the “you” statements were wiring it into your subconscious. And doing these together creates connections between your conscious and subconscious that are almost unheard of in regular human life.

These connections between your conscious and subconscious will enable you to achieve the life of your dreams effortlessly. Because your subconscious will automatically take you where your beliefs lead. Your subconscious is the boss. So if you want something in life you have to use your conscious mind aka your spirit to program your subconscious with the beliefs that will get you there. Your conscious and your spirit are only in charge 5% of the time. The chances of your critical logical mind overcoming your subconscious are almost nonexistent.

What are you listening to that your subconscious is recording and turning into your beliefs? Your beliefs are your environment. Epigenetics are dictated by environment.

Who in your life tells you who “you” are the most using “You” statements? This is the person who is programming you. But are they programming you to suceed or self destruct? More often than not this person is programming you to self destruct and live a life of pain and disappointment. Your life is a printout of the programs the people around you have inserted into your subconscious using “You” statements.

Let’s create some intelligence in your brain and set you up for success!

I am safe.
You are safe.
I am free.
You are free.
I am happy.
You are happy.
I am healthy.
You are healthy.
I am grateful.
You are grateful.
I am at peace.
You are at peace.
I am love.
You are love.
I am loved.
You are loved.
I am accomplishing my purposes in life.
You are accomplishing your purposes in life.
My body is healing.
Your body is healing.
My body is my home.
Your body is your home.
I am my ideal body weight.
You are your ideal body weight.
My heart is healthy and strong filled with vitality.
Your heart is healthy and strong filled with vitality.
My thyroid is balanced filling my body with energy.
Your thyroid is balanced filling your body with energy.
My healthy lungs fill my body with the oxygen I need to remain calm at all times.
Your healthy lungs fill your body with the oxygen you need to remain calm at all times.
My kidneys are healthy and strong allowing me to live without anxiety.
Your kidneys are healthy and strong allowing you to live without anxiety.
My liver is healthy and strong filtering toxins effortlessly, allowing me to live without anger.
Your liver is healthy and strong filtering toxins effortlessly, allowing you to live without anger.
My reproductive organs are healthy allowing me create life.
Your reproductive organs are healthy allowing you to create life.
My pancreas is balanced allowing me to remain level headed at all times.
Your pancreas is balanced allowing you to remain level headed at all times.
My digestion is highly effective and without pain, allowing me the nutrients I need to thrive.
Your digestion is highly effective and without pain, allowing you the nutrients you need to thrive.
My gut bacteria takes care of me.
Your gut bacteria takes care of you.
My microbiome supports my health in every way possible.
Your microbiome supports your health in every way possible.
My skin is healthy, tight, and glowing allowing it to remove toxins from my body efficiently.
Your skin is healthy, tight, and glowing allowing it to remove toxins from your body efficiently.
My mind is clear and concise.
Your mind is clear and concise.
My soul sings everyday, because it’s happy to be alive.
Your soul sings everyday, because it’s happy to be alive.
I am reaching my potential.
You are reaching your potential.
I am deserving of the life of my dreams.
You deserve the life of your dreams.
I am deserving of anything I am willing to work towards.
You deserve anything you are willing to work towards.
I do things that bring me joy daily.
You do things that bring you joy daily.
I am connected to devine order.
You are connected to divine order.
I do things everyday to make myself a better human.
You do things everyday to make yourself a better human.
I am living my destiny.
You are living your destiny.
I was born to change the world.
You were born to change the world.