Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 8

On day 1, we talked about how your nervous system is almost always collecting information. And how your brain has to organize this information. Your nervous system is fast like the internet. While your brain is a library and slower, but very powerful.

When you get anxious or overwhelmed it is often because your brain is trying to catch up to your nervous system. Your nervous system is a hoader of information and overwhelms your brain sometimes. But it only take 10 to 30 seconds of doing rapid eye movements from side to side while holding your head still to turn off your nervous system and allow your brain to catch up.

On day 2, we talked about how to avoid these moments where your brain gets overwhelmed and you feel stressed and anxious. The key is you have to teach your brain how to filter information. Yes, your nervous system collects everything it can get its hands on. But you don’t need to keep everything it collects in the library of your brain. Actually, it is extremely important to learn to filter information. Because you need to avoid creating a junkyard of useless information. The utility and value of the information you collect in the library of your brain directly results in your value as a human. Because you need this information to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

The key to knowing how to filter information and what you need to keep and throw out is knowing yourself. You have to know yourself in order to know the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You have to know what is important to you. And what is important to one person isn’t important to everyone. If we all collected the same information we would all lack value.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Getting to know yourself is just like getting to know someone else. You spend time getting to know someone else. So you just have to do the same thing and spend time getting to know yourself.

When you spend time in joy you get to know the person you are meant to be. As a human being, getting to know yourself is about states of being. You are not the things you like. You are states of being. And you are your true self when you are in a state of joy.

No one can tell you who you are. You have to take the time and get to know yourself while doing things you enjoy. Only then will you really know what is important to you and how to teach your brain to only collect the information you need and desire. Because this information will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is when you learn from written information like books, charts, graphs, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is where you learn from actually watching someone do something.

Monkey see monkey do describes the behavioral inheritance system. Because seeing someone do something activates your mirror neurons. When you see someone do something your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are in place to make sure you jump off a bridge too. Mirror neurons were created to help us survive.

However, we were not created with the the fact that humans try to enslave each other and take over the world. Mob mentality and heard mentaily are due to mirror neurons. And our mirror neurons have been used against us throughout history to get us not only to destroy ourselves, but especially to destroy others.

Hitler in WWII used mirror neurons and mob mentality to create a genocide against Jewish people. When people saw the SS soldiers treating Jewish people poorly, their mirror neurons made them follow suit. Often even if their logical mind tried to tell them it was wrong and illogical at first. Seeing people around them mistreat Jewish people conditioned them to do the same thing over time.

You can overcome the people around you and your mirror neurons by using your logical critical mind. Without logical critical thought you will be a slave to the people around you and your mirror neurons. Monkey see monkey do. We live in a world of the blind leading the blind due to mirror neurons and people lacking critical logical thought.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you. You have to use your logical critical mind in order to not partake in the blind leading the blind. But how do you do that? What are you supposed to think about?

Well, you have to see the world for how it really is. And you have to see the people around you for who they really are. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. If you follow the lead of the people around you, it is almost certain you will create these results in your life.

The world is more lost than ever before. Our life expectancy is going down, rather than increasing. Children born today have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. This has never happened before throughout history. But we don’t talk about it, because people would rather follow others than see the truth.

It takes about 5,000 hours to master something. Back in cave man days there was enough time in a human life to master life. But nowadays, in the modern world, life entails so many things it is not humanly possible to master life. There just isn’t enough time. It’s impossible to master life in this modern world we live in. No one has everything figured out.

We live in a world of idiots. And you are one of them. No one knows what they are doing. And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you are safe from your mirror neurons.

Yes, we may master a few things in life. But your mirror neurons are wiring in the disasters of other people’s lives into your subconscious everytime you interact with anyone. The only way to overcome this mechanism is to be able to critically and logically think. When you see the world for how it really is, it’s not as dangerous. Because you are no longer blind to it’s faults and shortcomings.

Statistically speaking, you should not do the things the people around you are doing unless you want average results. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. You should want more for yourself.

On day 6, we talked about how to use your brain. If you are supposed to use your brain to overcome your brain, how in the hell are you supposed to do that? Well, you have to know how to consciously collect the information you need and desire.

Your mirror neurons and your subconscious are constantly collecting information from other people. Even information you do not want. So you need to learn how to create plasticity in your brain to collect the information you do want, need, and desire effectively. This is how you will be able to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with critical logical thought. But if you have not been able to collect the information you need to overcome your environment with critical logical thought you will be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect from the people around you.

The quality of your life depends on your ability to consciously collect the information you need, want, and desire. The value of your library of a brain is also dependent on your ability to collect useful information. And your value as a human depends on the value of your library of a brain.

Gamma brain waves are the key to collecting information effectively. You were designed to have extra plasticity in your brain when you are running from a predator. This state of plasticity is gamma brain waves. And this plasticity allows for intelligence. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you are. The more gamma brain waves you have the more likely you are to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

On day 7, we revisited the need of humans to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. Our brains were not designed with this in mind, but neither were our bodies. When your body is not operating properly you will not be able to achieve gamma brain waves and accessing your critical logical brain will be harder if not nearly impossible. This will leave you a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons collect. You have to see the world for how it really is in order to not be blind. And you need your critical logical mind to do so.

In the old days, people who tried to enslave us burned down our villages. So it was easy to see who our enemies were. But nowadays the people who try to enslave us pretend to be our friends and family. We live in a day and age where there is nowhere to run. These people who try to enslave us know no bounds. And love is often their favorite weapon.

Epigenetics and our ability to methylate is how people enslave us today. In WWII, they sent people to concentration camps. But today they make your body and mind the concentration camp. Epigenetics is the the process of switching on and off our genes. We all are born with genes like our family, but how we live and our environment dictate which of these genes are turned on and off. Only about 6 diseases in the world are genetic. The rest are epigenetic.

Methylation is one of the ways we turn on and off our genes. Imagine a small man running around in the house that is your body switching on and off light switches. On good days he yells, “You get to be human. You get to be human. You get to be human.” But on bad days he screams, “You get to be subhuman. You get to be subhuman. You get to be subhuman.” The lighting of your life depends on how methylation switches on and off these lights.

When you are exposed to toxins, it overwhelms your methylation pathways. And the people who try to enslave us all are aiming to create this overwhelm in our bodies. They hope to enslave us by a thousand pieces of broken glass. And every toxin in your environment represents a broken piece of glass.

Today in the modern day world, it’s not usually one toxin that cuts us off from our critical logical mind and creates disease in our bodies. It is a lifetime of toxins. Each representing a small broken piece of glass that cuts us and makes us bleed. One small piece of glass won’t kill us, but a thousand small pieces of glass can.

People enslave us in the modern day world by turning our mind and bodies into a concentration camp. And they hope we will never be able to escape. Because that is the only way they get to conquer the world. By the time you get to a thousand pieces of glass, you have already been cut off from your critical logical mind and the ability to create gamma brain waves and intelligence. You are left looking for a savior, but the people around you only wish to enslave you more to conquer you.

Today, on day 8, let’s talk about culture, leadership, and how this ties into your ability to access your critical logical mind.

Culture is our environment. Our beliefs are our environment. A group of people who share a set of beliefs that create patterns in behavior make up a culture. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. And your environment dictates your epigenetics.

So every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people comes together with shared beliefs to create a culture. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior amongst these people.

Do you think the cult leaders who are in charge of the people who wish to enslave us in an effort to conquer the world want their members to think critically or logically? Do you think that would benefit them at all? Never in the history of the world has a leader who desired to enslave the world wished for his followers to think critically and logically. They often go to great lengths to stop this from occurring every chance they get.

It only takes 3 people to create a cult. A leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. Often the third person just falls in line because of conditioning, mirror neurons, heard mentality, etc. And the equation for starting a cult bigger than three people is the same. You just have to multiple the last two variables. The more people who follow you, the more people will fall in line with your culture.

After you have created a culture and have numerous followers, how do you convince them that they need to help you enslave the people around them and conquer the world?

First, you identify your enemy, aka your scapegoat. You find the person or people you want your culture to attack. And you blame all their problems on this scapegoat. Then you create fear and scarcity. You lead your culture to believe this person or group of people is not only the reason for all the hardships in their life, but this scapegoat will also interfere with their ability to get their needs met even more. And you tell them this is why they need to take action. You create a crusade against your scapegoat. And your culture willingly signs up because they believe they have no other option in order to survive and get their needs met.

This process could take many years and be filled with a lot of efforts. Creating a crusade or genocide is no small undertaking. But what if you wanted to speed this up and make it easier. How could you do that? Well, creating a crusade where you get people to enslave the people around them would sure be easier if they didn’t think critically or logically. That would save a lot of time and efforts.

So what have some of the great evils of history done to make this happen and speed up the process of creating a crusade or world war? They created and released toxins in the environment to overwhelm people’s methylation pathways to cut them off from their critical logical minds. When people are in a fear state and they believe another group of people is responsible for their pain, they are easy to manipulate. But if you cut your followers off from their critical logical mind and enslave them first, it makes it extremely easier to get them to enslave others.

So the people who are trying to enslave us, are only doing so because they have been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind has been turned into a concentration camp. And your ability to access your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves depends on freeing these people from the concentration camp they are in. Your freedom to access your critical logical mind and not be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect relies on your ability to guarantee proper methylation in the people around you.

People will never stop trying to enslave each other in an attempt to conquer the world. But if you can get people to think critically and logically and realize when they are being manipulated, used, and enslaved our chances of survival and having good lives increases.

Hitler had kids. His kids had kids. His grandkids had kids. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. We can’t kill them all. We have to teach people how to recognize these people. And that means we have to guarantee people have access to their critical logical mind. And that means we have to guarantee proper methylation in everyone around us. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment.