Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 9

On day 1, we talked about how all you have to do is listen to these talks to reprogram your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Repetition is how it learns. However, if you would like to speed up this process there are a few things you can do.

First, you can listen to this before bed or just after waking up. This works because of theta brain waves. Second, you can listen with headphones, because your brain can’t tell the difference between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. And lastly, you can do movement while listening to improve the speed of programming your subconscious. This activates gamma brain waves and creates more plasticity in your brain. And this movement can be anything from deep breathing, to doing dishes, to walking your dog, etc. Motion creates emotion. Because emotion is just energy in motion.

Your nervous system is constantly collecting information. And it is so good at what it does that it can overwhelm your brain. When this happens you feel stressed or anxious.

Your brain has the job of organizing and storing all the information your nervous system collects. Your brain creates a library that will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. That is a lot of pressure for your brain. And your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on.

So, when your brain has these moments where it feels overwhelmed you just need to turn your nervous system off for a few seconds to allow your brain to catch up. You can do this with holding your head in place and rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. This rapid eye movement will turn off your stress response from your reptilian brain. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds of doing these rapid eye movements to feel relief.

On day 2, we talked about how you need to teach your brain to filter information in order to create value. And not create a junkyard of useless information. If your brain stores all the information your nervous system collects you will never be able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You only have so much time on Earth. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and what will help you get there.

The key to teaching your brain to filter the information from your nervous system effectively is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, then you know the information that is important to you. If everyone collected the same information, we would all lack value.

If you partake in keeping up with the Jones and start to value everything everyone around you values, it diminishes your own value. And it erodes your chances of accomplishing your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else. You came here with purposes unique to you. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish these purposes. If you spend your life preoccupied with pretending to be like everyone else, you will never find your skills and gifts. Then you won’t figure out your purposes in this life. And then you definitely will not be able to accomplish those purposes, let alone your dreams and goals.

Being you is the key to not only creating a valuable library in your brain. But it’s key to knowing who you are, finding your skills and gifts, and figuring out your purposes in this life. Part of your purposes is to share your skills and gifts with the world. Now what you are supposed to accomplish by sharing your skills and gifts with the world is up to you.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Everyone says they know themselves, but if they really did would the world be so lost? Knowing yourself isn’t a mystical or mysterious experience. Knowing yourself is just like knowing someone else.

In order to know yourself, you have to spend time with yourself. You literally spend time getting to know someone else. You need to do the very same thing with yourself. You spend time getting to know yourself while doing things that bring you joy. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. Making a list of the things you like and memorizing it will not help you get to know yourself. You have to spend time with yourself in the state of joy. When you are in a state of joy, you are the person you are meant to be. We were sent to Earth to be in joy. We were sent here to enjoy ourselves. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect throughout your life, comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is written information like charts, maps, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from watching other people do things.

Both of these systems are fallible. But the behavioral inheritance system comes with great dangers. See when you see someone do something, your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating this chain reaction. Monkey see, monkey do describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are designed to get you to jump too.

Any time you are around someone else your mirror neurons are wiring and firing information from your nervous system into your subconscious about that person. The dangerous part is your nervous system is a hoader and collects everything it can get it’s hands on. So not only are you wiring and firing in the good parts of that person and the things you want to learn from them, you are also wiring and firing in the disasters of their life into your subconscious. So, you may not even consciously realize they are there.

We all know that person who is amazing at something and we admire them. But we also see how the rest of their life is a complete and utter disaster. This person sadly is dangerous. Because even though they have mastered something amazingly, our mirror neurons are collecting information from their whole life when we are around them.

Your nervous system is a hoader. It can’t help but collect all the information it can get it’s hands on. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive. The more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

Only recently in the modern day world has life shifted to be about filtering information. For most of the existence of human beings, life has been about gathering information. But nowadays, we all have access to more information than we know what to do with. Just recently human beings have shifted from creating value in life by gathering information to creating value by filtering information. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive in a world where information was scarce.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with your critical logical mind. You do not have to partake in the blind leading the blind, if you choose to see the world for how it really is. And you see the world for how it really is by using your critical logical mind to find the truth.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. These are the results if you choose to do the things that people around you are doing without using your critical logical mind. The world is more lost than ever before. We have more information than ever before, but we don’t seem to be using this information.

When you do not filter the disasters your nervous system fires and wires into your subconscious from the people around you, then your life becomes a disaster. You do not have to be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect. However, in order to overcome these disasters in your subconscious you have to use your critical logical mind to become conscious of your actions.

The practice of mindfulness is all about not creating the disasters you have stored in your subconscious in your own life. All you have to do is see the world for how it really is. But that also includes seeing yourself for who you really are. Being mindful can be painful. But living a disaster of a life can be much worse.

You have to use your critical logical mind in order to not be a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons and nervous system collect because they are stored in your subconscious. You won’t know they are there until you become conscious of them. Mindfulness is about consciousness and awareness.

On day 6, we talked about how you have to use your critical logical mind to overcome your subconscious and the disasters from your mirror neurons. But how do you actually go about doing that? It sounds confusing. But it’s not. It’s just about knowing how to be proactive, rather than in a reactive state and a victim of the people around you. You can be a product of your environment. Or you can be the person you are meant to be.

Your nervous system and mirror neurons are always collecting information. And they store this information in your subconscious. In order to overcome this, you need to be mindful and aware of what you are doing. But you also need to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Your subconscious is your default setting. But you can be proactive and get in the driverseat of your life with your conscious mind and your critical logical mind.

You must become aware and conscious of the information you need in order to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life. And then you need to consciously work on collecting this information with your critical logical mind. If you expect your subconscious to collect all the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life you will not get very far. And your life will most likely become a complete disaster. Just like the life of the average American. You should want more for yourself.

Gama brain waves are key to creating intelligence. When you are consciously collecting information with your critical logical mind you need to access gamma brain waves. Our brains were designed to create extra plasticity when we were running from predators. The key to this extra plasticity is gamma brain waves. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you will be. And you need all the intelligence you can get to overcome the people around you who make up your environment.

Creating gamma brain waves is the key to overcoming the disaster of the world around you, aka your environment. Gamma brain waves are key in guaranteeing you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes. Gamma brain waves are intelligence.

On day 7, we talked about how humans have the need to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. Your brain and mirror neurons were not created with this in mind. But neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot access your critical logical mind or gamma brain waves. When your body is not operating properly, it is almost impossible to create intelligence. Thus, leaving you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters from the people around you.

In the old days, these people who tried to enslave us were easy to identify. They would burn down our villages. But nowadays these people claim to be our friends and family. These people who wish to enslave us have us surrounded in every aspect of our lives.

In WWII these people preoccupied with destruction and slavery, sent people they wished to enslave to concentration camps. But today they just turn your body and mind into the concentration camp. It’s easier to enslave you, if you don’t realize what is happening. You don’t try to fight back.

Modern day slavery is done with a thousand pieces of broken glass. One small piece of broken glass will cut you and make you bleed, but it most likely won’t kill you. However, a thousand small pieces of broken glass may.

Toxins represent the broken pieces of glass in modern day slavery. When your body is not operating properly you cannot access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind. This leaves you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters of your mirror neurons. While creating disease in your body and rendering you helpless, unable to save yourself. You look for a savior outside yourself, but only find people who wish to enslave you more and kill you. But these people often tell you they care about you and are trying to help you. And if they are close to you, they will probably even tell you that you are hard to love as they try to kill you.

Epigenetics is how we get to choose who we are. We all are born with genes like our family, but your environment and how you live your life dictates how these genes are switched on and off like light switches. Methylation is one of the processes that switches your genes on and off. It’s like a little man running around in the house of your body turning on and off the lights. The lighting of your life depends on methylation.

Toxins inhibit proper methylation. The more toxins in your life, environment, and body the more you do not methylate properly. When you don’t methylate properly, you are switching on and off genes that make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And this is how your body and mind is turned into a concentration camp where there is rarely an escape.

On day 8, we talked about culture and leadership. Do you think the leaders of the people who wish to enslave us in efforts of conquering the world want their followers to think critically and logically?

A culture is a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior. Our beliefs are our environment. Our culture is our environment. Every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people has shared beliefs that create a culture.

It only takes three people to create a cult: a leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. The third person normally follows suit rather quickly due to mirror neurons, heard mentality, conditioning, a lifetime of disasters fired and wired into their subconscious, etc. The equation for creating a larger cult is the same. You just multiple the last two variables. The more followers you have, the more quickly people will fall in line with your culture.

Let’s say you wanted to get your cult followers to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. How would you go about getting that to happen? Well, the first variable is you have to identify your enemy or scapegoat. Then, you tell your cult followers that all their problems and hardships are due to this person or group of people. You lead your followers to believe that their ability to get their needs met will be inhibited even more by this scapegoat. Creating more pain and hardships in their lives. And you instill not only a sense of fear, but a sense of urgency too. Then you enlist your cult followers in a crusade against your scapegoat. Your cult followers will sign up willingly, because they believe they have no other option.

Now this equation could take a very long time and be extremely labor intensive. Not to mention it would require a lot of patience. It could take years to get all these variables in place, maybe even decades. How do you suppose you could speed up this process? Wouldn’t it be easier if your cult followers did not think critically or logically?

Throughout history some of the greatest evils that have embarked on creating a crusade, have created and released toxins into our environment. This damages our ability to methylate. Making our epigenetics more subhuman. And it cuts us off from our critical logical mind, while creating disease in our bodies. It speeds up the time it takes to create a crusade, genocide, or world war greatly. Work smarter not harder, right?

The people around you who try to enslave you and turn your body and mind into a concentration camp have just been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind have been turned into a concentration camp, but they don’t realize what is happening. Because they have been cut off from their critical logical mind. They are unable to access gamma brain waves and create intelligence.

Your ability to access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind relies on everyone around you methylating properly. Yes, you need to methylate properly. But more importantly, the people in your environment need to methylate properly. Environment dictates epigenetics. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. If the people around you do not methylate properly, they will try to enslave you in efforts of conquering the world. Because they do not have access to their critical logical mind.

There will always be cult leaders looking to enslave the people who follow them. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. The only way to ensure you have access to your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. The only way to ensure your body and mind are not turned into a concentration camp is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. Those people are your environment. Environment dictates epigenetics.

We can’t kill everyone in the world who will try to enslave the people who are in their cult following. But if we can guarantee everyone has access to their critical logical mind and the ability to create intelligence with gamma brain waves, we can create a safe environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Your environment dictates your epigenetics. Your beliefs are your environment.

Today, on day 10, let’s talk about emotional intelligence. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind, you are a slave to your emotions. This is another way your body and mind are turned into a concentration camp.

Emotions can can be a lie. Because emotions can be created by the disasters your mirror neurons collect in your subconscious.

Event + Belief = Emotion

When you have an emotion you need to think about what is causing this emotion. Just because something happens in your life, does not mean you are guaranteed to experience a certain emotion. Your environment is dependent on perception. Your beliefs create your emotions. Your beliefs create your environment. But once again the disasters in your subconscious could be creating a disaster in your emotions and life.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Emotions are not logical. And therefore, they are not trustworthy. But feeling are logical. And they are trustworthy.

When you experience an emotion you need to filter it through your critical logical mind to turn it into a feeling. You can trust your feelings. But you cannot trust your emotions. Emotions can be manipulated. Emotions can be a lie. Trust your feelings.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

When you are not at ease or depressed, you need to ask yourself why. So you can address the variable in your life that is causing this dis-ease. Happiness is satisfaction divided by desires. What do you desire that you are not satisfied with? What are you not getting? What part of your life is lacking? What variable do you need to pay more attention to and use your critical logical mind to collect useful information that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in that part of your life?

Emotions and feelings are important variables in life. You just have to know the equations to plug them into. You are an equation. You can choose to say you hate math and continue to be miserable. Or you can do the work and figure out the variables of your life.