Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 6

On day 1, we talked about how your brain needs time to catch up to your nervous system. This is often what causes anxiety and stress. And you can do rapid eye movements from side to side while holding your head still to turn off the reptilian part of your brain that is causing this stress response. Being calm is the superpower that will allow you not only to think rationally and clearly, but it will allow you to be the person you were sent here to earth to be.

When you are stressed your immune system shuts down and you cannot access your brain fully. The more time you spend in a stressed state the more subhuman you will become on a gene and cellular level. Being calm isn’t just a good option. Being calm is a prerequisite to the human experience. When you are stressed you are stuck in your reptilian mind. Because your brain and body are just trying to keep you alive. In order to do more than just survive in life, you have to be calm, cool, and collected.

On day 2, we talked about how you have to filter information in order to complete your purpose here on Earth. We live in a day and age where we no longer have to hunt for information. Nowadays, we gather. And your value is determined by the value of the information you gather.

Your nervous system is always collecting information like a hoader. However, your brain has to decide what to keep in your library, aka brain, and what to toss out. Your nervous system is overworking your brain almost all the time. So teaching your brain what is important to you is key in teaching your brain to filter information. What is important to you may not be important to someone else.

Knowing how to filter information is the key to creating value in the modern world. We all are just a collection of information. The value and utility of your library is your value and utility as a human. Knowing stuff doesn’t make you valuable. But knowing the stuff you will be able to utilize and apply does make you valuable. Life is about practical application. If you can’t apply something, it’s probably not too valuable to you.

On day 3, we talked about how you need to know yourself in order to filter information well. When you know yourself, your goals, your dreams, and your purposes in life you can collect information accordingly. And then apply it and be the person you are meant to be.

But how do you know yourself? Everyone talks about it as if it is some mystical experience. Knowing yourself is about spending time with yourself. You get to know someone else by spending time getting to know them. You do the same thing with yourself.

You spend time doing things you enjoy to get to know yourself. When you are in a state of joy you are the person you were meant to be. Life is about being in joy. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else around them and try to destroy and enslave people.

No one was sent here to be a slave. And no one was sent here to be a slave master. Everyone was sent here with a purpose unique to you. And you have a collective purpose to complete within your group. Every human is like a star. And your group is your constellation. How are you going to shine bright, if you don’t know yourself?

On Day 4, we talked about how you collect information. Almost everything you know comes from two inheritance systems. The behavioral inheritance system is where you learn from watching others. And the symbolic inheritance system is where you learn from written/recorded information like charts, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc.

Everyday everywhere you go, you are collecting information from the people in your environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. So you have to know what you are getting yourself into. Even the person halfway across the world who you watch on YouTube is apart of your environment

The behavioral inheritance system is used against us in countless ways. Monkey see monkey do describes the behavioral inheritance system. When you see someone do a thing, your brain reacts as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons firing. Your mirror neurons are in place to make you jump off a bridge if everyone around you is jumping off a bridge. However, you can use your logical and critical mind to overcome your mirror neurons and the stupidity of other people.

The blind leading the blind describes the world today because people don’t understand their mirror neurons. And because people pretend to be like everyone around them. Your brain was set up for survival. However, the modern day world is set up for reverse Darwinism. So you have to adjust in order to survive.

On day 5, we talked about how to use your logical and critical brain to overcome your mirror neurons. You have to see the world for how it really is. Otherwise, you will be blind and be following other blind people off a bridge. But how do you see the world for how it really is? Especially when your brain is set up for survival.

Well, you see the world for how it really is. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. If you want those outcomes by all means follow the lead of everyone around you. Statistically speaking, if you want a good life, you should not do anything that you see people around you doing.

Mastery takes 5,000 hours. Back in cave man days there was enough time to master life. Because life only entailed a few things. However, life in the modern day world entails so many different things that no one has enough time to master life. The world is filled with idiots and you are an idiot too.

The world is more lost than ever before. People are more sick than ever before. Our life expectancy is getting shorter rather than longer. We are obviously doing nearly everything wrong. And when you know these things and see the world for how it really is then you become aware that following the lead of the people around you is dangerous. And will only take you places you do not wish to go.

Learning from people’s behavior and the behavioral inheritance system is dangerous because you are allowing them to program your subconscious. Every time you are around someone your mirror neurons are firing like crazy. But the thing is you are not just wiring and firing the things in that you consciously choose to. Your subconscious wires and fires everything about that person into your subconscious mind. Your nervous system is a hoader. It’s going to take everything it can get its hands on.

Every dysfunction a person around you has is wired into your subconscious with your mirror neurons. You are like the 5 or 10 people around you the most because you have wired their behaviors into your subconscious brain. Your beliefs are your reality.

The people around you will dictate your beliefs unless you learn to see not only the world for how it really is, but also the people around you as they really are. No one has life mastered. No one knows what they are doing. Sure some of us master a few things. But mastery is dependent on environment. A great hunter here in Oregon can go to Greenland and not be great. They would have to shift their skillset based on environment. Mastery is dependent on environment. And your beliefs are your environment.

And today, Day 6, let’s talk about how to take in information. Your nervous system is a hoader. Your brain is the curator of your library, that is you. And you are constantly collecting information via the behavioral inheritance system and the symbolic inheritance system from the people in your environment. How in the world are you supposed to filter information and collect what you need?

Well, first you have to remember you were designed for survival. When you are running from a predator and thinking about why you are running, your brain is in the most plastic state. You were invented to learn quickly when you were running from a predator because you needed to in order to survive. So what is happening in your brain that causes this extra plasticity?

Gamma brain waves are the key to not only survival, but also to high intelligence. Flow state activates all parts of your brain and opens it up to change. Sure you can learn things in other ways, but they take more time and repetition. Work smarter, not harder, right?

Your subconscious is your genius and your problem solver. Your logical critical mind is good too. It is great to collect information with. But your subconscious mind is the genius and the problem solver. It is always doing puzzles in the back of your mind. However, your ability to access this information is relative to how well you can access gamma brain waves.

You have heard that saying that when you are stuck and can’t figure something out that you should do something else and it will come to you, right? Well this is gamma brain waves and your subconscious mind working. When faced with a problem your subconscious runs that program until the problem is solved. When you sit and think about something continually hitting your head against a metaphorical wall, you are actually hurting your brain with beta brain waves.

When you have high anxiety, it is because of beta brain waves. If you allow these to continue for too long they will damage your brain. What wires together fires together. You are wiring and firing anxiety into your brain. It is literally the healthy thing to do to walk away and do something else.

The more you partake in Beta brain waves the harder it will be for you to access gama brain waves. It’s literally setting yourself up for failure in multiple ways. Knowing how to self soothe is all about recognizing beta brain waves and doing something to move out of that state.

Psychopaths and people with antisocial personality disorder have lower brain waves and they don’t methylate well. When you are using your bodies resources in exhausting ways like hitting your head against a metaphorical wall in a cycle of low brain waves, you are exhausting resources that could be allocated towards methylation or your immune system. High beta brain waves and anxiety turn off your immune system. Not only do they make it hard to learn, they turn off your repair system in your body.

Your abilities to learn and to be human are dependent on your ability to control your brain waves, aka your state of being.