Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 5

On day 1 we talked about how being calm is a superpower. You have to be calm in order to be the person you were intended to be. It will be extremely unlikely for you to accomplish your purpose in this life on earth unless you are calm.

Your nervous system is a hoader and collects as much information as it can. While your brain is a curator and needs more time to organize and catalog everything in your brain. Your nervous system is the internet. And your brain is a library.

In order to remain calm, cool, and collected you have to allow your brain time to catch up. This means you have to learn how to hit pause on your nervous system and make it stop being a hoader for a few seconds in order to let your brain catch up.

These breaks only take 10-30 seconds. Doing rapid eye movements from side to side while holding your head still is what allows you to shut down the reptilian part of your brain that makes you feel stressed and overwhelmed. If you feel stressed and overwhelmed often, it’s just because your nervous system is excellent at collecting information. And it is overwhelming your brain. Your brain is an eccentric perfectionist who wants the most organized and valuable library possible. But that organization depends on the way your brain works. What one person organizes their brain like, doesn’t apply to anyone else. What wires together fires together. So our brains are organized by the way we experience the world and collect information.

On day 2, we talked about how you have to teach your brain to filter information. If you store all the information your nervous system collects you will create a junkyard in your library. Not all information is equal or relevant. Your value as a human is dictated by the value of your library.

And in this modern day world we are no longer hunting for information. We all have access to more information than we know what do with. So creating value in this modern day world, and in the library that is our brain, is all about filtering information. Not everyone needs to gather the same information. We all have different dreams, goals, and purposes in life. So we need to filter information accordingly based on those dreams, goals, and purposes.

On day 3, we talked about how knowing yourself is the key to filtering information proficiently. When you know yourself, you can create the best library for you. A library filled with information that will get you to the places you want and need to go.

So how do you know yourself? Everyone says they know themselves, but very few people actually do. Knowing yourself isn’t about memorizing the things you like. It’s about just being with yourself. You know how you spend time with someone else just getting to know them. Well you have to do the same thing for yourself.

And this means you need to spend time being with yourself while doing things/activities you enjoy. Being in a state of joy is how you find your true self. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about states of being. You are the person you were meant to be when you are in the state of joy. We were sent to earth to enjoy ourselves.

However, the one catch is if your joy involves hurting someone else. That means your brain is operating dysfunctionally and you need to fix the way it wires and fires by doing things you enjoy that do not involve hurting people. Your brain is plastic. You can change it with repetition.

Then on Day 4, we talked about the inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect and store comes from the two inheritance systems: the behavioral inheritance system and the symbolic inheritance system. Both are when you learn information from others. The behavioral inheritance system is when you learn information by watching someone do something. While the symbolic inheritance system is written words and symbols like books, maps, charts, hieroglyphics, etc.

Some conditions like learning disabilities, dyslexia, and just some preferences make some people more reliant on the behavioral inheritance system. Which is unfavorable and unfortunate. Because humans have this tendency to try to destroy and enslave each other in an attempt to conquer the world. Most animals do not do this. And our brains were not designed to take this into account.

When we see someone do a thing our brain reacts as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating a chain reaction in your brain. When a monkey sees another monkey eat a new kind of banana, it is without fear that the monkey can store that information. However, when a human sees another human eat a banana they need to have a healthy amount of fear. Because that banana could have been genetically modified to create negative epigenetic triggers and make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. Our mirror neurons were not designed to take humans need to enslave each other and conquer the world into account. So you have to be aware of what is happening.

Monkey see monkey do is a saying that describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you jumped off a cliff, your mirror neurons are in place to get you to jump off a cliff too. However, you can overcome your mirror neurons by using your logical brain. The great evils of the world have been using mirror neurons against humans probably since the beginning of time. Hitler loved using people’s mirror neurons to get them to do evil deeds they knew were wrong. And then some of these people fled to Scandinavia and Argentina to avoid accountability for their war crimes. Ignorance is not a plea that is excepted in most courts.

So today on day 5, let’s talk about how you use your critical logical mind to overcome your mirror neurons. Awareness is the first step in solving any problem. So you need to see the world for how it really is. Humans have been trying to enslave each other and conquer the world since the beginning of time. This is nothing new. It’s actually one of the oldest patterns in the world. I hope one day people can be more human, but until that day you need to program your brain to take this information into account at every turn.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. People are more lost than ever before. Back in cave man days there were about three things to master in order to master being human. You had to learn to run from predators, eat the right food, and reproduce. If you were able to master those three things you mastered life.

However, in the modern day world there are more things to master than we have time for. It takes 5,000 hours to master something. In the modern world, it is impossible to master life. Especially because people are more invested in trying to enslave the people around them and conquer the world, than they are in mastering anything. You can do something for 5,000 hours and never master it if you don’t consciously try. Some people never master anything by choice.

The world is filled with idiots. And you are one of those idiots. The sooner you realize no one knows what they are doing, the safer you will be. Statistically speaking if you see someone doing something you shouldn’t do that thing if you want a good life. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. This is the outcome if you choose to do things the way the average person does them. It’s not mean to realize the truth of the situation. People are more lost than ever before. It’s the blind leading the blind. So you have to choose to see the world for how it is.

Yes, you can collect some useful information from some people who have chosen to master things you want to get better at. But be careful. Because we all know that person who is great at one thing, but the rest of their life is an absolute disaster. That disaster is contagious because your mirror neurons pick up on it and wire it into your brain.

The symbolic inheritance system is the safest. And not because it’s always right. But because you are not wiring in the disasters of other people’s lives. Being around anyone makes your mirror neurons fire like crazy. You are allowing them to program your subconscious mind. Even that person halfway around the world that you watch on YouTube is programming your subconscious mind. People are dangerous. And not just because they try to enslave each other and conquer the world. People are dangerous because they are contagious. The disasters in their life are being programmed into your subconscious mind and creating your beliefs.

Covid was one of the healthiest times in the modern world. Because we weren’t continually around other people who were programming us to self destruct. During covid and quarantine you, for probably the very first time in your life, had a choice about who you let in to program your subconscious mind. Everyone around you brainwashes you just by activating your mirror neurons. Beliefs are contagious. Beliefs become your reality.

I think we all need to go into a quarantine like phase of our lives again. And this time we need to realize the people around us will enslave us, when given the opportunity. Because they turn your mind into a concentration camp with no escape.