Reprogramming Your SubconsciousRecap of Part 1 and Part 2

Part 1

Day 1:  We talked about how your nervous system is a hoader and how it is constantly sending information to your brain to organize and store. This creates a library in your brain.

Day 2:  Teaching your brain to filter the information your nervous system collects is the key to creating value not only in the library that is your brain, but in your life. The better you know yourself, the better you will be able to filter information.

Day 3:  We talked about how to know yourself. Spending time in joy is how to know yourself. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

Day 4:  We talked about the inheritance systems. Almost everything you learn comes from the behavioral and symbolic inheritance systems.

Day 5:  We talked about how to overcome the behavioral inheritance system and your mirror neurons using your critical logical mind and mindfulness. This protects you from the disasters your mirror neurons collect and store in your subconscious.

Day 6:  We talked about how to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes with your critical logical mind. And how gamma brain waves are key to creating extra plasticity and intelligence.

Day 7:  We talked about how people have the need to enslave the people around them in an attempt to conquer the world. Modern day concentration camps involve killing you with a thousand pieces of glass. And toxins are the pieces of glass. When you dont methylate properly you cannot access your critical logical mind and you become a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons collect and store in your subconscious.

Day 8:  We talked about culture and leadership. Every group has a cult leader because every group has shared beliefs that create a culture. We also talked about the equation for convincing your cult to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. And we explored how to make your cult followers brainless, Godless, and selfless by releasing toxins into the environment.

Day 9:  We talked about emotional intelligence.
Event + Belief = Emotion
Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling
Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

Day 10:  We dove deep into the meaning of life. Your spirit is energy and your spirit lives forever.
You = Your Power

You are here to accomplish your purposes in life, this is what gives us all meaning.
Your Purposes = Your Meaning

When you are being of service and accomplish your purposes your body creates more telemares. Which stop your DNA from having flaws. When you accomplish your purposes in life you are rewarded.

Day 11:  We talked about Darwinism and how we are designed to fight back when someone hurts us. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. You are supposed to protect yourself.

Day 12:  We talked about how jealousy stems from the belief that you are replaceable.
Event + Belief = Emotion

Day 13:  We talked about the first step in finding your spirit. You have to choose you first. You cannot wait for someone else to choose you. You have to choose you first.

Day 14:  We talked about how to become more powerful.
More Value = More Power
The more value you bring to the world, the more powerful you will be.

Day 15:  We talked about how to create luck in your life.
Luck = Preparation + Opportunity

Day 16:  We talked about gamma brain waves. And how they are created by using your conscious and subconscious at the same time allowing you to get high on life by creating serotonin and other feel good neurotransmitters. And how munchausen by proxy creates gamma brain waves.

Day 17:  We talked about how to move on after hardships or trauma. You have to turn the event into wisdom.
Wisdom = Memory – Emotion

And you do that by filtering the emotions associated with the event through your critical logical mind to create feelings.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Day 18:  We talked about epigenetics, beliefs, mitochondria, placebo, nocebo, and your subconscious being your habit mind where your beliefs are stored. Your beliefs dictate epigenetics. Because your beliefs are your environment. So you have to learn how to program your subconscious in order to have a good life and be healthy.

Day 19:  We talked about the consequences of changing your beliefs. You will have to change cultures. Because culture is a group of people with shared beliefs. When you change your beliefs you change your culture. People will try to discourage this change because you are their environment and they don’t want to change. Do it anyway!

Day 20:  We talked about trauma bonds and neuro linguistic programming. In a world that partakes in munchausen by proxy, there are no real human bonds. There are only trauma bonds. And the parents who poisoned you the most are the people who used neuro linguistic programming to input beliefs into your subconscious when you were a child in a state of hypnosis. These are the programs you are currently running unless you have taken the time to replace and/or debug them.

And we started “You” and “I” statements to input beliefs into our conscious and subconscious.

Part 2

Day 1:  We took a tour of your brain discovering where your reptilian brain, critical logical mind(where your spirit lives), crown chakra(where God lives), and subconscious are. Also, we talked more about how beliefs are inserted into your subconscious and how they dont have to be true. Your beliefs can be lies. But you won’t know unless you become conscious of them or you can install a new program that is the truth just to be safe. And we did more “You” and “I” statements.

Day 2:  We did “You” and “I” statements designed to create success in your life.

Day 3:  We talked about personalized programming. You will need to program yourself with the beliefs needed to accomplish your personal dreams, goals, and purposes. We can program ourselves together and get a good operational base. But the specialized programs are something you need to do on your own. Happiness is an inside job.

Day 4:  We talked about changing the world together with our collective conscious. And we did more “You” and “I” statements.

Day 5:  We talked about how to love yourself. Loving yourself means creating a bond with yourself based on love. This means no more destroying yourself. Destruction is not love. Also, you have to love the family you were born into because they are apart of you. They may not deserve this love, but if you dont love them you will always hate parts of yourself. And you deserve to love yourself. You don’t have to allow these people in your life. You just have to love them because we all are born good. Some people just evolve to be bad. These good parts will lead you towards your purposes in life once you embrace them.

Day 6:  We talked about mind movies, mental reversal, and  visualization. Whatever you want to call it you need to see the outcome you wish to occur over and over in your mind. This makes your subconscious believe it has already taken place. And the 95% of the time that it is in control it will push to make this a reality.

Day 7:  We created a mind movie together. It’s not just about picturing the big things in life. It’s about the little things that add up to be big parts of your life too.  So, mentally rehearse all aspects of your life to create success.

Day 8:  We talked about your gut and how you have more nerve cells in your digestion than any other place in your body. Your gut is where the hoader that is your nervous system lives. You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. So if your gut bacteria is off and sending all kinds of whacky information to your brain through your nervous system, you will be missing big parts of the human experience. And some parts of your life will reflect the whacky information, being upside down and backwards.

Day 9:  We talked about gut bacteria. We all have a civilization of gut bugs. Your residents eat protein. And your tourists eat carbs.

In a world with munchausen by proxy, our gut bug civilization would be where our self destruct button would be found. Because your mother would have put it there during the first 2 years of your life when your civilization was forming.

All bad bacteria creates insulin resistance. The more protein you eat the more insulin resistant you will get.

Day 10:  We talked about the Holy Trinity of health:  gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. Only 6 diseases in the world are genetic. The rest are epigenetic.

Day 11:  We talked about how to find  yourself and find God. Your spirit lives in your critical logical mind. And you access your crown chakra through your critical logical mind. However, if your gut bacteria is off and you have dysbiosis you will not be able to fully connect with yourself or God. Because dysbiosis blocks you from your critical logical mind.

Good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you. And bad bugs are parasitic eating you alive until you die. The key to connecting with yourself and God is to cultivate your gut bugs to have mostly symbiotic bugs.

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