Finra Tax-The Smoking Gun

I was on the phone with Etrade for 2 hours today. And I found the smoking gun we need. See there is a Finra tax on every trade.

The equation is supposed to be:

.000145 x #of shares

This tax only occurs when you sell. However, recently I noticed my account wasn’t adding up right. It was off. So I figured they were Nicole and diming me to death. But I had never experienced a financial institution that gave me incorrect data. The screen I accessed this incorrect data on the website has since been removed. However, I still have my trade confirmations that I get every night.

See, The Finra tax below. It is not the correct equation/amount. I am assuming they are nickel and diming us all to take part in their rigged stock market. You have seen movies where they steal money by stealing fractions of a cent from billions of people, right? Well, here it is with a smoking gun.

This equation would be:

.000166 x # of shares

They are stealing .000021 for every share of stock you buy.

I’m expecting a callback from Etrade, but I expect to have to report this to Finra. Please look at your account information in multiple places and check the information. It’s only really noticable when you buy 5,000 shares of something. Because that adds up to 10 cents.

There are rules to the real world that are supposed to be followed right? My family is breaking countless rules. Please file a complaint if you see this happening in your account too. It’s bad enough the stockmarket is rigged. They don’t need to steal money from us too. Where are the lines? Ate there any lines? Because from where I sit there are absolutely no lines or accountability.