Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 7

On day 1, we talked about how your nervous system collects so much information all the time that it overwhelms your brain. Your nervous system is like the internet. And your brain is like a library. Allowing your brain time to catch up with your nervous system is key not only in remaining calm, but in being the person you are meant to be.

On day 2, we talked about how your brain is a library and you have to filter the information from your nervous system. If you catalog and keep all the information your nervous system collects in the library of your brain, you will create a worthless junkyard. And your life’s work will have been for nothing. Everyone creates a library of information with their life. It’s not something you can opt out of like emails. Part of your purpose here on earth is to build a library of useful information in your brain that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

So, the key to creating a valuable library is to learn to filter the information your nervous system collects. And you have to teach your brain what to filter. Otherwise, it will constantly be getting overworked and overwhelmed.

Knowing what to filter is about knowing yourself. The only way to know the information that will help you achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life is to know yourself. Knowing yourself is the key to creating value in the library of your brain.

On day 3, we talked about how to know yourself. People talk about knowing themselves like it’s a mystical experience. But really knowing yourself is just about spending time with yourself. You get to know someone else by spending time with them. Getting to know yourself is the same. You just spend time getting to know yourself.

Getting to know yourself isn’t about sitting down and writing a list of the things you like. Getting to know yourself is about states of being. You are a human being. Getting to know yourself is about being in joy. The things you like are just a way to facilitate being in a state of joy. When you are in joy, you are the person you are meant to be. Life is about joy. We were sent to Earth to be in joy.

On day 4, we talked about inheritance systems that teach you almost everything you know. The behavioral inheritance system is learning from watching others. While the symbolic inheritance system is written words, charts, graphs, maps, etc.

Both systems can be fallible. The symbolic inheritance system can be written with incorect information. But the behavioral inheritance system has many dangers. And the behavioral inheritance system has been used against us in many ways throughout history.

When you watch someone do something it activates your mirror neurons in your brain. And your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing you saw someone do. So everytime you learn from the behavioral inheritance system, your brain is wiring and firing that action into your brain as if you did it. Monkey see monkey do is a saying that describes your mirror neurons.

The biggest danger of the behavioral inheritance system and your mirror neurons is the fact that humans try to enslave each other and conquer the world. Your brain was not created with this in mind. So your mirror neurons can be used against you to get you to destroy not only yourself, but others too.

An example would be, when Hitler told people to mistreat Jewish people. Some people did not agree, but as they saw more people mistreating Jewish people, the more they became comfortable with it all. Would you jump off a bridge if everyone around you was doing it? Your mirror neurons are set up to make you do the things people around you are doing.

Another example is when a monkey sees another monkey eating a new kind of banana. That monkey can pretty safely wire and fire the information into it’s brain without fear. However, when a human sees another human in the grocery store parking lot eating a banana, that human cannot wire and fire the information into their brain without fear. Humans having the desire to enslave the people around them and take over the world, means that banana could have been genetically modified to create negative epigenetic triggers and make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level.

In the modern day world, you have to expect that everyone is trying to brainwash you into destroying yourself and others. Humans use mirror neurons against each other to satisfy the need they have to enslave the people around them and conquer the world.

On day 5, we talked about how to use your logical and critical mind to overcome your mirror neurons and the behavioral inheritance system. Your mirror neurons are set up to get you to jump off a bridge if everyone around is doing it. But your logical and critical mind can stop you from partaking in the blind leading the blind. You just have to be aware of what is really happening. And this means seeing the world and the people around you as they really are.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. It’s pretty safe to say that if you want a good life you should not be doing the things the people around you are doing. Average actions lead to average results. And nowadays the average results in humans lives are far below desirable. People are more lost than ever before. Yet, they still look towards other people to figure out what to do.

See in cave man days it was possible to master life. Because there were only a few things to master. If you could run from predators, eat food that wouldn’t kill you, and reproduce in cave man days you mastered life. Mastery takes about 5,000 hours. There was enough time to master the things in life back then. However, nowadays life entails so many different things it is not humanly possible to master life. There aren’t enough hours in a human life in order to master all the things we do nowadays.

We are in a world filled with idiots. And you are one of them. Sure we may master a few things in life, but no one has the time needed to master life. It’s not humanly possible in the modern day world to master life. This means we are all idiots. And the sooner you realize this and see the world for how it is, the sooner you are going to be safe from having your mirror neurons used against you. If you see someone doing something statistically speaking you probably shouldn’t do that thing if you want a good life. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. You need to act accordingly.

On day 6, we talked about gamma brain waves and creating more plasticity in your brain. If your subconscious is constantly wiring and firing the actions of others into your brain, how can you be the most effective at consciously learning the information you need? Overcoming your mirror neurons is not just about seeing the world as the disaster it is with people more lost than ever before. It’s about getting the information you need to not only survive, but to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life.

Your brain was designed to wire in new information the fastest when you are running from a predator. And this state of plasticity is created by gamma brain waves. So if you are going to overcome being surrounded by idiots, you need to learn how to enduce gamma brain waves to program yourself with the information you need to suceed.

Your subconscious mind is the genius and runs the show in your brain. While your logical critical mind is great for collecting relevant information. But too often we try to problem solve with our logical brain. And it wasn’t really created to do much of that. When you try to solve complex problems with your logical brain you create high beta brain waves. These high beta brain waves actually harm your brain and cause anxiety. Plus, they turn off your immune system. High beta brain waves make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level.

You have heard that saying about how you are supposed to go do something else when you have a problem you cannot solve and the answer will come to you, right? This is your subconscious working with gamma brain waves. Your subconscious is a computer that runs programs in the back of your mind until an answer is found. You just have to let it run it’s program. When you try to focus on solving a problem with your logical critical mind, you are getting in the way of your subconscious running it’s program and finding the answer you seek. Hitting your head against a metaphorical wall over and over again is not only a waste of time, but it is how you make yourself more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. It’s counterproductive in countless ways.

Today on day 7, let’s continue with how to take in the information you need in order to succeed. We have to revisit the human tendency to enslave the people around you in efforts of conquering the world. Your brain was not designed with this in mind, but neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot achieve gamma brain waves. And gamma brain waves are intelligence.

In the old days, these people who were preoccupied with terrorism and conquering the people around them used to burn down villages. So it was easy to identify them and know who your enemy was. However, nowadays these people live amongst us. And they will even go as far as pretending to be your friend or family.

This goes full circle and ties into programming your conscious and subconscious mind, because these terrorists use your epigenetics and ability to methylate to enslave you.

Epigenetics is the mechanism of turning on and off the genes we have. We all are born with genes, but how you live your life and your environment dictates how your genes are switched on and off, like lights switches. And methylation is one of the mechanisms that switches the lights on and off. In the modern day world, people use your body to enslave you and keep you stuck in a concentration camp.

You know that neighbor that burns stinky firewood? You know that neighbor that races past your house in their car leaving behind all kinds of fumes? You know that neighbor that wakes you up at night being too loud? These people are some of the terrorists in your life. They are inhibiting your ability to methylate properly. Which causes you to have more negative epigenetic triggers. Which means you are more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And you are not the person you are intended to be.

When your ability to methylate is compromised, your ability to access gamma brain waves is compromised. The more your ability to methylate is compromised, the more you will be reliant on the disasters your mirror neurons program into your subconscious brain. And the less you will be able to access your critical logical mind and create gamma brain waves to create intelligence.

A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Nowadays, we have more terrorists living amongst us than ever before. And these people pretend to be your friends and your family. When in actuality they are turning your body and brain into a concentration camp that they hope you will never be able to escape.