Personal Health 101 Day 17

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to  produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

On day 14, we talked about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

On day 15, we talked about GMO’s.

GMOs are created by inserting mutated viruses into organisms. You know how KFC can’t be called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore? Well, that’s because they don’t serve chicken. The meat they serve is just a vehicle to get you to eat viruses.

All GMOs foods are like this. Plus, often they have been designed to have more of the amino acid arginine. Because this grows the viruses in your body.

These mutated viruses cause disease. And once you have a virus it stays in your body forever. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasite, and viruses from our Mom’s side of the family? We inherit these GMO viruses too.

So yes, the grocery store workers are killing us with bad bacteria and heavy metals they put on the food. But the food has literally been designed to kill us slowly, covertly, and painfully over time.

On day 16, we talked about ethanol.

GMO corn has mutated viruses in it. And GMO corn is in gas. This means not only do cars and other gas operated machines spew bad bacteria into the environment, they also spew mutated viruses into the air and environment.

Covid was far from the first virus we were exposed to. When food was genetically modified in the 1980s, we were genetically modified. Because we eat the food and it becomes a part of who we are. And we inherit viruses from our Mom’s side of the family.

We breath bad bacteria and viruses with every breath we take. And these bad bacteria and viruses are living in the materials that make up your houses, homes, and cars. Remember how to tell the difference between good bugs and bad bugs? Good bugs make you a better human because they form symbiotic relationships with you. And bad bugs eat you alive till you die because they are parasitic.

You will be eaten alive till you die, unless you learn how to cultivate your good bugs and kill parasitic bugs.

Today, on day 17, let’s talk about how the pandemic never really ended.

The Covid virus wasn’t what killed people. The overload of bad bugs on their immune system is what killed people. We may have addressed the existence of one virus. But we never addressed the root problem. When you don’t get to the root of a problem, it keeps growing back.

Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, bad bacteria, parasites, and heavy metals can be removed from your body with time and efforts. But viruses are forever. You can bring the number of virus cells down in your body to where your immune system can keep them in check. But you can never fully remove virus cells from your body.

We live in a world with mutated viruses from GMO’s and countless other viruses. We catch these viruses from each other, from just breathing the air, eating food and drinking. Viruses cause obesity, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and countless other complications. But we have never addressed the elephant in the room.

The pandemic never ended and we never addressed the root to our pain and suffering.

Personal Health 101 Day 16

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

On day 14, we talked about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

On day 15, we talked about GMO’s.

GMOs are created by inserting mutated viruses into organisms. You know how KFC can’t be called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore? Well, that’s because they don’t serve chicken. The meat they serve is just a vehicle to get you to eat viruses.

All GMOs foods are like this. Plus, often they have been designed to have more of the amino acid arginine. Because this grows the viruses in your body.

These mutated viruses cause disease. And once you have a virus it stays in your body forever. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasite, and viruses from our Mom’s side of the family? We inherit these GMO viruses too.

So yes, the grocery store workers are killing us with bad bacteria and heavy metals they put on the food. But the food has literally been designed to kill us slowly, covertly, and painfully over time.

Today, on day 16, let’s talk about ethanol.

GMO corn has mutated viruses in it. And GMO corn is in gas. This means not only do cars and other gas operated machines spew bad bacteria into the environment, they also spew mutated viruses into the air and environment.

Covid was far from the first virus we were exposed to. When food was genetically modified in the 1980s, we were genetically modified. Because we eat the food and it becomes a part of who we are. And we inherit viruses from our Mom’s side of the family.

We breath bad bacteria and viruses with every breath we take. And these bad bacteria and viruses are living in the materials that make up your houses, homes, and cars. Remember how to tell the difference between good bugs and bad bugs? Good bugs make you a better human because they form symbiotic relationships with you. And bad bugs eat you alive till you die because they are parasitic.

You will be eaten alive till you die, unless you learn how to cultivate your good bugs and kill parasitic bugs.

Personal Health 101 Day 15

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to  produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

On day 14, we talked about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

Today, on day 15, let’s talk about GMO’s.

GMOs are created by inserting mutated viruses into organisms. You know how KFC can’t be called Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore? Well, that’s because they don’t serve chicken. The meat they serve is just a vehicle to get you to eat viruses.

All GMOs foods are like this. Plus, often they have been designed to have more of the amino acid arginine. Because this grows the viruses in your body.

These mutated viruses cause disease. And once you have a virus it stays in your body forever. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasite, and viruses from our Mom’s side of the family? We inherit these GMO viruses too.

So yes, the grocery store workers are killing us with bad bacteria and heavy metals they put on the food. But the food has literally been designed to kill us slowly, covertly, and painfully over time.

Personal Health 101 Day 14

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

On day 13, we talked about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living.

Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

Today, on day 14, let’s talk about the spectrum of epigenetics.

Epigenetics are not black and white. They exist on a spectrum. We often cannot directly see this spectrum, but hazel eye color is a perfect example. You have seen people with hazel eyes and how their eyes change colors, right? Well, this is due to epigenetics. There are 16 genes that determine eye color. The more positive epigenetics you have, the more brown your eyes will be.

The genes that determine eye color dictate how much melanin your eyes produce. The more melanin you produce, the more brown your eyes. People with blue eyes do not produce melanin. Green eyes produce a little more than blue eyes. And amber or orange colored eyes produce a little more. But brown eyes produce the optimal amount of melanin. This means people with hazel colored eyes are in a unique position to be able to see the health of their epigenetics pretty clearly.

Epigenetics are a spectrum. 16 genes determine your eye color. But over 500 genes determine your intelligence. Can you even imagine how many different shades of intelligence there are? Your genes may give you limitations to your potential, but there are countless things you can do to reach your potential.

Remember everyday you are producing new cells and those cells have mitochondria that write messages into the cell. These messages add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday you have a chance to become more human on a gene and cellular level.

Personal Health 101 Day 12

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

On day 12, we talked about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

Today, on day 13, let’s talk about seratonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in your gut. Remember your gut bosses your brain around. And it produces neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Being human is a chemical reaction. Everything you experience triggers chemicals from within your body. These chemicals are what make you human. These chemicals are what make life worth living. Addiction issues are just you doing things to cause a chemical reaction in your body. The more you understand how to create these chemicals in your body in a healthy manner, the fewer maladaptive addictions you will have.

Serotonin has to do with mood regulation. And it does help make you feel content and happy. But the big thing it does is it regulates your immune system. And remember how most of your immune system lives in your gut? Serotonin regulates your gut motility. Which is a key factor in your health and wellness.

Your gut bacteria create serotonin and many other neurotransmitters. But they require that you have the building blocks necessary for their production. So this means if you have too many vitamin and mineral deficiencies, you will not be able to  produce the serotonin you need. Which means your body will not be able to regulate your immune system.

If you have a healthy balance of gut bacteria, you will have a good mood, healthy immune system, and good digestion without constipation or diarrhea. However, if your seratonin production is out of whack you will have many health and mood complications. And you will experience constipation and/or diarrhea.

If you have gut bacteria that do not produce enough serotonin, you will be constipated. If you have gut bacteria that produce too much serotonin, you will have diarrhea. And if your gut bugs produce too much serotonin, it puts you at risk for having seizures. If you have seizures, it means your gut bacteria produce too much serotonin. And you can fix all these issues merely by balancing your gut bacteria.

Different bacteria eat different foods. So you need to eat the foods that feed the gut bacteria you would like to grow more of. Your health and happiness depend on you knowing how and what to feed your gut bacteria so they will produce what you need to be healthy and happy.

Being human is a chemical experience. Instead of doing drugs figure out how to hack your gut bacteria in order to be healthy and get high on life. Your good bugs want you to be healthy and happy. You need to learn how to help them be healthy and happy. So they can take care of you.

Personal Health 101 Day 11

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

Today, on day 11, let’s talk about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

Personal Health 101 Day 11

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

On day 10, we talked about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation, because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around you are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?

Today, on day 11, let’s talk about your immune system.

Remember how good bugs create symbiotic relationships with you, making you a better human and home for themselves? And remember how bad bugs create parasitic relationships with you and eat you alive till you die? And remember how disbiosis is just an overgrowth of bad bugs? And remember how an overgrowth of bad bugs causes disease?

There are countless bacteria, parasite, and virus strains in the world. Each of them do different things and require different foods and environments to grow and thrive. But the good news is if you grow your good bugs, they will help you battle the bad bugs. Because they want a good life too. This phenomenon is called your immune system. Your good bugs fight to keep you alive and healthy. Because they want to stay alive and healthy.

Creating good gut bacteria isn’t about killing all the bad bugs. It is about getting them down in numbers to where your immune system can handle them and keep them in check. And your immune system is your good bugs.

Remember how covid killed people? It didn’t kill people because it was deadly on it’s own. It killed people because they had an overgrowth of other bad bugs and their immune system was overwhelmed. You know how really old people die from the flu? It is the same concept.

Your immune system is made up of your good bugs. The more different strains you have the better. And the more your good bugs outnumber your bad bugs, the stronger your immune system will be. Whenever you kill parasitic bugs in your body, you improve the strength of your immune system. Your good bugs are your immune system.

Personal Health 101 Day 10

On day 1, we talked about why your health is your own personal responsibility and something you have to manage yourself.

Let’s say you wanted to conquer the world. First, you would have to enslave the people. Do you think healthy and happy people would be easier to enslave? Or do you think diseased and depressed people would be easier to enslave? If you are trying to conquer the world, it only makes sense to make people diseased and depressed first.

Remember how releasing toxins in the environment inhibits people’s ability to methylate, blocking them from their critical logical mind? Well if you create dysbiosis in their gut, which is the common denominator of all disease and depression, you stop them from standing up for themselves. By creating dysbiosis in humans, you create pushovers who won’t stand up for themselves. You create people who are unsure of themselves, because they don’t trust themselves.

Remember how your mirror neurons are always collecting information with your nervous system and storing this information in your subconscious? Well, people with diverse healthy gut bacteria have more influence and are more popular. Your mirror neurons and nervous system collect information about people’s microbiome because it helps you know who to trust. It let’s you know who you should listen to more.

However, if everyone around you has dysbiosis it will be easier to sell you a ketchup popsicle when you have white gloves on. Your subconscious and your mirror neurons will not know who to trust. And your own dysbiosis will tell you that you cannot trust yourself.

Your health is your personal responsibility because the medical industry aims to disempower you and enslave you. Modern medicine rarely does anything to help you cultivate a diverse healthy microbiome. Most of modern medicine erodes your gut bacteria and creates more disbiosis. Almost all pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs create dysbiosis. And almost all people take drugs in an effort to feel better.

You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. In order to experience health, you have to cultivate your microbiome. You are a bug. Your health relies on you cultivating your bugs. Modern medicine mostly ignores this foundational truth. You have to take responsibility for your own personal health.

On day 2, we talked about how you were born to be you.

There are only about 6 diseases in the world that are caused by just genes. All the rest are epigenetic. So yes, you were born with genes like your family. But that does not mean you have to be like them.

You determine which of your genes are turned on and off by how you live your life, your beliefs, and every decision you make. You choose who you are everyday of your life. You can change any day you choose to. All you have to do is start making different decisions and living differently.

Everyday your body is creating new cells. The mitochondria in each of those cells writes messages into the cell. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. Yes, you are human. But really you are just a collective of cells. And you are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells. But your bugs have epigenetics too.

Everyday you are either becoming a more optimal human or you are becoming more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level. You get to choose who you are today and who you become tomorrow. So anytime you feel helpless remember you are the master of your own destiny. You decide who you are down to a gene and cellular level. The ultimate control is yours.

On day 3, we talked about generational trauma.

You take more after your Mom’s side of the family, right? Everyone does, because we inherit all of our mitochondria from our Mom. Yes, we get 50% of our genes from our Mom and 50% from our Dad. But remember how mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body and those messages add up to be your epigenetics? This means your Mom decided 100% your gene expression.

Remember how we are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than human cells? Well, you get all of your mitochondria from your Mom because you inherit bacteria, parasite, and virus cells from your Mom, your Mom’s Mom, your maternal great grandmother, and so on and on. Your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. And you get your bugs from your Mom’s side of the family.

Now imagine your maternal great grandmother took antibiotics once because she was deathly ill and almost died. This would allow for the antibiotic resistant bacteria in her body to flourish. And this bacteria would be passed on to your Grandma and Mom and it would flourish in them when they took antibiotics. It’s a snowball effect in bacteria form.

Generational trauma is really just an overgrowth of bad bugs. People have not taken responsibility for their health for generations. So if you wish to not experience dis ease in the same ways as the people in your family, you need to cleanse your body.

On day 4, we talked about the holy trinity of health.

The holy trinity of health is gut bacteria, mitochondria, and epigenetics. Any kind of disease, depression, or anxiety can be helped and some even cured by using this formula for health.

Your gut bacteria dictate the health of the mitochondria in each cell of your body. Mitochondria write messages into each cell of your body. And these messages add up to be your epigenetics. This snowball effect can either keep you healthy or it can keep you sick.

If you are in pain, diseased, depressed, or anxious it is your job to fix your gut bacteria and stop the negative snowball effect in your body and epigenetics. This feels overwhelming at first. But after you take responsibility for your health and get used to caring for yourself, it gets easier. When you first learned to drive a car it was a lot to take in. But after a few years you can do it without thinking about it. Taking care of your own health and body is no different. Once you accept the responsibility and learn how to do it, it just becomes natural and easy.

On day 5, we talked about gene mutations.

We have been taught to worship gene mutations. Blue eyes and blonde hair are gene mutations. Humans are designed to have brown hair and brown eyes. Anything other than this is suboptimal on a gene and cellular level.

We are taught to idealize gene mutations because they make people easier to control and brainwash. The more gene mutations you have the more prone you are to disbiosis. The more disbiosis you have the more cut off from your critical logical mind you are and the more you are susceptible to suggestion and brainwashing.

If you were trying to conquer the world and enslave the people, would you want people to be easier to brainwash? Or would you want them to think for themselves and be strong on a gene and cellular level? Gene mutations are a great way to enslave the world without them knowing or understanding what is happening.

On day 6, we talked about brain damage.

If you were trying to take over the world, it would be easier if people where in a hyper fear state and couldn’t think clearly, right?

Your gut bacteria create many vitamins your body and brain need to work properly. When you erode your gut bacteria, you erode your ability to create these vitamins.

Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins your gut bacteria produce. It is a fat soluble vitamin that helps calcium be absorbed into your bones and teeth. When you do not have enough vitamin K2, calcium free floats in your bloodstream unable to be absorbed. This free floating calcium then damages your brain in your amygdala. Causing you to be in a hyper fear state. Which often just feels like stress. You are constantly stressed and nothing you do seems to lessen the stress you feel. This brain damage to your amygdala also causes you to not be able to handle extreme temperatures. When it gets hot or cold you feel even more stressed and your body cannot regulate your temperature.

Lastly, this free floating calcium grows the C. Diff bacteria in your body, because calcium germinates C. Diff spores. This leads to extreme hunger, especially in the winter months. And it also leads to more addictive behaviors. Because C. Diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine.

If you were enslaving people in an attempt to conquer the world, it would be a lot easier if they had brain damage, lived in a constant fear and stress state, ate too much damaging their epigenetics and causing disease, and had more addictive behaviors.

On day 7, we talked about heavy metals.

You remember how we inherit our bugs from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family. Any heavy metals your great great Grandma was exposed to you will have. Unless she or someone downstream cleansed their body of heavy metals before you were born.

Also anything that touches our skin bypasses our liver and goes directly into our bloodstream. Remember how environmental toxins are released into the environment to block people off from their critical logical mind and create a crusade? All those toxins are in our food. But they also are in our body. This means all the environmental toxins that were used to create world war 2 and every war since are in your body unless someone on your Mom’s side of the family took the time and responsibility to remove them.

Let’s say we lived in a world where women poison themselves when they are pregnant. This means the more older siblings you have the more toxic metals would be built up in your Mom’s body.

Toxic heavy metals cause disease, cognitive impairment, and disbiosis. It is another great way to leave people unable to think for themselves. And they pass it on to their children.

Flouride is a heavy metal. Many of us took this as children for our teeth. And many people use dental products with fluoride. This inhibits your brain from talking to you in images.

Bromide is another heavy metal that has been put in bread. We used to use iodine in bread, but it helps our body remove heavy metals. So in the 1970s &1980s they added bromide and took out the iodine.

Immunizations have heavy metals.

Paint before 1978 had lead. And if you live in a house older than 1978 there is probably lead paint in it. Lead has dangerous effects on the brain. Especially, children’s brains.

There are countless instances of heavy metals in our environment being put in our bodies. You need to cleanse your body and brain of heavy metals.

On day 8, we talked about oxytocin.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the love hormone. It is associated with trust, sex, parenthood, and our bodies crave this hormone. Because oxytocin is healing. Remember how you create healthy telemares when you are completing your purpose in life and this allows your DNA to replicate without flaws? Well, oxytocin protects the health of your telemares.

So when you are in trusting relationships, especially when you have children, while being of service and completing your purpose you are a more optimal human on a gene and cellular level. You were born to complete your purpose and establish trusting relationships that create oxytocin. This is what allows your body to stay in optimal health. You were born to love and be loved. It’s science. Bob Marley was right.

Let’s say that the world signed up to be in a cult of sociopaths, who destroyed everyone and everything. This would change the way their brains wired and fired in countless ways. Sociopaths are not born. They are made by changing the way your brain wires and fires. When you act like a sociopath, you become addicted to destruction and poisoning people. And you loose your humanity on countless levels.

Sociopaths and all cluster b personality disorders dysfunctionally process oxytocin. You can’t love and trust people when you are addicted to destruction. And this dysfunctional processing of oxytocin makes you into a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level.

Instead of oxytocin being healing, it will create a stress response. This stress response is why post partum depression is so common nowadays. It is also why so many women have a hard time breast feeding. When oxytocin is stressful rather than healing because your body and brain process it dysfunctionally, it causes disease and for you to become less human on a gene and cellular level.

You were born to accomplish your purpose, but you were also born to create loving and trusting relationships.

On day 9, we talked about addiction.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant infection. C. Diff bacteria changes the way your brain processes dopamine, which changes your behavior and who you are. All you have to do is cleanse your body and treat the infection.

When you take antibiotics this infection grows. When you surround yourself with others who also have this infection like in NA and AA, this infection grows. When you have disbiosis, this infection grows.

C. Diff is a spore bacteria. Which means it is like mold. The spores are floating around in the environment constantly waiting to find what they need to germinate and become active and alive. Just like mold needs water to be active. C. Diff needs calcium.

The more you heal your gut bacteria, the more your body will be able to fight this infection naturally and on it’s own. The more gut bugs you have that produce vitamin K2, the less able C. Diff spores will be to germinate. Vitamin K2 allows for calcium in your body to be absorbed into your bones and teeth. Which makes it unavailable to germinate the C. Diff spores in your body.

Addiction is just an antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. You are not an addict. You just have an infection. You are not helpless. You just have an infection. The more you cleanse your body the more you will feel like yourself.

Addiction is not a personality flaw. It is just an infection which is designed to get you to accept learned helplessness. If you were enslaving the people in an effort to take over the world wouldn’t it be easier if they thought they were helpless and couldn’t take care of themselves?

Today, on day 10, let’s talk about vitamin deficiencies.

Most of us have vitamin deficiencies and we don’t even know it. Because we are born with them. Remember how we inherit bacteria, parasites, viruses, and heavy metals from our Mom’s side of the family? Well, we also inherit vitamin deficiencies. Meaning if your great Grandma had a vitamin deficiency and no one down stream from her corrected it, then you also have this vitamin deficiency.

Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) are made up imaginary numbers. No two people need the same amount of vitamins. We all are different. Our bodies are different. We have different bugs. We have different genes. We have different epigenetics. No two people are the same.

Exposure to toxins increases your need for vitamins and minerals. Some gene mutations and negative  epigenetic triggers make it so you cannot absorb certain vitamins and minerals effectively. The soil and our food has been designed to be void of nutrients. Food today has significantly less nutrition than even 50 years ago. You cannot get all the vitamins and minerals you need just with food. It’s literally impossible with food the way it is today.

Your needs for vitamins and minerals really don’t have much to do with you at all. What you require for vitamins and minerals relys most on the emotional regulation of the people around you. And we live in a world where people are incapable of emotional regulation because they are addicted to their emotions. So your need for vitamins and minerals is directly correlated with how addicted the people around are to their emotions. And really has not much to do with you.

Let’s say the gas attendant that pumped your gas today got in a fight with his boss, so he put a little extra poison in your gas today to make himself feel better. Let’s say the grocery store worker had a good day, so she put a little less poison in your food today. Let’s say the janitor where you work got in a fight with his wife, so he put a little more poison in the cleaners he used. Let’s say your spouse had a good day at work, so he or she put extra poison in your food to celebrate.

Toxins increase your need for vitamins and minerals. No two days are the same, because everyday the people around you poison you to different degrees due to their lack of emotional regulation. This is the consequence of living in a world where people destroy everyone and everything.

The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the worse your epigenetics. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more prone you are to disbiosis, depression, anxiety, and disease. The more vitamin and mineral deficiencies you have the more cut off you are from your critical logical mind and the more vulnerable you are to brainwashing and suggestion.

If you were taking over the world and needed to enslave the people to do so, wouldn’t it make sense to starve them so they couldn’t think clearly?