Race Is A Social Construct

Time is a man made invention. Days exist. Years exist. The seasons exist. Morning, afternoon, and evening exist. But 3:05pm does not exist. Time is a man made construct.

Sometimes time flies. And other times it crawls. The sun rises and sets at different times all year long. Time isn’t consistent. But we treat it as it is because it makes running the world and civilization easier. It makes us civilized, right?

Race is a social construct. It’s not real. There is no test to find out what your race is. Sure, there are tests to see where your ancestors most likely lived. But those are not completely reliable, because people travel and move.

You people are a lot of different things. But you only seem to identify and categorize yourself by just one of those things. And that label you give yourself is what creates the patterns in behavior and epigenetics that make up race.

Basically you join a culture of other people who are a lot of different things, but who choose to identify as the same race as you. A culture is just a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These beliefs create patterns in behavior and epigenetics. Because beliefs are your environment. And epigenetics are dictated by environment.

So when this stupid imaginary game gets you to identify with one race, really all that is happening is you are joining a culture. Race doesn’t exist. Sure we can trace back where our ancestors came from. But your ancestors aren’t you. And a lot of your ancestors didn’t live in the region that you identify with. And when you only display one part of yourself with loyalty and pride, it means all the other parts will make you feel inferior. Because if your race is the best, how can the other parts of you that are different races be good and valuable?

Race is a way to induce shame. Because shame means there is something wrong with you. Guilt means you made a mistake. But shame means there is something wrong with you. And you had no part in choosing the races you were born into. And God only makes one kind of human.

Race is just a way for this stupid imaginary game to control you and play mind games with you. Making you feel inferior. Race doesn’t exist. Your ancestors they existed. And yes they belonged to a culture and that culture influenced the circumstances you were born into. But you probably belong to a different culture. And that will make you different.

Race is a social construction. There is no scientific backing or tests to figure out race. Your culture does define you because your culture influences and determines your beliefs. And beliefs dictate epigenetics.

A study of European people of all kinds compared their facial features. This study discovered the differences in their facial features were only 14% genetic. You are like the race you identify with because you believe yourself to be that race. And join that culture. Culture dictates epigenetics. Because a culture is just a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. And beliefs dictate epigenetics.

Race doesn’t exist. It’s just another way to control you and your mind.

Divide to conquer, right?