How To End Violence Worldwide

Violence is a result of immaturity. And it symbolizes a lack of self awareness. Therefore in order to end violence we all have to grow up and become aware of ourselves as a world and a collective. We can’t overcome worldwide violence without worldwide growth.

First, we need to become aware of violence in ourselves. It’s not good or bad. It just is. Awareness isn’t about judgement. It is about being aware. When you start judging, it is no longer awareness. It is judgement.

Why do we experience violence? Violence normally stems from some form of anger. We are angry our lives are in danger, so we lash out. We are angry our rights are stepped on. We are angry our freedoms are disregarded or belittled. We are angry our worldviews or opinions are not acknowledged. From anger stems violence.

So what is the root cause of anger? Anger is a secondary emotion. It is the result of being hurt. So when we act with anger in violence, it is because we are hurt. We fear for our lives and that hurts us. So we act out in anger and violence. Hurt is the primary emotion behind violence. Violence can be boiled down to hurt. Hurt people, hurt people. Because they are acting out that hurt as anger and violence.

Being grown up means seeing your actions as they really are. When you act out in anger and violence, you are doing so because you are hurt. And anger and violence is rarely if ever going to make that hurt go away. Most of the time it just perpetuates that hurt and continues it indefinitely.

An example would be myself. I so very badly want to lash out at the world and hurt you all. Because you have destroyed and hurt me in any way possible not just on this revolution, but throughout my 43 years of life. I am hurt by you all. And it logically makes sense that I want to lash out and hurt you all. It is completely logical and easy to understand. When someone hurts us we want to hurt them back. It is apart of Darwinism and survival of the fittest. An animal in the wild doesn’t just let another wild animal attack and kill it. The animal fights back and defends itself. It’s natural to fight back. It’s programmed in us to fight back. It’s darwinism. We are supposed to fight back.

But we also are designed to pay attention to our hierarchy of needs. We need to prioritize the things we need most. And we need to do what it takes to get those things.

If I lash out and hurt the world as the world has hurt me and I fight back as I am designed to do, I am never going to get my hierarchy of needs fulfilled. I would be forfeiting my dreams, goals, and potential. So yes, it is within my rights as a human being to fight back and hurt you all as you all have hurt me. But if I choose to do so I am forfeiting the things that matter most to me.

My dreams, goals, and potential are way higher on my hierarchy of needs than fighting back. It doesn’t make me weak to not fight back. It makes me stronger than any person in my family has ever been. I understand if I fight back I am acting on my hurt. And in doing that I would jeopardize and forfeit the things I really want in life.

Anger and violence come down to a decision. Do you want to act out on your hurt? Or do you want to be a grown up and do what is in your best interest so you can fulfill your hierarchy of needs?

Do you want to be stuck in the pattern of allowing your hurt to control and dictate your actions? Or do you want to act on self interest and what is best for you?

Granted this doesn’t mean allowing other people to attack and kill you. But it means fighting back in a way that allows you to meet your own needs without perpetuating violence.

Do you want what you really need? Or do you want to be petty and act out in violence because you are hurt and dont know how to be grown up and do what is in your best interest?

Violence is rarely ever in anyone’s best interest. And often people dont even understand that they are getting in the way of their dreams, goals, and potential by acting in violence.