How Can My Gut Bacteria Change Your Life?

The destruction of the world is rooted in genes, epigenetics, and viruses. However, in order for the destruction to work your gut bacteria has to be subpar and destroyed. Follow along with me carefully because this involves many chain reactions with cause and effect. The damage you all have  to your brains, in your frontal lobe, prohibits you all from seeing and understanding cause and effect.

Disbiosis is when you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut and microbiome. This is how all disease is created. Life is about balance and you are a bug. You are more bacteria, parasite, and virus cells than you are human cells. You are a collective of organisms and you are not even mostly human. You are a bug. So when your bugs are out of balance you get sick. Your immune system is the collective of good bugs you have to keep you healthy. They fight to keep you healthy because they want to be healthy and have a good home. You are their home. These bugs are you. And they fight to keep you alive because they want to stay alive.

Gene mutations are a problem in themselves. But one of the chain reactions they cause is that they make you more prone to disbiosis. Which is an of overgrowth of bad bugs that cause disease. So the more gene mutations you have, the more bad bugs you will have. Because it will be easier for them to make themselves at home in your body. The more gene mutations you have, the more disbiosis you have. Which means the more gene mutations you have, the more disease you will have.

Epigenetics are directly effected by your gut bacteria and microbiome. The more disbiosis you have the more dysfunctional your mitochondria will be in every cell of your body. Dysfunctional mitochondria is the root source of modern day diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Disease is epigenetic. Only 6 diseases in the whole world are purely genetic. The disease we experience in the modern day world is epigenetic and caused by mitochondria dysfunction.

The mitochondria in each cell of your body writes messages into those cells. These messages in every cell of your body add up to be your epigenetics. So everyday as you create new cells in your body your gut bacteria and microbiome directly effect the health of the mitochondria in each of those new cells. And the messages those mitochondria write add up to be your epigenetics. Everyday you are becoming more optimally human or more of a subhuman slave race on a gene and cellular level based on the messages written by mitochondria in the cells of your body. Every few years every cell in your body is replaced. Your epigenetics are constantly in motion, never staying the same. Because your environment is constantly changing. Nothing ever stays completely the same. And this is a blessing. Because it means you can become more optimal of a human on a gene and cellular level everyday. And if you do this everyday for long enough you will see great changes. Everyday is hope for better.

There are viruses called phages. These phages eat strains of bacteria. What my family has done is create phages that eat the strains of your good gut bacteria. This makes you vulnerable to the destruction of the world. These are some of the viruses in the poisons you people use everyday on yourselves and others. And because you have been doing this for generations, these viruses surround us in our environment, aka the world.

These phages that eat your good gut bacteria have caused some strains of good gut bacteria to go extinct. Which you can guess is not good. Gut bacteria is about balance. But it is also about ratios and diversity. Just like genetic diversity trumps all, gut bug diversity also trumps all. Being healthy isn’t about eliminating the bad bugs. Its about having as many different strains as possible and having more good gut bugs than bad. The bad bugs won’t hurt you unless they outnumber the good bugs. Having a little exposure to bad bugs actually makes you stronger. Because your immune system will know how to fight those bad bugs. This is how immunizations work. They give you a little bad bugs and your body learns how to fight those bugs, keeping you safe. So, the goal is not to eliminate all the bad bugs, that would make our immune system weak. The goal is to have great diversity and as many strains as possible while consistently having more good bugs than bad bugs.

The biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game is in all the different poisons you all use. Yes, they have chemical poisons, heavy metals, bad bacteria, and viruses. But the part that is really destroying us all and our gut bacteria is the phages. The viruses that attack and eliminate our good gut bacteria.

My whole life people from all different groups have signed up to destroy me for privilege. On this revolution, every group in the world signed up to destroy and kill me group by group. This means I have been exposed to all the biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game. Which means my gut bacteria is like an immunization to the biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game.

Plus, people like me with Autism have more of a diverse microbiome. Which means I have more strains of bugs. Plus, I have Asperger’s. Which means I have more strains of bacteria that make me smart and able to use my brain optimally. So, the phages my family created to attack our good gut bacteria do not effect me the same way they do you all. Because I have more strains of rare bacteria. So my gut bacteria is able to flourish still.

Also, I have never poisoned anyone and I am not mentally ill. Mental illness is from your gut bacteria. You all pretend to be like my family and poison yourselves and others. This erodes your gut bacteria making you mentally, which changes the way you use the muscle that is your brain. In order to fix mental illness, you have to use your brain muscle differently. Which can be done by changing your gut bacteria. Your gut bacteria determines how you use the muscle that is your brain. You know how old people get atrophy in their muscles? Well, the healthy parts of your brain muscle are atrophied and some were never developed to begin with. To develop a muscle you have to exercise it. Your brain is a muscle.

So add all of these things together and what do you get? If I farm bacteria and share my gut bacteria with you all, it will help you correct your mental illness and use your brain more optimally. It will give you an immunization to the biochemical warfare of this stupid imaginary game. It will allow you to have more gut bacteria diversity. Allowing you a stronger immune system and helping you overcome the gene mutations you have. Plus most importantly, it will improve your epigenetics making you more human on a gene and cellular level.

By sharing my gut bacteria with you all, I would be giving you a shortcut to overcoming the destruction you have  waged on yourselves and the world for generations. And I bet you are thinking how could she share her gut bacteria with me? There are so many people in the world, how would I be able to get some of this bacteria?

Well, I have spoken with the farmers and they have agreed to help me fix the destruction of the world. Which means fixing your gut bacteria. All we would have to do is give dairy cows a fecal transplant with my pooh and they would have my bacteria. Then you would drink the milk and get my bugs. This is very accessible to everyone. It took me awhile to figure this one out.

But here is the deal. I need to go home. Las Vegas is my home. I need a house and a career. And I need a normal ordinary life where I have some time to cultivate my gut bacteria and overcome you people trying to destroy and kill me for 43 years. I have no desire to play this stupid imaginary game or to be a communist dictator. But I will protect you all from everyone else who wants to destroy you and be a communist dictator. In the 1900s, 4 people in my family became Dictators. Everyone in my family aspires to destroy and boss you people around. I may not want to be a communist dictator, but I sure as hell am not going to let anyone else be one. I will probably never add up to all the things you people expect from me. But I will offer you freedom if you free me. And I have had 43 years of being a prisoner of war to figure a lot of things out. I hope to share these things with you.

I have consciously cultivated my gut bacteria for over 20 years just to survive you people. You know how people with Asperger’s have special interests? Well, I love gut bacteria. And it seems we all can profit from this interest of mine. Help me go home and get a normal ordinary life and I will help you all be human on a gene and cellular level in ways you never imagined. What would it feel like to be smart like me? You all can find out if you help me, help you.

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