How Is Common Sense Different From Common Knowledge?

Common sense comes from using your senses. If you ignore your senses and feelings you will not have common sense. Common sense is no longer common in the modern world, because people ignore their feelings. They think being grown up is about ignoring the feelings and signals from their nervous system. When in actuality, true intelligence comes from learning how to decipher and interpret these feelings and signals.

Your nervous system carries signals from your senses to your gut. And your gut deciphers those signals and sends the information to your brain. Your digestive tract is where you have the most nerve cells in your body. You know that gut feeling? That is your nervous system deciphering signals from your senses.

Common knowledge on the other hand, is knowledge that most people know and are aware of. Just because something is common knowledge does not make it true. Actually, it is highly likely that it is untrue or destructive if it is common knowledge. You have to consider the source.

The average American is poor, fat, sick, and divorced. Common knowledge is what has lead to this state of being for the common American. If you want to live like a common American by all means listen to common knowledge. Because that is how they got to where they are.

Social norms are common knowledge. They are not common sense. Social norms have been designed to destroy and enslave us. Social norms lead to people being a common American. And the common American is poor, fat, sick, and divorced.

An example would be breeding. It doesn’t make sense to have children when you cannot afford to care for them adequately. Yet, common knowledge leads people to have children. Even when they cannot afford them and it becomes a stressful hardship for all involved.

Another example, is most marriages end in divorce. So common sense says that if you get married it will most likely end in divorce. Yet, people still do it without preparing for the consequences.

Another example of a social norm is we are taught to be kind and forgiving. But common sense says you shouldn’t be nice or near people who hurt you. Forgiving someone who hurt you, just gives them the opportunity to hurt you again. Plus, when you are nice to someone who hurt you it creates a trauma bond and Stockholm syndrome. Which creates a death spiral in your mental health setting you up to have abusive relationships throughout your life. The absolute last thing you should do to someone who hurt you is be nice and forgive them.

Common sense is logical. Common knowledge is not always logical. Just as feelings are logical. And emotions are often illogical. When you take your emotions and filter them through your critical logical mind you get feelings. Your feelings are trustworthy. Your emotions are not.

Common knowledge is just like emotions. You need to filter common knowledge through your critical logical mind to turn it into common sense. Common sense is trustworthy. It’s logical. And common sense is no longer common. So you may be unlike everyone around you if you use common sense. But common sense is your only protection from ending up like the commoner who is poor, fat, sick, and divorced.

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