How To Reverse The Brainwashing From This Stupid Imaginary Game

This stupid imaginary game is just a series of beliefs and covert suggestions set up to make you self destruct. The sicker you are the more susceptible you will be to this brainwashing. However, as children we all are like computers waiting to be programmed.

Your brain is like a computer and it comes alive during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. You start downloading programs from your Mom even before you are born through her blood. The foods she eats while pregnant with you will be the foods you prefer. How she views the world will be beliefs you carry with you for a lifetime. You download countless information from your Mom and her experience.

Then when you are born till the time you are about 7 or 8 years old you are in a state of hypnosis. This is characterized by theta brainwaves. And in the first 8 years of your life you download the programs you will run for your entire life. The catch is these programs are in your subconscious. So you have no clue they are there. And you have no clue you are operating off of a blueprint. You can never be fully aware of everything in your subconscious. Because it’s like a library. It’s not physically possible to read all the books in a library. It’s just not possible, no matter who you are.

Your subconscious mind is in charge 95% of the time. It is the biggest part of your brain. Your critical logical mind is a separate entity. And often the two do not align. People read self help books and change the information in their critical logical mind. But their subconscious goes mostly unchanged. So their behavior goes mostly unchanged.

In order to experience health, wealth, or success we all have to change our programming. Because we all have been set up to fail and fail miserably. I explain how we download programs from the people around us in the programs I have written for us all to be set up for success.

I wrote these programs because it took me almost 40 years to figure out what was happening in my brain. And it took me another 2 years to figure out how to fully reverse it. The wording in these programs is designed to activate both your critical logical mind and your subconscious. Programming your subconscious takes you statements. Where as programming your critical logical mind takes I statements. What we need to do is program our brains to match on both sides. This creates connections between our subconscious and critical logical mind. Connections are intelligence.

Once you program your subconscious for success. It will make you achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes with ease. Your subconscious is a recording device. What it believes to be true it makes reality. So your reality is a reflection of the beliefs in your subconscious. Change your beliefs and you change your reality and life automatically and without thinking about.

All those people who have used you statements at you your whole life where programming your subconscious. They were telling you who to be and your subconscious didn’t just listen. It recorded it. My family used to tell me “You are just like your Mom”. Who did they tell you that you were like? Because your subconscious was recording.

Did they tell you that you were sick, weak, or cried too much? Because your subconscious was recording. Did they tell you that you were never going to be happy? They told me that too. Did they tell you that you didn’t deserve an education? Yeah, they told me that too. They told us we weren’t deserving and worthy because they are broken and they wanted to break us too. That way they would never have to face their own brokenness and fix it. If we weren’t broken then we make them feel inferior. And lord knows all our parents are too egotistical to be inferior. They broke us so they never had to really face themselves.

I write programs filled with information to set us up for success because no one ever helped us overcome our parents. And we deserve better than them and this world they created. And we deserve better than this stupid imaginary game. Tradition doesn’t have to continue. We can stop doing the same things. We don’t have to perpetuate our pain. We don’t have to continue believing we are unworthy and undeserving.

Everyone is born with a purpose. You are born worthy and deserving. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish your purpose. Sharing those skills and gifts with the world is how you figure out your purpose and accomplish it. You were sent to Earth with a task to complete. You find your power when you work on the task at hand.

You were born worthy and deserving. But it’s hard to feel those things when you have been programmed to think you are unworthy and undeserving. And you were told your task and purpose was to destroy everyone and everything. You were told this is how you find your power.

But it’s not working. Because you feel helpless all the time. And your not happy or fulfilled. And you have broken your own children in an attempt to not face your own inferiority.

We can stop this cycle. Tradition only needs to continue if it is working for us. But this is not working for anyone.

Please take part in the programs I wrote to set us all up for success. The communication hubs in Salem and Berlin have the audio recordings that go along with them. There are recordings of you and I statements to play for your children. I will write more of these once you all free me. I would like to write these programs for the rest of my life. We all deserve success at whatever we are willing to work towards. Our belief system can guarantee this success.

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