Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 13

On day 1, we talked about how all you have to do is listen to these talks to reprogram your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Repetition is how it learns. However, if you would like to speed up this process there are a few things you can do.

First, you can listen to this before bed or just after waking up. This works because of theta brain waves. Second, you can listen with headphones, because your brain can’t tell the difference between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. And lastly, you can do movement while listening to improve the speed of programming your subconscious. This activates gamma brain waves and creates more plasticity in your brain. And this movement can be anything from deep breathing, to doing dishes, to walking your dog, etc. Motion creates emotion. Because emotion is just energy in motion.

Your nervous system is constantly collecting information. And it is so good at what it does that it can overwhelm your brain. When this happens you feel stressed or anxious.

Your brain has the job of organizing and storing all the information your nervous system collects. Your brain creates a library that will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. That is a lot of pressure for your brain. And your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on.

So, when your brain has these moments where it feels overwhelmed you just need to turn your nervous system off for a few seconds to allow your brain to catch up. You can do this with holding your head in place and rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. This rapid eye movement will turn off your stress response from your reptilian brain. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds of doing these rapid eye movements to feel relief.

On day 2, we talked about how you need to teach your brain to filter information in order to create value. And not create a junkyard of useless information. If your brain stores all the information your nervous system collects you will never be able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You only have so much time on Earth. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and what will help you get there.

The key to teaching your brain to filter the information from your nervous system effectively is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, then you know the information that is important to you. If everyone collected the same information, we would all lack value.

If you partake in keeping up with the Jones and start to value everything everyone around you values, it diminishes your own value. And it erodes your chances of accomplishing your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else. You came here with purposes unique to you. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish these purposes. If you spend your life preoccupied with pretending to be like everyone else, you will never find your skills and gifts. Then you won’t figure out your purposes in this life. And then you definitely will not be able to accomplish those purposes, let alone your dreams and goals.

Being you is the key to not only creating a valuable library in your brain. But it’s key to knowing who you are, finding your skills and gifts, and figuring out your purposes in this life. Part of your purposes is to share your skills and gifts with the world. Now what you are supposed to accomplish by sharing your skills and gifts with the world is up to you.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Everyone says they know themselves, but if they really did would the world be so lost? Knowing yourself isn’t a mystical or mysterious experience. Knowing yourself is just like knowing someone else.

In order to know yourself, you have to spend time with yourself. You literally spend time getting to know someone else. You need to do the very same thing with yourself. You spend time getting to know yourself while doing things that bring you joy. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. Making a list of the things you like and memorizing it will not help you get to know yourself. You have to spend time with yourself in the state of joy. When you are in a state of joy, you are the person you are meant to be. We were sent to Earth to be in joy. We were sent here to enjoy ourselves. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect throughout your life, comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is written information like charts, maps, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from watching other people do things.

Both of these systems are fallible. But the behavioral inheritance system comes with great dangers. See when you see someone do something, your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating this chain reaction. Monkey see, monkey do describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are designed to get you to jump too.

Any time you are around someone else your mirror neurons are wiring and firing information from your nervous system into your subconscious about that person. The dangerous part is your nervous system is a hoader and collects everything it can get it’s hands on. So not only are you wiring and firing in the good parts of that person and the things you want to learn from them, you are also wiring and firing in the disasters of their life into your subconscious. So, you may not even consciously realize they are there.

We all know that person who is amazing at something and we admire them. But we also see how the rest of their life is a complete and utter disaster. This person sadly is dangerous. Because even though they have mastered something amazingly, our mirror neurons are collecting information from their whole life when we are around them.

Your nervous system is a hoader. It can’t help but collect all the information it can get it’s hands on. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive. The more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

Only recently in the modern day world has life shifted to be about filtering information. For most of the history of human beings, life has been about gathering information. But nowadays, we all have access to more information than we know what to do with. Just recently human beings have shifted from creating value in life by gathering information to creating value by filtering information. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive in a world where information was scarce.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with your critical logical mind. You do not have to partake in the blind leading the blind, if you choose to see the world for how it really is. And you see the world for how it really is by using your critical logical mind to find the truth.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. These are the results if you choose to do the things that people around you are doing without using your critical logical mind. The world is more lost than ever before. We have more information than ever before, but we don’t seem to be using this information.

When you do not filter the disasters your nervous system fires and wires into your subconscious from the people around you, then your life becomes a disaster. You do not have to be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect. However, in order to overcome these disasters in your subconscious you have to use your critical logical mind to become conscious of your actions.

The practice of mindfulness is all about not creating the disasters you have stored in your subconscious in your own life. All you have to do is see the world for how it really is. But that also includes seeing yourself for who you really are. Being mindful can be painful. But living a disaster of a life can be much worse.

You have to use your critical logical mind in order to not be a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons and nervous system collect because they are stored in your subconscious. You won’t know they are there until you become conscious of them. Mindfulness is about consciousness and awareness.

On day 6, we talked about how you have to use your critical logical mind to overcome your subconscious and the disasters from your mirror neurons. But how do you actually go about doing that? It sounds confusing. But it’s not. It’s just about knowing how to be proactive, rather than in a reactive state and a victim of the people around you. You can be a product of your environment. Or you can be the person you are meant to be.

Your nervous system and mirror neurons are always collecting information. And they store this information in your subconscious. In order to overcome this, you need to be mindful and aware of what you are doing. But you also need to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Your subconscious is your default setting. But you can be proactive and get in the driverseat of your life with your conscious mind and your critical logical mind.

You must become aware and conscious of the information you need in order to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life. And then you need to consciously work on collecting this information with your critical logical mind. If you expect your subconscious to collect all the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life you will not get very far. And your life will most likely become a complete disaster. Just like the life of the average American. You should want more for yourself.

Gama brain waves are key to creating intelligence. When you are consciously collecting information with your critical logical mind you need to access gamma brain waves. Our brains were designed to create extra plasticity when we were running from predators. The key to this extra plasticity is gamma brain waves. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you will be. And you need all the intelligence you can get to overcome the people around you who make up your environment.

Creating gamma brain waves is the key to overcoming the disaster of the world around you, aka your environment. Gamma brain waves are key in guaranteeing you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Gamma brain waves are intelligence.

On day 7, we talked about how humans have the need to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. Your brain and mirror neurons were not created with this in mind. But neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot access your critical logical mind or gamma brain waves. When your body is not operating properly, it is almost impossible to create intelligence. Thus, leaving you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters from the people around you.

In the old days, these people who tried to enslave us were easy to identify. They would burn down our villages. But nowadays these people claim to be our friends and family. These people who wish to enslave us have us surrounded in every aspect of our lives.

In WWII these people preoccupied with destruction and slavery, sent people they wished to enslave to concentration camps. But today they just turn your body and mind into the concentration camp. It’s easier to enslave you, if you don’t realize what is happening. You don’t try to fight back.

Modern day slavery is done with a thousand pieces of broken glass. One small piece of broken glass will cut you and make you bleed, but it most likely won’t kill you. However, a thousand small pieces of broken glass may.

Toxins represent the broken pieces of glass in modern day slavery. When your body is not operating properly you cannot access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind. This leaves you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters of your mirror neurons. While creating disease in your body and rendering you helpless, unable to save yourself. You look for a savior outside yourself, but only find people who wish to enslave you more and kill you. But these people often tell you they care about you and are trying to help you. And if they are close to you, they will probably even tell you that you are hard to love as they try to kill you.

Epigenetics is how we get to choose who we are. We all are born with genes like our family, but your environment and how you live your life dictates how these genes are switched on and off like light switches. Methylation is one of the processes that switches your genes on and off. It’s like a little man running around in the house of your body turning on and off the lights. The lighting of your life depends on methylation.

Toxins inhibit proper methylation. The more toxins in your life, environment, and body the more you do not methylate properly. When you don’t methylate properly, you are switching on and off genes that make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And this is how your body and mind is turned into a concentration camp where there is rarely an escape.

On day 8, we talked about culture and leadership. Do you think the leaders of the people who wish to enslave us in efforts of conquering the world want their followers to think critically and logically?

A culture is a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior. Our beliefs are our environment. Our culture is our environment. Every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people has shared beliefs that create a culture.

It only takes three people to create a cult: a leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. The third person normally follows suit rather quickly due to mirror neurons, heard mentality, conditioning, a lifetime of disasters fired and wired into their subconscious, etc. The equation for creating a larger cult is the same. You just multiple the last two variables. The more followers you have, the more quickly people will fall in line with your culture.

Let’s say you wanted to get your cult followers to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. How would you go about getting that to happen? Well, the first variable is you have to identify your enemy or scapegoat. Then, you tell your cult followers that all their problems and hardships are due to this person or group of people. You lead your followers to believe that their ability to get their needs met will be inhibited even more by this scapegoat. Creating more pain and hardships in their lives. And you instill not only a sense of fear, but a sense of urgency too. Then you enlist your cult followers in a crusade against your scapegoat. Your cult followers will sign up willingly, because they believe they have no other option.

Now this equation could take a very long time and be extremely labor intensive. Not to mention it would require a lot of patience. It could take years to get all these variables in place, maybe even decades. How do you suppose you could speed up this process? Wouldn’t it be easier if your cult followers did not think critically or logically?

Throughout history some of the greatest evils that have embarked on creating a crusade, have created and released toxins into our environment. This damages our ability to methylate. Making our epigenetics more subhuman. And it cuts us off from our critical logical mind, while creating disease in our bodies. It speeds up the time it takes to create a crusade, genocide, or world war greatly. Work smarter not harder, right?

The people around you who try to enslave you and turn your body and mind into a concentration camp have just been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind have been turned into a concentration camp, but they don’t realize what is happening. Because they have been cut off from their critical logical mind. They are unable to access gamma brain waves and create intelligence.

Your ability to access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind relies on everyone around you methylating properly. Yes, you need to methylate properly. But more importantly, the people in your environment need to methylate properly. Environment dictates epigenetics. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. If the people around you do not methylate properly, they will try to enslave you in efforts of conquering the world. Because they do not have access to their critical logical mind.

There will always be cult leaders looking to enslave the people who follow them. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. The only way to ensure you have access to your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. The only way to ensure your body and mind are not turned into a concentration camp is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. Those people are your environment. Environment dictates epigenetics.

We can’t kill everyone in the world who will try to enslave the people who are in their cult following. But if we can guarantee everyone has access to their critical logical mind and the ability to create intelligence with gamma brain waves, we can create a safe environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Your environment dictates your epigenetics. Your beliefs are your environment.

On day 9, we talked about emotional intelligence. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind, you are a slave to your emotions. This is another way your body and mind are turned into a concentration camp.

Emotions can can be a lie. Because emotions can be created by the disasters your mirror neurons collect in your subconscious.

Event + Belief = Emotion

When you have an emotion you need to think about what is causing this emotion. Just because something happens in your life, does not mean you are guaranteed to experience a certain emotion. Your environment is dependent on your perception. Your beliefs create your emotions. Your beliefs create your environment. But once again the disasters in your subconscious could be creating a disaster in your emotions and your life.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Emotions are not logical. And therefore, they are not trustworthy. But feelings are logical. And they are trustworthy.

When you experience an emotion you need to filter it through your critical logical mind to turn it into a feeling. You can trust your feelings. But you cannot trust your emotions. Emotions can be manipulated. Emotions can be a lie. Trust your feelings.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

When you are not at ease or depressed, you need to ask yourself why. So you can address the variable in your life that is causing this dis-ease. Happiness is satisfaction divided by desires. What do you desire that you are not satisfied with? What are you not getting? What part of your life is lacking? What variable do you need to pay more attention to? What information do you need your critical logical mind to collect that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in that area of your life?

Emotions and feelings are important variables in life. You just have to know the equations to plug them into. You are an equation. You can choose to say you hate math and continue to be miserable. Or you can do the work and figure out the variables of your life.

On day 10, we talked about the meaning to life. Since the beginning of time people have tried to figure out the meaning to life. Why are we here? What does this all mean? This human experience on Earth has a lot of illusions.

Let’s look at the science and reality of this human experience. You are energy. Energy never dies. It only changes form. You are an eternal being. You just change forms. So yes, you only have so much time here on Earth as a human being, but there is life after this human experience.

Energy is power. And you are energy. Your energy never dies. As a human being on Earth, finding your power is about finding you and your energy. Your energy is your power.

It is more simple when we call the energy that is you, your spirit. Your spirit lives forever. Your spirit never dies. It just changes form. You just change form. It’s not mystical. It’s science. Energy has to go somewhere. It doesn’t just disappear into thin air.

Based on this the equation for finding your power here on Earth as a human being is:

You = Your Power

You equal your power. Finding your personal power here on Earth is simply about finding you. You just have to find the energy that is your spirit and you will find your eternal power.

This means when you pretend to be like the people around you, you are giving up your power. If you feel helpless in life, it is because you are giving up your power. Retaining your personal power here on Earth is about being true to your spirit. And that means being you.

Next let’s tackle, what does this human Earth experience all mean? We all want to know why we are here. We suffer so much and finding meaning makes that suffering not hurt so bad. So if you are your power, why are you here? Well, you are here to accomplish your purposes in life.

Your Purposes = Your Meaning

The meaning to life and why you are here is different for each of us. But the equation is the same. You are here to accomplish your purposes in life. This is what gives your life meaning. And it is different for each of us based on our purposes.

When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes in life, your body recognizes your efforts. Your beliefs create your environment. Epigenetics are dictated by environment. When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes here on Earth you will be rewarded.

Telemares are created by an enzyme that is produced when you are being of service. Telemares are the secret to life and the fountain of youth. DNA need telemares to replicate without degrading. When you lack telemares you age and degrade. The fewer telemares you have the more subhuman you will be on a gene and cellular level. Your DNA will start to have flaws.

You are your power. Your purposes are the meaning to why you are here on Earth. The more you accomplish your purposes, the more you will be rewarded.

On day 11 we talked about Darwinism and survival of the fittest. Evolution is about survival of the fittest. The members of a species who develop their skills and gifts the most are the ones who are supposed to move forward. When you accomplish your purposes on Earth you are rewarded, right?

Over time every species is supposed to become more dynamic with more skills and gifts and develop more specialties. This is to ensure the survival of the species. This is to ensure evolution. We must evolve in order to move forward.

When an animal is attacked in the wild, that animal has to fight back to survive. It’s Darwinism. We are supposed to fight back when someone attacks us. You were not designed to just allow people to attack and kill you. You were designed to fight back. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. It’s Darwinism.

Members of the same species are not supposed to attack each other. But when they do it is kill or be killed. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. It’s Darwinism and survival of the fittest. You are supposed to fight back and defend yourself. Attacking someone is rarely acceptable. But fighting back is always expected.

On day 12, we talked about jealousy. Jealousy stems from the belief you are replaceable.

Event + Belief = Emotion

If you see someone with something you desire and you experience jealousy, that is a sign you believe yourself to be replaceable. When you know who you are and know no one can fill your shoes, you do not feel jealousy. Instead, you figure out what you need to do in order to get what you desire.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

Figure out how to fulfill your desires and you will be happy. Jealousy stems from believing you are replaceable. You are an eternal being who is incredibly irreplaceable and priceless. When you see your worth, jealousy will no longer be an issue. And when you see your worth, other people will too.

Today, on day 13, let’s talk about choosing yourself. You cannot wait for someone else to choose you to see your worth. You have to choose you and see your worth first. If you wait for someone else to choose you in order to see and find your own worth, then your worth will be in that person’s hands. When they no longer choose you, you will cease to have worth again.

The only way to really be powerful and have value is to see your own value first. When you let someone else choose you first, you are putting your value in their hands. And that is another form of giving up your power.

Choosing yourself first is the first step in finding your spirit and claiming the power that is you as your own. You are a sovereign being. You are just like a sovereign country. Claim your land and your power, by claiming who you are. You have to see your power and worth first.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 12

On day 1, we talked about how all you have to do is listen to these talks to reprogram your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Repetition is how it learns. However, if you would like to speed up this process there are a few things you can do.

First, you can listen to this before bed or just after waking up. This works because of theta brain waves. Second, you can listen with headphones, because your brain can’t tell the difference between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. And lastly, you can do movement while listening to improve the speed of programming your subconscious. This activates gamma brain waves and creates more plasticity in your brain. And this movement can be anything from deep breathing, to doing dishes, to walking your dog, etc. Motion creates emotion. Because emotion is just energy in motion.

Your nervous system is constantly collecting information. And it is so good at what it does that it can overwhelm your brain. When this happens you feel stressed or anxious.

Your brain has the job of organizing and storing all the information your nervous system collects. Your brain creates a library that will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. That is a lot of pressure for your brain. And your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on.

So, when your brain has these moments where it feels overwhelmed you just need to turn your nervous system off for a few seconds to allow your brain to catch up. You can do this with holding your head in place and rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. This rapid eye movement will turn off your stress response from your reptilian brain. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds of doing these rapid eye movements to feel relief.

On day 2, we talked about how you need to teach your brain to filter information in order to create value. And not create a junkyard of useless information. If your brain stores all the information your nervous system collects you will never be able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You only have so much time on Earth. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and what will help you get there.

The key to teaching your brain to filter the information from your nervous system effectively is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, then you know the information that is important to you. If everyone collected the same information, we would all lack value.

If you partake in keeping up with the Jones and start to value everything everyone around you values, it diminishes your own value. And it erodes your chances of accomplishing your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else. You came here with purposes unique to you. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish these purposes. If you spend your life preoccupied with pretending to be like everyone else, you will never find your skills and gifts. Then you won’t figure out your purposes in this life. And then you definitely will not be able to accomplish those purposes, let alone your dreams and goals.

Being you is the key to not only creating a valuable library in your brain. But it’s key to knowing who you are, finding your skills and gifts, and figuring out your purposes in this life. Part of your purposes is to share your skills and gifts with the world. Now what you are supposed to accomplish by sharing your skills and gifts with the world is up to you.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Everyone says they know themselves, but if they really did would the world be so lost? Knowing yourself isn’t a mystical or mysterious experience. Knowing yourself is just like knowing someone else.

In order to know yourself, you have to spend time with yourself. You literally spend time getting to know someone else. You need to do the very same thing with yourself. You spend time getting to know yourself while doing things that bring you joy. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. Making a list of the things you like and memorizing it will not help you get to know yourself. You have to spend time with yourself in the state of joy. When you are in a state of joy, you are the person you are meant to be. We were sent to Earth to be in joy. We were sent here to enjoy ourselves. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect throughout your life, comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is written information like charts, maps, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from watching other people do things.

Both of these systems are fallible. But the behavioral inheritance system comes with great dangers. See when you see someone do something, your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating this chain reaction. Monkey see, monkey do describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are designed to get you to jump too.

Any time you are around someone else your mirror neurons are wiring and firing information from your nervous system into your subconscious about that person. The dangerous part is your nervous system is a hoader and collects everything it can get it’s hands on. So not only are you wiring and firing in the good parts of that person and the things you want to learn from them, you are also wiring and firing in the disasters of their life into your subconscious. So, you may not even consciously realize they are there.

We all know that person who is amazing at something and we admire them. But we also see how the rest of their life is a complete and utter disaster. This person sadly is dangerous. Because even though they have mastered something amazingly, our mirror neurons are collecting information from their whole life when we are around them.

Your nervous system is a hoader. It can’t help but collect all the information it can get it’s hands on. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive. The more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

Only recently in the modern day world has life shifted to be about filtering information. For most of the history of human beings, life has been about gathering information. But nowadays, we all have access to more information than we know what to do with. Just recently human beings have shifted from creating value in life by gathering information to creating value by filtering information. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive in a world where information was scarce.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with your critical logical mind. You do not have to partake in the blind leading the blind, if you choose to see the world for how it really is. And you see the world for how it really is by using your critical logical mind to find the truth.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. These are the results if you choose to do the things that people around you are doing without using your critical logical mind. The world is more lost than ever before. We have more information than ever before, but we don’t seem to be using this information.

When you do not filter the disasters your nervous system fires and wires into your subconscious from the people around you, then your life becomes a disaster. You do not have to be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect. However, in order to overcome these disasters in your subconscious you have to use your critical logical mind to become conscious of your actions.

The practice of mindfulness is all about not creating the disasters you have stored in your subconscious in your own life. All you have to do is see the world for how it really is. But that also includes seeing yourself for who you really are. Being mindful can be painful. But living a disaster of a life can be much worse.

You have to use your critical logical mind in order to not be a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons and nervous system collect because they are stored in your subconscious. You won’t know they are there until you become conscious of them. Mindfulness is about consciousness and awareness.

On day 6, we talked about how you have to use your critical logical mind to overcome your subconscious and the disasters from your mirror neurons. But how do you actually go about doing that? It sounds confusing. But it’s not. It’s just about knowing how to be proactive, rather than in a reactive state and a victim of the people around you. You can be a product of your environment. Or you can be the person you are meant to be.

Your nervous system and mirror neurons are always collecting information. And they store this information in your subconscious. In order to overcome this, you need to be mindful and aware of what you are doing. But you also need to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Your subconscious is your default setting. But you can be proactive and get in the driverseat of your life with your conscious mind and your critical logical mind.

You must become aware and conscious of the information you need in order to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life. And then you need to consciously work on collecting this information with your critical logical mind. If you expect your subconscious to collect all the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life you will not get very far. And your life will most likely become a complete disaster. Just like the life of the average American. You should want more for yourself.

Gama brain waves are key to creating intelligence. When you are consciously collecting information with your critical logical mind you need to access gamma brain waves. Our brains were designed to create extra plasticity when we were running from predators. The key to this extra plasticity is gamma brain waves. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you will be. And you need all the intelligence you can get to overcome the people around you who make up your environment.

Creating gamma brain waves is the key to overcoming the disaster of the world around you, aka your environment. Gamma brain waves are key in guaranteeing you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Gamma brain waves are intelligence.

On day 7, we talked about how humans have the need to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. Your brain and mirror neurons were not created with this in mind. But neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot access your critical logical mind or gamma brain waves. When your body is not operating properly, it is almost impossible to create intelligence. Thus, leaving you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters from the people around you.

In the old days, these people who tried to enslave us were easy to identify. They would burn down our villages. But nowadays these people claim to be our friends and family. These people who wish to enslave us have us surrounded in every aspect of our lives.

In WWII these people preoccupied with destruction and slavery, sent people they wished to enslave to concentration camps. But today they just turn your body and mind into the concentration camp. It’s easier to enslave you, if you don’t realize what is happening. You don’t try to fight back.

Modern day slavery is done with a thousand pieces of broken glass. One small piece of broken glass will cut you and make you bleed, but it most likely won’t kill you. However, a thousand small pieces of broken glass may.

Toxins represent the broken pieces of glass in modern day slavery. When your body is not operating properly you cannot access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind. This leaves you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters of your mirror neurons. While creating disease in your body and rendering you helpless, unable to save yourself. You look for a savior outside yourself, but only find people who wish to enslave you more and kill you. But these people often tell you they care about you and are trying to help you. And if they are close to you, they will probably even tell you that you are hard to love as they try to kill you.

Epigenetics is how we get to choose who we are. We all are born with genes like our family, but your environment and how you live your life dictates how these genes are switched on and off like light switches. Methylation is one of the processes that switches your genes on and off. It’s like a little man running around in the house of your body turning on and off the lights. The lighting of your life depends on methylation.

Toxins inhibit proper methylation. The more toxins in your life, environment, and body the more you do not methylate properly. When you don’t methylate properly, you are switching on and off genes that make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And this is how your body and mind is turned into a concentration camp where there is rarely an escape.

On day 8, we talked about culture and leadership. Do you think the leaders of the people who wish to enslave us in efforts of conquering the world want their followers to think critically and logically?

A culture is a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior. Our beliefs are our environment. Our culture is our environment. Every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people has shared beliefs that create a culture.

It only takes three people to create a cult: a leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. The third person normally follows suit rather quickly due to mirror neurons, heard mentality, conditioning, a lifetime of disasters fired and wired into their subconscious, etc. The equation for creating a larger cult is the same. You just multiple the last two variables. The more followers you have, the more quickly people will fall in line with your culture.

Let’s say you wanted to get your cult followers to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. How would you go about getting that to happen? Well, the first variable is you have to identify your enemy or scapegoat. Then, you tell your cult followers that all their problems and hardships are due to this person or group of people. You lead your followers to believe that their ability to get their needs met will be inhibited even more by this scapegoat. Creating more pain and hardships in their lives. And you instill not only a sense of fear, but a sense of urgency too. Then you enlist your cult followers in a crusade against your scapegoat. Your cult followers will sign up willingly, because they believe they have no other option.

Now this equation could take a very long time and be extremely labor intensive. Not to mention it would require a lot of patience. It could take years to get all these variables in place, maybe even decades. How do you suppose you could speed up this process? Wouldn’t it be easier if your cult followers did not think critically or logically?

Throughout history some of the greatest evils that have embarked on creating a crusade, have created and released toxins into our environment. This damages our ability to methylate. Making our epigenetics more subhuman. And it cuts us off from our critical logical mind, while creating disease in our bodies. It speeds up the time it takes to create a crusade, genocide, or world war greatly. Work smarter not harder, right?

The people around you who try to enslave you and turn your body and mind into a concentration camp have just been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind have been turned into a concentration camp, but they don’t realize what is happening. Because they have been cut off from their critical logical mind. They are unable to access gamma brain waves and create intelligence.

Your ability to access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind relies on everyone around you methylating properly. Yes, you need to methylate properly. But more importantly, the people in your environment need to methylate properly. Environment dictates epigenetics. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. If the people around you do not methylate properly, they will try to enslave you in efforts of conquering the world. Because they do not have access to their critical logical mind.

There will always be cult leaders looking to enslave the people who follow them. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. The only way to ensure you have access to your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. The only way to ensure your body and mind are not turned into a concentration camp is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. Those people are your environment. Environment dictates epigenetics.

We can’t kill everyone in the world who will try to enslave the people who are in their cult following. But if we can guarantee everyone has access to their critical logical mind and the ability to create intelligence with gamma brain waves, we can create a safe environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Your environment dictates your epigenetics. Your beliefs are your environment.

On day 9, we talked about emotional intelligence. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind, you are a slave to your emotions. This is another way your body and mind are turned into a concentration camp.

Emotions can can be a lie. Because emotions can be created by the disasters your mirror neurons collect in your subconscious.

Event + Belief = Emotion

When you have an emotion you need to think about what is causing this emotion. Just because something happens in your life, does not mean you are guaranteed to experience a certain emotion. Your environment is dependent on your perception. Your beliefs create your emotions. Your beliefs create your environment. But once again the disasters in your subconscious could be creating a disaster in your emotions and your life.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Emotions are not logical. And therefore, they are not trustworthy. But feelings are logical. And they are trustworthy.

When you experience an emotion you need to filter it through your critical logical mind to turn it into a feeling. You can trust your feelings. But you cannot trust your emotions. Emotions can be manipulated. Emotions can be a lie. Trust your feelings.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

When you are not at ease or depressed, you need to ask yourself why. So you can address the variable in your life that is causing this dis-ease. Happiness is satisfaction divided by desires. What do you desire that you are not satisfied with? What are you not getting? What part of your life is lacking? What variable do you need to pay more attention to? What information do you need your critical logical mind to collect that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in that area of life?

Emotions and feelings are important variables in life. You just have to know the equations to plug them into. You are an equation. You can choose to say you hate math and continue to be miserable. Or you can do the work and figure out the variables of your life.

On day 10, we talked about the meaning to life. Since the beginning of time people have tried to figure out the meaning to life. Why are we here? What does this all mean? This human experience on Earth has a lot of illusions.

Let’s look at the science and reality of this human experience. You are energy. Energy never dies. It only changes form. You are an eternal being. You just change forms. So yes, you only have so much time here on Earth as a human being, but there is life after this human experience.

Energy is power. And you are energy. Your energy never dies. As a human being on Earth, finding your power is about finding you and your energy. Your energy is your power.

It is more simple when we call the energy that is you, your spirit. Your spirit lives forever. Your spirit never dies. It just changes form. You just change form. It’s not mystical. It’s science. Energy has to go somewhere. It doesn’t just disappear into thin air.

Based on this the equation for finding your power here on Earth as a human being is:

You = Your Power

You equal your power. Finding your personal power here on Earth is simply about finding you. You just have to find the energy that is your spirit and you will find your eternal power.

This means when you pretend to be like the people around you, you are giving up your power. If you feel helpless in life, it is because you are giving up your power. Retaining your personal power here on Earth is about being true to your spirit. And that means being you.

Next let’s tackle, what does this human Earth experience all mean? We all want to know why we are here. We suffer so much and finding meaning makes that suffering not hurt so bad. So if you are your power, why are you here? Well, you are here to accomplish your purposes in life.

Your Purposes = Your Meaning

The meaning to life and why you are here is different for each of us. But the equation is the same. You are here to accomplish your purposes in life. This is what gives your life meaning. And it is different for each of us based on our purposes.

When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes in life, your body recognizes your efforts. Your beliefs create your environment. Epigenetics are dictated by environment. When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes here on Earth you will be rewarded.

Telemares are created by an enzyme that is produced when you are being of service. Telemares are the secret to life and the fountain of youth. DNA need telemares to replicate without degrading. When you lack telemares you age and degrade. The fewer telemares you have the more subhuman you will be on a gene and cellular level. Your DNA will start to have flaws.

You are your power. Your purposes are the meaning to why you are here on Earth. The more you accomplish your purposes, the more you will be rewarded.

On day 11 we talked about Darwinism and survival of the fittest. Evolution is about survival of the fittest. The members of a species who develop their skills and gifts the most are the ones who are supposed to move forward. When you accomplish your purposes on Earth you are rewarded, right?

Over time every species is supposed to become more dynamic with more skills and gifts and develop more specialties. This is to ensure the survival of the species. This is to ensure evolution. We must evolve in order to move forward.

When an animal is attacked in the wild, that animal has to fight back to survive. It’s Darwinism. We are supposed to fight back when someone attacks us. You were not designed to just allow people to attack and kill you. You were designed to fight back. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. It’s Darwinism.

Members of the same species are not supposed to attack each other. But when they do it is kill or be killed. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. It’s Darwinism and survival of the fittest. You are supposed to fight back and defend yourself. Attacking someone is rarely acceptable. But fighting back is always expected.

Today, on day 12, let’s talk about jealousy. Jealousy stems from the belief you are replaceable.

Event + Belief = Emotion

If you see someone with something you desire and you experience jealousy, that is a sign you believe yourself to be replaceable. When you know who you are and know no one can fill your shoes, you do not feel jealousy. Instead, you figure out what you need to do in order to get what you desire.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

Figure out how to fulfill your desires and you will be happy. Jealousy stems from believing you are replaceable. You are an eternal being who is incredibly irreplaceable and priceless. When you see your worth, jealousy will no longer be an issue. And when you see your worth, other people will too.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 11

On day 1, we talked about how all you have to do is listen to these talks to reprogram your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Repetition is how it learns. However, if you would like to speed up this process there are a few things you can do.

First, you can listen to this before bed or just after waking up. This works because of theta brain waves. Second, you can listen with headphones, because your brain can’t tell the difference between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. And lastly, you can do movement while listening to improve the speed of programming your subconscious. This activates gamma brain waves and creates more plasticity in your brain. And this movement can be anything from deep breathing, to doing dishes, to walking your dog, etc. Motion creates emotion. Because emotion is just energy in motion.

Your nervous system is constantly collecting information. And it is so good at what it does that it can overwhelm your brain. When this happens you feel stressed or anxious.

Your brain has the job of organizing and storing all the information your nervous system collects. Your brain creates a library that will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. That is a lot of pressure for your brain. And your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on.

So, when your brain has these moments where it feels overwhelmed you just need to turn your nervous system off for a few seconds to allow your brain to catch up. You can do this with holding your head in place and rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. This rapid eye movement will turn off your stress response from your reptilian brain. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds of doing these rapid eye movements to feel relief.

On day 2, we talked about how you need to teach your brain to filter information in order to create value. And not create a junkyard of useless information. If your brain stores all the information your nervous system collects you will never be able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You only have so much time on Earth. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and what will help you get there.

The key to teaching your brain to filter the information from your nervous system effectively is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, then you know the information that is important to you. If everyone collected the same information, we would all lack value.

If you partake in keeping up with the Jones and start to value everything everyone around you values, it diminishes your own value. And it erodes your chances of accomplishing your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else. You came here with purposes unique to you. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish these purposes. If you spend your life preoccupied with pretending to be like everyone else, you will never find your skills and gifts. Then you won’t figure out your purposes in this life. And then you definitely will not be able to accomplish those purposes, let alone your dreams and goals.

Being you is the key to not only creating a valuable library in your brain. But it’s key to knowing who you are, finding your skills and gifts, and figuring out your purposes in this life. Part of your purposes is to share your skills and gifts with the world. Now what you are supposed to accomplish by sharing your skills and gifts with the world is up to you.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Everyone says they know themselves, but if they really did would the world be so lost? Knowing yourself isn’t a mystical or mysterious experience. Knowing yourself is just like knowing someone else.

In order to know yourself, you have to spend time with yourself. You literally spend time getting to know someone else. You need to do the very same thing with yourself. You spend time getting to know yourself while doing things that bring you joy. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. Making a list of the things you like and memorizing it will not help you get to know yourself. You have to spend time with yourself in the state of joy. When you are in a state of joy, you are the person you are meant to be. We were sent to Earth to be in joy. We were sent here to enjoy ourselves. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect throughout your life, comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is written information like charts, maps, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from watching other people do things.

Both of these systems are fallible. But the behavioral inheritance system comes with great dangers. See when you see someone do something, your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating this chain reaction. Monkey see, monkey do describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are designed to get you to jump too.

Any time you are around someone else your mirror neurons are wiring and firing information from your nervous system into your subconscious about that person. The dangerous part is your nervous system is a hoader and collects everything it can get it’s hands on. So not only are you wiring and firing in the good parts of that person and the things you want to learn from them, you are also wiring and firing in the disasters of their life into your subconscious. So, you may not even consciously realize they are there.

We all know that person who is amazing at something and we admire them. But we also see how the rest of their life is a complete and utter disaster. This person sadly is dangerous. Because even though they have mastered something amazingly, our mirror neurons are collecting information from their whole life when we are around them.

Your nervous system is a hoader. It can’t help but collect all the information it can get it’s hands on. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive. The more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

Only recently in the modern day world has life shifted to be about filtering information. For most of the history of human beings, life has been about gathering information. But nowadays, we all have access to more information than we know what to do with. Just recently human beings have shifted from creating value in life by gathering information to creating value by filtering information. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive in a world where information was scarce.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with your critical logical mind. You do not have to partake in the blind leading the blind, if you choose to see the world for how it really is. And you see the world for how it really is by using your critical logical mind to find the truth.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. These are the results if you choose to do the things that people around you are doing without using your critical logical mind. The world is more lost than ever before. We have more information than ever before, but we don’t seem to be using this information.

When you do not filter the disasters your nervous system fires and wires into your subconscious from the people around you, then your life becomes a disaster. You do not have to be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect. However, in order to overcome these disasters in your subconscious you have to use your critical logical mind to become conscious of your actions.

The practice of mindfulness is all about not creating the disasters you have stored in your subconscious in your own life. All you have to do is see the world for how it really is. But that also includes seeing yourself for who you really are. Being mindful can be painful. But living a disaster of a life can be much worse.

You have to use your critical logical mind in order to not be a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons and nervous system collect because they are stored in your subconscious. You won’t know they are there until you become conscious of them. Mindfulness is about consciousness and awareness.

On day 6, we talked about how you have to use your critical logical mind to overcome your subconscious and the disasters from your mirror neurons. But how do you actually go about doing that? It sounds confusing. But it’s not. It’s just about knowing how to be proactive, rather than in a reactive state and a victim of the people around you. You can be a product of your environment. Or you can be the person you are meant to be.

Your nervous system and mirror neurons are always collecting information. And they store this information in your subconscious. In order to overcome this, you need to be mindful and aware of what you are doing. But you also need to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Your subconscious is your default setting. But you can be proactive and get in the driverseat of your life with your conscious mind and your critical logical mind.

You must become aware and conscious of the information you need in order to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life. And then you need to consciously work on collecting this information with your critical logical mind. If you expect your subconscious to collect all the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life you will not get very far. And your life will most likely become a complete disaster. Just like the life of the average American. You should want more for yourself.

Gama brain waves are key to creating intelligence. When you are consciously collecting information with your critical logical mind you need to access gamma brain waves. Our brains were designed to create extra plasticity when we were running from predators. The key to this extra plasticity is gamma brain waves. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you will be. And you need all the intelligence you can get to overcome the people around you who make up your environment.

Creating gamma brain waves is the key to overcoming the disaster of the world around you, aka your environment. Gamma brain waves are key in guaranteeing you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Gamma brain waves are intelligence.

On day 7, we talked about how humans have the need to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. Your brain and mirror neurons were not created with this in mind. But neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot access your critical logical mind or gamma brain waves. When your body is not operating properly, it is almost impossible to create intelligence. Thus, leaving you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters from the people around you.

In the old days, these people who tried to enslave us were easy to identify. They would burn down our villages. But nowadays these people claim to be our friends and family. These people who wish to enslave us have us surrounded in every aspect of our lives.

In WWII these people preoccupied with destruction and slavery, sent people they wished to enslave to concentration camps. But today they just turn your body and mind into the concentration camp. It’s easier to enslave you, if you don’t realize what is happening. You don’t try to fight back.

Modern day slavery is done with a thousand pieces of broken glass. One small piece of broken glass will cut you and make you bleed, but it most likely won’t kill you. However, a thousand small pieces of broken glass may.

Toxins represent the broken pieces of glass in modern day slavery. When your body is not operating properly you cannot access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind. This leaves you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters of your mirror neurons. While creating disease in your body and rendering you helpless, unable to save yourself. You look for a savior outside yourself, but only find people who wish to enslave you more and kill you. But these people often tell you they care about you and are trying to help you. And if they are close to you, they will probably even tell you that you are hard to love as they try to kill you.

Epigenetics is how we get to choose who we are. We all are born with genes like our family, but your environment and how you live your life dictates how these genes are switched on and off like light switches. Methylation is one of the processes that switches your genes on and off. It’s like a little man running around in the house of your body turning on and off the lights. The lighting of your life depends on methylation.

Toxins inhibit proper methylation. The more toxins in your life, environment, and body the more you do not methylate properly. When you don’t methylate properly, you are switching on and off genes that make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And this is how your body and mind is turned into a concentration camp where there is rarely an escape.

On day 8, we talked about culture and leadership. Do you think the leaders of the people who wish to enslave us in efforts of conquering the world want their followers to think critically and logically?

A culture is a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior. Our beliefs are our environment. Our culture is our environment. Every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people has shared beliefs that create a culture.

It only takes three people to create a cult: a leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. The third person normally follows suit rather quickly due to mirror neurons, heard mentality, conditioning, a lifetime of disasters fired and wired into their subconscious, etc. The equation for creating a larger cult is the same. You just multiple the last two variables. The more followers you have, the more quickly people will fall in line with your culture.

Let’s say you wanted to get your cult followers to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. How would you go about getting that to happen? Well, the first variable is you have to identify your enemy or scapegoat. Then, you tell your cult followers that all their problems and hardships are due to this person or group of people. You lead your followers to believe that their ability to get their needs met will be inhibited even more by this scapegoat. Creating more pain and hardships in their lives. And you instill not only a sense of fear, but a sense of urgency too. Then you enlist your cult followers in a crusade against your scapegoat. Your cult followers will sign up willingly, because they believe they have no other option.

Now this equation could take a very long time and be extremely labor intensive. Not to mention it would require a lot of patience. It could take years to get all these variables in place, maybe even decades. How do you suppose you could speed up this process? Wouldn’t it be easier if your cult followers did not think critically or logically?

Throughout history some of the greatest evils that have embarked on creating a crusade, have created and released toxins into our environment. This damages our ability to methylate. Making our epigenetics more subhuman. And it cuts us off from our critical logical mind, while creating disease in our bodies. It speeds up the time it takes to create a crusade, genocide, or world war greatly. Work smarter not harder, right?

The people around you who try to enslave you and turn your body and mind into a concentration camp have just been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind have been turned into a concentration camp, but they don’t realize what is happening. Because they have been cut off from their critical logical mind. They are unable to access gamma brain waves and create intelligence.

Your ability to access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind relies on everyone around you methylating properly. Yes, you need to methylate properly. But more importantly, the people in your environment need to methylate properly. Environment dictates epigenetics. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. If the people around you do not methylate properly, they will try to enslave you in efforts of conquering the world. Because they do not have access to their critical logical mind.

There will always be cult leaders looking to enslave the people who follow them. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. The only way to ensure you have access to your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. The only way to ensure your body and mind are not turned into a concentration camp is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. Those people are your environment. Environment dictates epigenetics.

We can’t kill everyone in the world who will try to enslave the people who are in their cult following. But if we can guarantee everyone has access to their critical logical mind and the ability to create intelligence with gamma brain waves, we can create a safe environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Your environment dictates your epigenetics. Your beliefs are your environment.

On day 9, we talked about emotional intelligence. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind, you are a slave to your emotions. This is another way your body and mind are turned into a concentration camp.

Emotions can can be a lie. Because emotions can be created by the disasters your mirror neurons collect in your subconscious.

Event + Belief = Emotion

When you have an emotion you need to think about what is causing this emotion. Just because something happens in your life, does not mean you are guaranteed to experience a certain emotion. Your environment is dependent on your perception. Your beliefs create your emotions. Your beliefs create your environment. But once again the disasters in your subconscious could be creating a disaster in your emotions and your life.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Emotions are not logical. And therefore, they are not trustworthy. But feelings are logical. And they are trustworthy.

When you experience an emotion you need to filter it through your critical logical mind to turn it into a feeling. You can trust your feelings. But you cannot trust your emotions. Emotions can be manipulated. Emotions can be a lie. Trust your feelings.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

When you are not at ease or depressed, you need to ask yourself why. So you can address the variable in your life that is causing this dis-ease. Happiness is satisfaction divided by desires. What do you desire that you are not satisfied with? What are you not getting? What part of your life is lacking? What variable do you need to pay more attention to? What information do you need your critical logical mind to collect that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life?

Emotions and feelings are important variables in life. You just have to know the equations to plug them into. You are an equation. You can choose to say you hate math and continue to be miserable. Or you can do the work and figure out the variables of your life.

On day 10, we talked about the meaning to life. Since the beginning of time people have tried to figure out the meaning to life. Why are we here? What does this all mean? This human experience on Earth has a lot of illusions.

Let’s look at the science and reality of this human experience. You are energy. Energy never dies. It only changes form. You are an eternal being. You just change forms. So yes, you only have so much time here on Earth as a human being, but there is life after this human experience.

Energy is power. And you are energy. Your energy never dies. As a human being on Earth, finding your power is about finding you and your energy. Your energy is your power.

It is more simple when we call the energy that is you, your spirit. Your spirit lives forever. Your spirit never dies. It just changes form. You just change form. It’s not mystical. It’s science. Energy has to go somewhere. It doesn’t just disappear into thin air.

Based on this the equation for finding your power here on Earth as a human being is:

You = Your Power

You equal your power. Finding your personal power here on Earth is simply about finding you. You just have to find the energy that is your spirit and you will find your eternal power.

This means when you pretend to be like the people around you, you are giving up your power. If you feel helpless in life, it is because you are giving up your power. Retaining your personal power here on Earth is about being true to your spirit. And that means being you.

Next let’s tackle, what does this human Earth experience all mean? We all want to know why we are here. We suffer so much and finding meaning makes that suffering not hurt so bad. So if you are your power, why are you here? Well, you are here to accomplish your purposes in life.

Your Purposes = Your Meaning

The meaning to life and why you are here is different for each of us. But the equation is the same. You are here to accomplish your purposes in life. This is what gives your life meaning. And it is different for each of us based on our purposes.

When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes in life, your body recognizes your efforts. Your beliefs create your environment. Epigenetics are dictated by environment. When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes here on Earth you will be rewarded.

Telemares are created by an enzyme that is produced when you are being of service. Telemares are the secret to life and the fountain of youth. DNA need telemares to replicate without degrading. When you lack telemares you age and degrade. The fewer telemares you have the more subhuman you will be on a gene and cellular level. Your DNA will start to have flaws.

You are your power. Your purposes are the meaning to why you are here on Earth. The more you accomplish your purposes, the more you will be rewarded.

Today, on day 11, let’s talk about Darwinism and survival of the fittest. Evolution is about survival of the fittest. The members of a species who develop their skills and gifts the most are the ones who are supposed to move forward. When you accomplish your purposes on Earth you are rewarded, right?

Over time every species is supposed to become more dynamic with more skills and gifts and develop more specialties. This is to ensure the survival of the species. This is to ensure evolution. We must evolve in order to move forward.

When an animal is attacked in the wild, that animal has to fight back to survive. It’s Darwinism. We are supposed to fight back when someone attacks us. You were not designed to just allow people to attack and kill you. You were designed to fight back. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. It’s Darwinism.

Members of the same species are not supposed to attack each other. But when they do it is kill or be killed. God doesn’t punish people for fighting back. It’s Darwinism and survival of the fittest. You are supposed to fight back and defend yourself. Attacking someone is rarely acceptable. But fighting back is always expected.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 10

On day 1, we talked about how all you have to do is listen to these talks to reprogram your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Repetition is how it learns. However, if you would like to speed up this process there are a few things you can do.

First, you can listen to this before bed or just after waking up. This works because of theta brain waves. Second, you can listen with headphones, because your brain can’t tell the difference between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. And lastly, you can do movement while listening to improve the speed of programming your subconscious. This activates gamma brain waves and creates more plasticity in your brain. And this movement can be anything from deep breathing, to doing dishes, to walking your dog, etc. Motion creates emotion. Because emotion is just energy in motion.

Your nervous system is constantly collecting information. And it is so good at what it does that it can overwhelm your brain. When this happens you feel stressed or anxious.

Your brain has the job of organizing and storing all the information your nervous system collects. Your brain creates a library that will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. That is a lot of pressure for your brain. And your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on.

So, when your brain has these moments where it feels overwhelmed you just need to turn your nervous system off for a few seconds to allow your brain to catch up. You can do this with holding your head in place and rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. This rapid eye movement will turn off your stress response from your reptilian brain. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds of doing these rapid eye movements to feel relief.

On day 2, we talked about how you need to teach your brain to filter information in order to create value. And not create a junkyard of useless information. If your brain stores all the information your nervous system collects you will never be able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You only have so much time on Earth. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and what will help you get there.

The key to teaching your brain to filter the information from your nervous system effectively is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, then you know the information that is important to you. If everyone collected the same information, we would all lack value.

If you partake in keeping up with the Jones and start to value everything everyone around you values, it diminishes your own value. And it erodes your chances of accomplishing your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else. You came here with purposes unique to you. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish these purposes. If you spend your life preoccupied with pretending to be like everyone else, you will never find your skills and gifts. Then you won’t figure out your purposes in this life. And then you definitely will not be able to accomplish those purposes, let alone your dreams and goals.

Being you is the key to not only creating a valuable library in your brain. But it’s key to knowing who you are, finding your skills and gifts, and figuring out your purposes in this life. Part of your purposes is to share your skills and gifts with the world. Now what you are supposed to accomplish by sharing your skills and gifts with the world is up to you.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Everyone says they know themselves, but if they really did would the world be so lost? Knowing yourself isn’t a mystical or mysterious experience. Knowing yourself is just like knowing someone else.

In order to know yourself, you have to spend time with yourself. You literally spend time getting to know someone else. You need to do the very same thing with yourself. You spend time getting to know yourself while doing things that bring you joy. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. Making a list of the things you like and memorizing it will not help you get to know yourself. You have to spend time with yourself in the state of joy. When you are in a state of joy, you are the person you are meant to be. We were sent to Earth to be in joy. We were sent here to enjoy ourselves. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect throughout your life, comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is written information like charts, maps, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from watching other people do things.

Both of these systems are fallible. But the behavioral inheritance system comes with great dangers. See when you see someone do something, your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating this chain reaction. Monkey see, monkey do describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are designed to get you to jump too.

Any time you are around someone else your mirror neurons are wiring and firing information from your nervous system into your subconscious about that person. The dangerous part is your nervous system is a hoader and collects everything it can get it’s hands on. So not only are you wiring and firing in the good parts of that person and the things you want to learn from them, you are also wiring and firing in the disasters of their life into your subconscious. So, you may not even consciously realize they are there.

We all know that person who is amazing at something and we admire them. But we also see how the rest of their life is a complete and utter disaster. This person sadly is dangerous. Because even though they have mastered something amazingly, our mirror neurons are collecting information from their whole life when we are around them.

Your nervous system is a hoader. It can’t help but collect all the information it can get it’s hands on. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive. The more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

Only recently in the modern day world has life shifted to be about filtering information. For most of the existence of human beings, life has been about gathering information. But nowadays, we all have access to more information than we know what to do with. Just recently human beings have shifted from creating value in life by gathering information to creating value by filtering information. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive in a world where information was scarce.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with your critical logical mind. You do not have to partake in the blind leading the blind, if you choose to see the world for how it really is. And you see the world for how it really is by using your critical logical mind to find the truth.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. These are the results if you choose to do the things that people around you are doing without using your critical logical mind. The world is more lost than ever before. We have more information than ever before, but we don’t seem to be using this information.

When you do not filter the disasters your nervous system fires and wires into your subconscious from the people around you, then your life becomes a disaster. You do not have to be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect. However, in order to overcome these disasters in your subconscious you have to use your critical logical mind to become conscious of your actions.

The practice of mindfulness is all about not creating the disasters you have stored in your subconscious in your own life. All you have to do is see the world for how it really is. But that also includes seeing yourself for who you really are. Being mindful can be painful. But living a disaster of a life can be much worse.

You have to use your critical logical mind in order to not be a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons and nervous system collect because they are stored in your subconscious. You won’t know they are there until you become conscious of them. Mindfulness is about consciousness and awareness.

On day 6, we talked about how you have to use your critical logical mind to overcome your subconscious and the disasters from your mirror neurons. But how do you actually go about doing that? It sounds confusing. But it’s not. It’s just about knowing how to be proactive, rather than in a reactive state and a victim of the people around you. You can be a product of your environment. Or you can be the person you are meant to be.

Your nervous system and mirror neurons are always collecting information. And they store this information in your subconscious. In order to overcome this, you need to be mindful and aware of what you are doing. But you also need to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Your subconscious is your default setting. But you can be proactive and get in the driverseat of your life with your conscious mind and your critical logical mind.

You must become aware and conscious of the information you need in order to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life. And then you need to consciously work on collecting this information with your critical logical mind. If you expect your subconscious to collect all the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life you will not get very far. And your life will most likely become a complete disaster. Just like the life of the average American. You should want more for yourself.

Gama brain waves are key to creating intelligence. When you are consciously collecting information with your critical logical mind you need to access gamma brain waves. Our brains were designed to create extra plasticity when we were running from predators. The key to this extra plasticity is gamma brain waves. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you will be. And you need all the intelligence you can get to overcome the people around you who make up your environment.

Creating gamma brain waves is the key to overcoming the disaster of the world around you, aka your environment. Gamma brain waves are key in guaranteeing you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes. Gamma brain waves are intelligence.

On day 7, we talked about how humans have the need to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. Your brain and mirror neurons were not created with this in mind. But neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot access your critical logical mind or gamma brain waves. When your body is not operating properly, it is almost impossible to create intelligence. Thus, leaving you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters from the people around you.

In the old days, these people who tried to enslave us were easy to identify. They would burn down our villages. But nowadays these people claim to be our friends and family. These people who wish to enslave us have us surrounded in every aspect of our lives.

In WWII these people preoccupied with destruction and slavery, sent people they wished to enslave to concentration camps. But today they just turn your body and mind into the concentration camp. It’s easier to enslave you, if you don’t realize what is happening. You don’t try to fight back.

Modern day slavery is done with a thousand pieces of broken glass. One small piece of broken glass will cut you and make you bleed, but it most likely won’t kill you. However, a thousand small pieces of broken glass may.

Toxins represent the broken pieces of glass in modern day slavery. When your body is not operating properly you cannot access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind. This leaves you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters of your mirror neurons. While creating disease in your body and rendering you helpless, unable to save yourself. You look for a savior outside yourself, but only find people who wish to enslave you more and kill you. But these people often tell you they care about you and are trying to help you. And if they are close to you, they will probably even tell you that you are hard to love as they try to kill you.

Epigenetics is how we get to choose who we are. We all are born with genes like our family, but your environment and how you live your life dictates how these genes are switched on and off like light switches. Methylation is one of the processes that switches your genes on and off. It’s like a little man running around in the house of your body turning on and off the lights. The lighting of your life depends on methylation.

Toxins inhibit proper methylation. The more toxins in your life, environment, and body the more you do not methylate properly. When you don’t methylate properly, you are switching on and off genes that make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And this is how your body and mind is turned into a concentration camp where there is rarely an escape.

On day 8, we talked about culture and leadership. Do you think the leaders of the people who wish to enslave us in efforts of conquering the world want their followers to think critically and logically?

A culture is a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior. Our beliefs are our environment. Our culture is our environment. Every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people has shared beliefs that create a culture.

It only takes three people to create a cult: a leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. The third person normally follows suit rather quickly due to mirror neurons, heard mentality, conditioning, a lifetime of disasters fired and wired into their subconscious, etc. The equation for creating a larger cult is the same. You just multiple the last two variables. The more followers you have, the more quickly people will fall in line with your culture.

Let’s say you wanted to get your cult followers to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. How would you go about getting that to happen? Well, the first variable is you have to identify your enemy or scapegoat. Then, you tell your cult followers that all their problems and hardships are due to this person or group of people. You lead your followers to believe that their ability to get their needs met will be inhibited even more by this scapegoat. Creating more pain and hardships in their lives. And you instill not only a sense of fear, but a sense of urgency too. Then you enlist your cult followers in a crusade against your scapegoat. Your cult followers will sign up willingly, because they believe they have no other option.

Now this equation could take a very long time and be extremely labor intensive. Not to mention it would require a lot of patience. It could take years to get all these variables in place, maybe even decades. How do you suppose you could speed up this process? Wouldn’t it be easier if your cult followers did not think critically or logically?

Throughout history some of the greatest evils that have embarked on creating a crusade, have created and released toxins into our environment. This damages our ability to methylate. Making our epigenetics more subhuman. And it cuts us off from our critical logical mind, while creating disease in our bodies. It speeds up the time it takes to create a crusade, genocide, or world war greatly. Work smarter not harder, right?

The people around you who try to enslave you and turn your body and mind into a concentration camp have just been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind have been turned into a concentration camp, but they don’t realize what is happening. Because they have been cut off from their critical logical mind. They are unable to access gamma brain waves and create intelligence.

Your ability to access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind relies on everyone around you methylating properly. Yes, you need to methylate properly. But more importantly, the people in your environment need to methylate properly. Environment dictates epigenetics. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. If the people around you do not methylate properly, they will try to enslave you in efforts of conquering the world. Because they do not have access to their critical logical mind.

There will always be cult leaders looking to enslave the people who follow them. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. The only way to ensure you have access to your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. The only way to ensure your body and mind are not turned into a concentration camp is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. Those people are your environment. Environment dictates epigenetics.

We can’t kill everyone in the world who will try to enslave the people who are in their cult following. But if we can guarantee everyone has access to their critical logical mind and the ability to create intelligence with gamma brain waves, we can create a safe environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Your environment dictates your epigenetics. Your beliefs are your environment.

On day 9, we talked about emotional intelligence. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind, you are a slave to your emotions. This is another way your body and mind are turned into a concentration camp.

Emotions can can be a lie. Because emotions can be created by the disasters your mirror neurons collect in your subconscious.

Event + Belief = Emotion

When you have an emotion you need to think about what is causing this emotion. Just because something happens in your life, does not mean you are guaranteed to experience a certain emotion. Your environment is dependent on perception. Your beliefs create your emotions. Your beliefs create your environment. But once again the disasters in your subconscious could be creating a disaster in your emotions and your life.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Emotions are not logical. And therefore, they are not trustworthy. But feelings are logical. And they are trustworthy.

When you experience an emotion you need to filter it through your critical logical mind to turn it into a feeling. You can trust your feelings. But you cannot trust your emotions. Emotions can be manipulated. Emotions can be a lie. Trust your feelings.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

When you are not at ease or depressed, you need to ask yourself why. So you can address the variable in your life that is causing this dis-ease. Happiness is satisfaction divided by desires. What do you desire that you are not satisfied with? What are you not getting? What part of your life is lacking? What variable do you need to pay more attention to. And use your critical logical mind to collect useful information on that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in that part of your life?

Emotions and feelings are important variables in life. You just have to know the equations to plug them into. You are an equation. You can choose to say you hate math and continue to be miserable. Or you can do the work and figure out the variables of your life.

Today, on day 10, let’s talk about the meaning to life. Since the beginning of time people have tried to figure out the meaning to life. Why are we here? What does this all mean? This human experience on Earth has a lot of illusions.

Let’s look at the science and reality of this human experience. You are energy. Energy never dies. It only changes form. You are an eternal being. You just change forms. So yes, you only have so much time here on Earth as a human being, but there is life after this human experience.

Energy is power. And you are energy. Your energy never dies. As a human being on Earth, finding your power is about finding you and your energy. Your energy is your power.

It is more simple when we call the energy that is you, your spirit. Your spirit lives forever. Your spirit never dies. It just changes form. You just change form. It’s not mystical. It’s science. Energy has to go somewhere. It doesn’t just disappear into thin air.

Based on this the equation for finding your power here on Earth as a human being is:

You = Your Power

You equal your power. Finding your personal power here on Earth is simply about finding you. You just have to find the energy that is your spirit and you will find your eternal power.

This means when you pretend to be like the people around you, you are giving up your power. If you feel helpless in life, it is because you are giving up your power. Retaining your personal power here on Earth is about being true to your spirit. And that means being you.

Next let’s tackle, what does this human Earth experience all mean? We all want to know why we are here. We suffer so much and finding meaning makes that suffering not hurt so bad. So if you are your power, why are you here? Well, you are here to accomplish your purposes in life.

Your Purposes = Your Meaning

The meaning to life and why you are here is different for each of us. But the equation is the same. You are here to accomplish your purposes in life. This is what gives your life meaning. And it is different for each of us based on our purposes.

When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes in life, your body recognizes your efforts. Your beliefs create your environment. Epigenetics are dictated by environment. When you are being of service and accomplishing your purposes here on Earth you will be rewarded.

Telemares are created by an enzyme that is produced when you are being of service. Telemares are the secret to life and the fountain of youth. DNA need telemares to replicate without degrading. When you lack telemares you age and degrade. The fewer telemares you have the more subhuman you will be on a gene and cellular level. Your DNA will start to have flaws.

You are your power. Your purposes are the meaning to why you are here on Earth. The more you accomplish your purposes, the more you will be rewarded.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 9

On day 1, we talked about how all you have to do is listen to these talks to reprogram your subconscious. Your subconscious is your habit mind. Repetition is how it learns. However, if you would like to speed up this process there are a few things you can do.

First, you can listen to this before bed or just after waking up. This works because of theta brain waves. Second, you can listen with headphones, because your brain can’t tell the difference between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. And lastly, you can do movement while listening to improve the speed of programming your subconscious. This activates gamma brain waves and creates more plasticity in your brain. And this movement can be anything from deep breathing, to doing dishes, to walking your dog, etc. Motion creates emotion. Because emotion is just energy in motion.

Your nervous system is constantly collecting information. And it is so good at what it does that it can overwhelm your brain. When this happens you feel stressed or anxious.

Your brain has the job of organizing and storing all the information your nervous system collects. Your brain creates a library that will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. That is a lot of pressure for your brain. And your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on.

So, when your brain has these moments where it feels overwhelmed you just need to turn your nervous system off for a few seconds to allow your brain to catch up. You can do this with holding your head in place and rapidly moving your eyes from side to side. This rapid eye movement will turn off your stress response from your reptilian brain. It only takes 10 to 30 seconds of doing these rapid eye movements to feel relief.

On day 2, we talked about how you need to teach your brain to filter information in order to create value. And not create a junkyard of useless information. If your brain stores all the information your nervous system collects you will never be able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You only have so much time on Earth. You have to focus on what you want to accomplish and what will help you get there.

The key to teaching your brain to filter the information from your nervous system effectively is to know yourself. When you know who you are and what you want to accomplish in life, then you know the information that is important to you. If everyone collected the same information, we would all lack value.

If you partake in keeping up with the Jones and start to value everything everyone around you values, it diminishes your own value. And it erodes your chances of accomplishing your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else. You came here with purposes unique to you. And you have skills and gifts that will help you accomplish these purposes. If you spend your life preoccupied with pretending to be like everyone else, you will never find your skills and gifts. Then you won’t figure out your purposes in this life. And then you definitely will not be able to accomplish those purposes, let alone your dreams and goals.

Being you is the key to not only creating a valuable library in your brain. But it’s key to knowing who you are, finding your skills and gifts, and figuring out your purposes in this life. Part of your purposes is to share your skills and gifts with the world. Now what you are supposed to accomplish by sharing your skills and gifts with the world is up to you.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Everyone says they know themselves, but if they really did would the world be so lost? Knowing yourself isn’t a mystical or mysterious experience. Knowing yourself is just like knowing someone else.

In order to know yourself, you have to spend time with yourself. You literally spend time getting to know someone else. You need to do the very same thing with yourself. You spend time getting to know yourself while doing things that bring you joy. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. Making a list of the things you like and memorizing it will not help you get to know yourself. You have to spend time with yourself in the state of joy. When you are in a state of joy, you are the person you are meant to be. We were sent to Earth to be in joy. We were sent here to enjoy ourselves. Find your joy and you will find yourself.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect throughout your life, comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is written information like charts, maps, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from watching other people do things.

Both of these systems are fallible. But the behavioral inheritance system comes with great dangers. See when you see someone do something, your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating this chain reaction. Monkey see, monkey do describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are designed to get you to jump too.

Any time you are around someone else your mirror neurons are wiring and firing information from your nervous system into your subconscious about that person. The dangerous part is your nervous system is a hoader and collects everything it can get it’s hands on. So not only are you wiring and firing in the good parts of that person and the things you want to learn from them, you are also wiring and firing in the disasters of their life into your subconscious. So, you may not even consciously realize they are there.

We all know that person who is amazing at something and we admire them. But we also see how the rest of their life is a complete and utter disaster. This person sadly is dangerous. Because even though they have mastered something amazingly, our mirror neurons are collecting information from their whole life when we are around them.

Your nervous system is a hoader. It can’t help but collect all the information it can get it’s hands on. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive. The more information you have, the more likely you are to survive.

Only recently in the modern day world has life shifted to be about filtering information. For most of the existence of human beings, life has been about gathering information. But nowadays, we all have access to more information than we know what to do with. Just recently human beings have shifted from creating value in life by gathering information to creating value by filtering information. Your nervous system was designed to keep you alive in a world where information was scarce.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with your critical logical mind. You do not have to partake in the blind leading the blind, if you choose to see the world for how it really is. And you see the world for how it really is by using your critical logical mind to find the truth.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. These are the results if you choose to do the things that people around you are doing without using your critical logical mind. The world is more lost than ever before. We have more information than ever before, but we don’t seem to be using this information.

When you do not filter the disasters your nervous system fires and wires into your subconscious from the people around you, then your life becomes a disaster. You do not have to be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect. However, in order to overcome these disasters in your subconscious you have to use your critical logical mind to become conscious of your actions.

The practice of mindfulness is all about not creating the disasters you have stored in your subconscious in your own life. All you have to do is see the world for how it really is. But that also includes seeing yourself for who you really are. Being mindful can be painful. But living a disaster of a life can be much worse.

You have to use your critical logical mind in order to not be a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons and nervous system collect because they are stored in your subconscious. You won’t know they are there until you become conscious of them. Mindfulness is about consciousness and awareness.

On day 6, we talked about how you have to use your critical logical mind to overcome your subconscious and the disasters from your mirror neurons. But how do you actually go about doing that? It sounds confusing. But it’s not. It’s just about knowing how to be proactive, rather than in a reactive state and a victim of the people around you. You can be a product of your environment. Or you can be the person you are meant to be.

Your nervous system and mirror neurons are always collecting information. And they store this information in your subconscious. In order to overcome this, you need to be mindful and aware of what you are doing. But you also need to collect the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. Your subconscious is your default setting. But you can be proactive and get in the driverseat of your life with your conscious mind and your critical logical mind.

You must become aware and conscious of the information you need in order to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life. And then you need to consciously work on collecting this information with your critical logical mind. If you expect your subconscious to collect all the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life you will not get very far. And your life will most likely become a complete disaster. Just like the life of the average American. You should want more for yourself.

Gama brain waves are key to creating intelligence. When you are consciously collecting information with your critical logical mind you need to access gamma brain waves. Our brains were designed to create extra plasticity when we were running from predators. The key to this extra plasticity is gamma brain waves. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you will be. And you need all the intelligence you can get to overcome the people around you who make up your environment.

Creating gamma brain waves is the key to overcoming the disaster of the world around you, aka your environment. Gamma brain waves are key in guaranteeing you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes. Gamma brain waves are intelligence.

On day 7, we talked about how humans have the need to enslave the people around them in an effort to conquer the world. Your brain and mirror neurons were not created with this in mind. But neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot access your critical logical mind or gamma brain waves. When your body is not operating properly, it is almost impossible to create intelligence. Thus, leaving you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters from the people around you.

In the old days, these people who tried to enslave us were easy to identify. They would burn down our villages. But nowadays these people claim to be our friends and family. These people who wish to enslave us have us surrounded in every aspect of our lives.

In WWII these people preoccupied with destruction and slavery, sent people they wished to enslave to concentration camps. But today they just turn your body and mind into the concentration camp. It’s easier to enslave you, if you don’t realize what is happening. You don’t try to fight back.

Modern day slavery is done with a thousand pieces of broken glass. One small piece of broken glass will cut you and make you bleed, but it most likely won’t kill you. However, a thousand small pieces of broken glass may.

Toxins represent the broken pieces of glass in modern day slavery. When your body is not operating properly you cannot access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind. This leaves you a slave to your subconscious and the disasters of your mirror neurons. While creating disease in your body and rendering you helpless, unable to save yourself. You look for a savior outside yourself, but only find people who wish to enslave you more and kill you. But these people often tell you they care about you and are trying to help you. And if they are close to you, they will probably even tell you that you are hard to love as they try to kill you.

Epigenetics is how we get to choose who we are. We all are born with genes like our family, but your environment and how you live your life dictates how these genes are switched on and off like light switches. Methylation is one of the processes that switches your genes on and off. It’s like a little man running around in the house of your body turning on and off the lights. The lighting of your life depends on methylation.

Toxins inhibit proper methylation. The more toxins in your life, environment, and body the more you do not methylate properly. When you don’t methylate properly, you are switching on and off genes that make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And this is how your body and mind is turned into a concentration camp where there is rarely an escape.

On day 8, we talked about culture and leadership. Do you think the leaders of the people who wish to enslave us in efforts of conquering the world want their followers to think critically and logically?

A culture is a group of people who come together with shared beliefs. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior. Our beliefs are our environment. Our culture is our environment. Every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people has shared beliefs that create a culture.

It only takes three people to create a cult: a leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. The third person normally follows suit rather quickly due to mirror neurons, heard mentality, conditioning, a lifetime of disasters fired and wired into their subconscious, etc. The equation for creating a larger cult is the same. You just multiple the last two variables. The more followers you have, the more quickly people will fall in line with your culture.

Let’s say you wanted to get your cult followers to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. How would you go about getting that to happen? Well, the first variable is you have to identify your enemy or scapegoat. Then, you tell your cult followers that all their problems and hardships are due to this person or group of people. You lead your followers to believe that their ability to get their needs met will be inhibited even more by this scapegoat. Creating more pain and hardships in their lives. And you instill not only a sense of fear, but a sense of urgency too. Then you enlist your cult followers in a crusade against your scapegoat. Your cult followers will sign up willingly, because they believe they have no other option.

Now this equation could take a very long time and be extremely labor intensive. Not to mention it would require a lot of patience. It could take years to get all these variables in place, maybe even decades. How do you suppose you could speed up this process? Wouldn’t it be easier if your cult followers did not think critically or logically?

Throughout history some of the greatest evils that have embarked on creating a crusade, have created and released toxins into our environment. This damages our ability to methylate. Making our epigenetics more subhuman. And it cuts us off from our critical logical mind, while creating disease in our bodies. It speeds up the time it takes to create a crusade, genocide, or world war greatly. Work smarter not harder, right?

The people around you who try to enslave you and turn your body and mind into a concentration camp have just been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind have been turned into a concentration camp, but they don’t realize what is happening. Because they have been cut off from their critical logical mind. They are unable to access gamma brain waves and create intelligence.

Your ability to access gamma brain waves and your critical logical mind relies on everyone around you methylating properly. Yes, you need to methylate properly. But more importantly, the people in your environment need to methylate properly. Environment dictates epigenetics. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. If the people around you do not methylate properly, they will try to enslave you in efforts of conquering the world. Because they do not have access to their critical logical mind.

There will always be cult leaders looking to enslave the people who follow them. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. The only way to ensure you have access to your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. The only way to ensure your body and mind are not turned into a concentration camp is to ensure the people around you methylate properly. Those people are your environment. Environment dictates epigenetics.

We can’t kill everyone in the world who will try to enslave the people who are in their cult following. But if we can guarantee everyone has access to their critical logical mind and the ability to create intelligence with gamma brain waves, we can create a safe environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Your environment dictates your epigenetics. Your beliefs are your environment.

Today, on day 10, let’s talk about emotional intelligence. When you are cut off from your critical logical mind, you are a slave to your emotions. This is another way your body and mind are turned into a concentration camp.

Emotions can can be a lie. Because emotions can be created by the disasters your mirror neurons collect in your subconscious.

Event + Belief = Emotion

When you have an emotion you need to think about what is causing this emotion. Just because something happens in your life, does not mean you are guaranteed to experience a certain emotion. Your environment is dependent on perception. Your beliefs create your emotions. Your beliefs create your environment. But once again the disasters in your subconscious could be creating a disaster in your emotions and life.

Emotion + Critical Logical Mind = Feeling

Emotions are not logical. And therefore, they are not trustworthy. But feeling are logical. And they are trustworthy.

When you experience an emotion you need to filter it through your critical logical mind to turn it into a feeling. You can trust your feelings. But you cannot trust your emotions. Emotions can be manipulated. Emotions can be a lie. Trust your feelings.

Happiness = Satisfaction ÷ Desires

When you are not at ease or depressed, you need to ask yourself why. So you can address the variable in your life that is causing this dis-ease. Happiness is satisfaction divided by desires. What do you desire that you are not satisfied with? What are you not getting? What part of your life is lacking? What variable do you need to pay more attention to and use your critical logical mind to collect useful information that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in that part of your life?

Emotions and feelings are important variables in life. You just have to know the equations to plug them into. You are an equation. You can choose to say you hate math and continue to be miserable. Or you can do the work and figure out the variables of your life.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 8

On day 1, we talked about how your nervous system is almost always collecting information. And how your brain has to organize this information. Your nervous system is fast like the internet. While your brain is a library and slower, but very powerful.

When you get anxious or overwhelmed it is often because your brain is trying to catch up to your nervous system. Your nervous system is a hoader of information and overwhelms your brain sometimes. But it only take 10 to 30 seconds of doing rapid eye movements from side to side while holding your head still to turn off your nervous system and allow your brain to catch up.

On day 2, we talked about how to avoid these moments where your brain gets overwhelmed and you feel stressed and anxious. The key is you have to teach your brain how to filter information. Yes, your nervous system collects everything it can get its hands on. But you don’t need to keep everything it collects in the library of your brain. Actually, it is extremely important to learn to filter information. Because you need to avoid creating a junkyard of useless information. The utility and value of the information you collect in the library of your brain directly results in your value as a human. Because you need this information to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

The key to knowing how to filter information and what you need to keep and throw out is knowing yourself. You have to know yourself in order to know the information you need to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life. You have to know what is important to you. And what is important to one person isn’t important to everyone. If we all collected the same information we would all lack value.

On day 3, we talked about how to get to know yourself. Getting to know yourself is just like getting to know someone else. You spend time getting to know someone else. So you just have to do the same thing and spend time getting to know yourself.

When you spend time in joy you get to know the person you are meant to be. As a human being, getting to know yourself is about states of being. You are not the things you like. You are states of being. And you are your true self when you are in a state of joy.

No one can tell you who you are. You have to take the time and get to know yourself while doing things you enjoy. Only then will you really know what is important to you and how to teach your brain to only collect the information you need and desire. Because this information will dictate if you are able to achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

On day 4, we talked about the two inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect comes from these two systems of learning from other people. The symbolic inheritance system is when you learn from written information like books, charts, graphs, hieroglyphics, etc. And the behavioral inheritance system is where you learn from actually watching someone do something.

Monkey see monkey do describes the behavioral inheritance system. Because seeing someone do something activates your mirror neurons. When you see someone do something your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing. If everyone around you was jumping off a bridge, your mirror neurons are in place to make sure you jump off a bridge too. Mirror neurons were created to help us survive.

However, we were not created with the the fact that humans try to enslave each other and take over the world. Mob mentality and heard mentaily are due to mirror neurons. And our mirror neurons have been used against us throughout history to get us not only to destroy ourselves, but especially to destroy others.

Hitler in WWII used mirror neurons and mob mentality to create a genocide against Jewish people. When people saw the SS soldiers treating Jewish people poorly, their mirror neurons made them follow suit. Often even if their logical mind tried to tell them it was wrong and illogical at first. Seeing people around them mistreat Jewish people conditioned them to do the same thing over time.

You can overcome the people around you and your mirror neurons by using your logical critical mind. Without logical critical thought you will be a slave to the people around you and your mirror neurons. Monkey see monkey do. We live in a world of the blind leading the blind due to mirror neurons and people lacking critical logical thought.

On day 5, we talked about how to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you. You have to use your logical critical mind in order to not partake in the blind leading the blind. But how do you do that? What are you supposed to think about?

Well, you have to see the world for how it really is. And you have to see the people around you for who they really are. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. If you follow the lead of the people around you, it is almost certain you will create these results in your life.

The world is more lost than ever before. Our life expectancy is going down, rather than increasing. Children born today have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. This has never happened before throughout history. But we don’t talk about it, because people would rather follow others than see the truth.

It takes about 5,000 hours to master something. Back in cave man days there was enough time in a human life to master life. But nowadays, in the modern world, life entails so many things it is not humanly possible to master life. There just isn’t enough time. It’s impossible to master life in this modern world we live in. No one has everything figured out.

We live in a world of idiots. And you are one of them. No one knows what they are doing. And the sooner you realize this, the sooner you are safe from your mirror neurons.

Yes, we may master a few things in life. But your mirror neurons are wiring in the disasters of other people’s lives into your subconscious everytime you interact with anyone. The only way to overcome this mechanism is to be able to critically and logically think. When you see the world for how it really is, it’s not as dangerous. Because you are no longer blind to it’s faults and shortcomings.

Statistically speaking, you should not do the things the people around you are doing unless you want average results. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. You should want more for yourself.

On day 6, we talked about how to use your brain. If you are supposed to use your brain to overcome your brain, how in the hell are you supposed to do that? Well, you have to know how to consciously collect the information you need and desire.

Your mirror neurons and your subconscious are constantly collecting information from other people. Even information you do not want. So you need to learn how to create plasticity in your brain to collect the information you do want, need, and desire effectively. This is how you will be able to overcome your mirror neurons and the people around you with critical logical thought. But if you have not been able to collect the information you need to overcome your environment with critical logical thought you will be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect from the people around you.

The quality of your life depends on your ability to consciously collect the information you need, want, and desire. The value of your library of a brain is also dependent on your ability to collect useful information. And your value as a human depends on the value of your library of a brain.

Gamma brain waves are the key to collecting information effectively. You were designed to have extra plasticity in your brain when you are running from a predator. This state of plasticity is gamma brain waves. And this plasticity allows for intelligence. The more gamma brain waves you have the more intelligent you are. The more gamma brain waves you have the more likely you are to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

On day 7, we revisited the need of humans to enslave the people around them in efforts to conquer the world. Our brains were not designed with this in mind, but neither were our bodies. When your body is not operating properly you will not be able to achieve gamma brain waves and accessing your critical logical brain will be harder if not nearly impossible. This will leave you a slave to the disasters your mirror neurons collect. You have to see the world for how it really is in order to not be blind. And you need your critical logical mind to do so.

In the old days, people who tried to enslave us burned down our villages. So it was easy to see who our enemies were. But nowadays the people who try to enslave us pretend to be our friends and family. We live in a day and age where there is nowhere to run. These people who try to enslave us know no bounds. And love is often their favorite weapon.

Epigenetics and our ability to methylate is how people enslave us today. In WWII, they sent people to concentration camps. But today they make your body and mind the concentration camp. Epigenetics is the the process of switching on and off our genes. We all are born with genes like our family, but how we live and our environment dictate which of these genes are turned on and off. Only about 6 diseases in the world are genetic. The rest are epigenetic.

Methylation is one of the ways we turn on and off our genes. Imagine a small man running around in the house that is your body switching on and off light switches. On good days he yells, “You get to be human. You get to be human. You get to be human.” But on bad days he screams, “You get to be subhuman. You get to be subhuman. You get to be subhuman.” The lighting of your life depends on how methylation switches on and off these lights.

When you are exposed to toxins, it overwhelms your methylation pathways. And the people who try to enslave us all are aiming to create this overwhelm in our bodies. They hope to enslave us by a thousand pieces of broken glass. And every toxin in your environment represents a broken piece of glass.

Today in the modern day world, it’s not usually one toxin that cuts us off from our critical logical mind and creates disease in our bodies. It is a lifetime of toxins. Each representing a small broken piece of glass that cuts us and makes us bleed. One small piece of glass won’t kill us, but a thousand small pieces of glass can.

People enslave us in the modern day world by turning our mind and bodies into a concentration camp. And they hope we will never be able to escape. Because that is the only way they get to conquer the world. By the time you get to a thousand pieces of glass, you have already been cut off from your critical logical mind and the ability to create gamma brain waves and intelligence. You are left looking for a savior, but the people around you only wish to enslave you more to conquer you.

Today, on day 8, let’s talk about culture, leadership, and how this ties into your ability to access your critical logical mind.

Culture is our environment. Our beliefs are our environment. A group of people who share a set of beliefs that create patterns in behavior make up a culture. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows. And your environment dictates your epigenetics.

So every leader is a cult leader. Because every group of people comes together with shared beliefs to create a culture. These shared beliefs create patterns in behavior amongst these people.

Do you think the cult leaders who are in charge of the people who wish to enslave us in an effort to conquer the world want their members to think critically or logically? Do you think that would benefit them at all? Never in the history of the world has a leader who desired to enslave the world wished for his followers to think critically and logically. They often go to great lengths to stop this from occurring every chance they get.

It only takes 3 people to create a cult. A leader, a follower, and the third person will join or die. Often the third person just falls in line because of conditioning, mirror neurons, heard mentality, etc. And the equation for starting a cult bigger than three people is the same. You just have to multiple the last two variables. The more people who follow you, the more people will fall in line with your culture.

After you have created a culture and have numerous followers, how do you convince them that they need to help you enslave the people around them and conquer the world?

First, you identify your enemy, aka your scapegoat. You find the person or people you want your culture to attack. And you blame all their problems on this scapegoat. Then you create fear and scarcity. You lead your culture to believe this person or group of people is not only the reason for all the hardships in their life, but this scapegoat will also interfere with their ability to get their needs met even more. And you tell them this is why they need to take action. You create a crusade against your scapegoat. And your culture willingly signs up because they believe they have no other option in order to survive and get their needs met.

This process could take many years and be filled with a lot of efforts. Creating a crusade or genocide is no small undertaking. But what if you wanted to speed this up and make it easier. How could you do that? Well, creating a crusade where you get people to enslave the people around them would sure be easier if they didn’t think critically or logically. That would save a lot of time and efforts.

So what have some of the great evils of history done to make this happen and speed up the process of creating a crusade or world war? They created and released toxins in the environment to overwhelm people’s methylation pathways to cut them off from their critical logical minds. When people are in a fear state and they believe another group of people is responsible for their pain, they are easy to manipulate. But if you cut your followers off from their critical logical mind and enslave them first, it makes it extremely easier to get them to enslave others.

So the people who are trying to enslave us, are only doing so because they have been enslaved themselves. Their body and mind has been turned into a concentration camp. And your ability to access your critical logical mind and gamma brain waves depends on freeing these people from the concentration camp they are in. Your freedom to access your critical logical mind and not be a slave to your mirror neurons and the disasters they collect relies on your ability to guarantee proper methylation in the people around you.

People will never stop trying to enslave each other in an attempt to conquer the world. But if you can get people to think critically and logically and realize when they are being manipulated, used, and enslaved our chances of survival and having good lives increases.

Hitler had kids. His kids had kids. His grandkids had kids. There will always be descendants of the greatest evils throughout history. We can’t kill them all. We have to teach people how to recognize these people. And that means we have to guarantee people have access to their critical logical mind. And that means we have to guarantee proper methylation in everyone around us. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 7

On day 1, we talked about how your nervous system collects so much information all the time that it overwhelms your brain. Your nervous system is like the internet. And your brain is like a library. Allowing your brain time to catch up with your nervous system is key not only in remaining calm, but in being the person you are meant to be.

On day 2, we talked about how your brain is a library and you have to filter the information from your nervous system. If you catalog and keep all the information your nervous system collects in the library of your brain, you will create a worthless junkyard. And your life’s work will have been for nothing. Everyone creates a library of information with their life. It’s not something you can opt out of like emails. Part of your purpose here on earth is to build a library of useful information in your brain that will allow you to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life.

So, the key to creating a valuable library is to learn to filter the information your nervous system collects. And you have to teach your brain what to filter. Otherwise, it will constantly be getting overworked and overwhelmed.

Knowing what to filter is about knowing yourself. The only way to know the information that will help you achieve your dreams, goals, and purposes in this life is to know yourself. Knowing yourself is the key to creating value in the library of your brain.

On day 3, we talked about how to know yourself. People talk about knowing themselves like it’s a mystical experience. But really knowing yourself is just about spending time with yourself. You get to know someone else by spending time with them. Getting to know yourself is the same. You just spend time getting to know yourself.

Getting to know yourself isn’t about sitting down and writing a list of the things you like. Getting to know yourself is about states of being. You are a human being. Getting to know yourself is about being in joy. The things you like are just a way to facilitate being in a state of joy. When you are in joy, you are the person you are meant to be. Life is about joy. We were sent to Earth to be in joy.

On day 4, we talked about inheritance systems that teach you almost everything you know. The behavioral inheritance system is learning from watching others. While the symbolic inheritance system is written words, charts, graphs, maps, etc.

Both systems can be fallible. The symbolic inheritance system can be written with incorect information. But the behavioral inheritance system has many dangers. And the behavioral inheritance system has been used against us in many ways throughout history.

When you watch someone do something it activates your mirror neurons in your brain. And your brain fires and wires as if you did the thing you saw someone do. So everytime you learn from the behavioral inheritance system, your brain is wiring and firing that action into your brain as if you did it. Monkey see monkey do is a saying that describes your mirror neurons.

The biggest danger of the behavioral inheritance system and your mirror neurons is the fact that humans try to enslave each other and conquer the world. Your brain was not created with this in mind. So your mirror neurons can be used against you to get you to destroy not only yourself, but others too.

An example would be, when Hitler told people to mistreat Jewish people. Some people did not agree, but as they saw more people mistreating Jewish people, the more they became comfortable with it all. Would you jump off a bridge if everyone around you was doing it? Your mirror neurons are set up to make you do the things people around you are doing.

Another example is when a monkey sees another monkey eating a new kind of banana. That monkey can pretty safely wire and fire the information into it’s brain without fear. However, when a human sees another human in the grocery store parking lot eating a banana, that human cannot wire and fire the information into their brain without fear. Humans having the desire to enslave the people around them and take over the world, means that banana could have been genetically modified to create negative epigenetic triggers and make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level.

In the modern day world, you have to expect that everyone is trying to brainwash you into destroying yourself and others. Humans use mirror neurons against each other to satisfy the need they have to enslave the people around them and conquer the world.

On day 5, we talked about how to use your logical and critical mind to overcome your mirror neurons and the behavioral inheritance system. Your mirror neurons are set up to get you to jump off a bridge if everyone around is doing it. But your logical and critical mind can stop you from partaking in the blind leading the blind. You just have to be aware of what is really happening. And this means seeing the world and the people around you as they really are.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. It’s pretty safe to say that if you want a good life you should not be doing the things the people around you are doing. Average actions lead to average results. And nowadays the average results in humans lives are far below desirable. People are more lost than ever before. Yet, they still look towards other people to figure out what to do.

See in cave man days it was possible to master life. Because there were only a few things to master. If you could run from predators, eat food that wouldn’t kill you, and reproduce in cave man days you mastered life. Mastery takes about 5,000 hours. There was enough time to master the things in life back then. However, nowadays life entails so many different things it is not humanly possible to master life. There aren’t enough hours in a human life in order to master all the things we do nowadays.

We are in a world filled with idiots. And you are one of them. Sure we may master a few things in life, but no one has the time needed to master life. It’s not humanly possible in the modern day world to master life. This means we are all idiots. And the sooner you realize this and see the world for how it is, the sooner you are going to be safe from having your mirror neurons used against you. If you see someone doing something statistically speaking you probably shouldn’t do that thing if you want a good life. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. You need to act accordingly.

On day 6, we talked about gamma brain waves and creating more plasticity in your brain. If your subconscious is constantly wiring and firing the actions of others into your brain, how can you be the most effective at consciously learning the information you need? Overcoming your mirror neurons is not just about seeing the world as the disaster it is with people more lost than ever before. It’s about getting the information you need to not only survive, but to accomplish your dreams, goals, and purposes in life.

Your brain was designed to wire in new information the fastest when you are running from a predator. And this state of plasticity is created by gamma brain waves. So if you are going to overcome being surrounded by idiots, you need to learn how to enduce gamma brain waves to program yourself with the information you need to suceed.

Your subconscious mind is the genius and runs the show in your brain. While your logical critical mind is great for collecting relevant information. But too often we try to problem solve with our logical brain. And it wasn’t really created to do much of that. When you try to solve complex problems with your logical brain you create high beta brain waves. These high beta brain waves actually harm your brain and cause anxiety. Plus, they turn off your immune system. High beta brain waves make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level.

You have heard that saying about how you are supposed to go do something else when you have a problem you cannot solve and the answer will come to you, right? This is your subconscious working with gamma brain waves. Your subconscious is a computer that runs programs in the back of your mind until an answer is found. You just have to let it run it’s program. When you try to focus on solving a problem with your logical critical mind, you are getting in the way of your subconscious running it’s program and finding the answer you seek. Hitting your head against a metaphorical wall over and over again is not only a waste of time, but it is how you make yourself more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. It’s counterproductive in countless ways.

Today on day 7, let’s continue with how to take in the information you need in order to succeed. We have to revisit the human tendency to enslave the people around you in efforts of conquering the world. Your brain was not designed with this in mind, but neither was your body. When your body is not operating properly, you cannot achieve gamma brain waves. And gamma brain waves are intelligence.

In the old days, these people who were preoccupied with terrorism and conquering the people around them used to burn down villages. So it was easy to identify them and know who your enemy was. However, nowadays these people live amongst us. And they will even go as far as pretending to be your friend or family.

This goes full circle and ties into programming your conscious and subconscious mind, because these terrorists use your epigenetics and ability to methylate to enslave you.

Epigenetics is the mechanism of turning on and off the genes we have. We all are born with genes, but how you live your life and your environment dictates how your genes are switched on and off, like lights switches. And methylation is one of the mechanisms that switches the lights on and off. In the modern day world, people use your body to enslave you and keep you stuck in a concentration camp.

You know that neighbor that burns stinky firewood? You know that neighbor that races past your house in their car leaving behind all kinds of fumes? You know that neighbor that wakes you up at night being too loud? These people are some of the terrorists in your life. They are inhibiting your ability to methylate properly. Which causes you to have more negative epigenetic triggers. Which means you are more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. And you are not the person you are intended to be.

When your ability to methylate is compromised, your ability to access gamma brain waves is compromised. The more your ability to methylate is compromised, the more you will be reliant on the disasters your mirror neurons program into your subconscious brain. And the less you will be able to access your critical logical mind and create gamma brain waves to create intelligence.

A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. Nowadays, we have more terrorists living amongst us than ever before. And these people pretend to be your friends and your family. When in actuality they are turning your body and brain into a concentration camp that they hope you will never be able to escape.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 6

On day 1, we talked about how your brain needs time to catch up to your nervous system. This is often what causes anxiety and stress. And you can do rapid eye movements from side to side while holding your head still to turn off the reptilian part of your brain that is causing this stress response. Being calm is the superpower that will allow you not only to think rationally and clearly, but it will allow you to be the person you were sent here to earth to be.

When you are stressed your immune system shuts down and you cannot access your brain fully. The more time you spend in a stressed state the more subhuman you will become on a gene and cellular level. Being calm isn’t just a good option. Being calm is a prerequisite to the human experience. When you are stressed you are stuck in your reptilian mind. Because your brain and body are just trying to keep you alive. In order to do more than just survive in life, you have to be calm, cool, and collected.

On day 2, we talked about how you have to filter information in order to complete your purpose here on Earth. We live in a day and age where we no longer have to hunt for information. Nowadays, we gather. And your value is determined by the value of the information you gather.

Your nervous system is always collecting information like a hoader. However, your brain has to decide what to keep in your library, aka brain, and what to toss out. Your nervous system is overworking your brain almost all the time. So teaching your brain what is important to you is key in teaching your brain to filter information. What is important to you may not be important to someone else.

Knowing how to filter information is the key to creating value in the modern world. We all are just a collection of information. The value and utility of your library is your value and utility as a human. Knowing stuff doesn’t make you valuable. But knowing the stuff you will be able to utilize and apply does make you valuable. Life is about practical application. If you can’t apply something, it’s probably not too valuable to you.

On day 3, we talked about how you need to know yourself in order to filter information well. When you know yourself, your goals, your dreams, and your purposes in life you can collect information accordingly. And then apply it and be the person you are meant to be.

But how do you know yourself? Everyone talks about it as if it is some mystical experience. Knowing yourself is about spending time with yourself. You get to know someone else by spending time getting to know them. You do the same thing with yourself.

You spend time doing things you enjoy to get to know yourself. When you are in a state of joy you are the person you were meant to be. Life is about being in joy. No one was sent to Earth to pretend to be like everyone else around them and try to destroy and enslave people.

No one was sent here to be a slave. And no one was sent here to be a slave master. Everyone was sent here with a purpose unique to you. And you have a collective purpose to complete within your group. Every human is like a star. And your group is your constellation. How are you going to shine bright, if you don’t know yourself?

On Day 4, we talked about how you collect information. Almost everything you know comes from two inheritance systems. The behavioral inheritance system is where you learn from watching others. And the symbolic inheritance system is where you learn from written/recorded information like charts, graphs, books, hieroglyphics, etc.

Everyday everywhere you go, you are collecting information from the people in your environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment. So you have to know what you are getting yourself into. Even the person halfway across the world who you watch on YouTube is apart of your environment

The behavioral inheritance system is used against us in countless ways. Monkey see monkey do describes the behavioral inheritance system. When you see someone do a thing, your brain reacts as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons firing. Your mirror neurons are in place to make you jump off a bridge if everyone around you is jumping off a bridge. However, you can use your logical and critical mind to overcome your mirror neurons and the stupidity of other people.

The blind leading the blind describes the world today because people don’t understand their mirror neurons. And because people pretend to be like everyone around them. Your brain was set up for survival. However, the modern day world is set up for reverse Darwinism. So you have to adjust in order to survive.

On day 5, we talked about how to use your logical and critical brain to overcome your mirror neurons. You have to see the world for how it really is. Otherwise, you will be blind and be following other blind people off a bridge. But how do you see the world for how it really is? Especially when your brain is set up for survival.

Well, you see the world for how it really is. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. If you want those outcomes by all means follow the lead of everyone around you. Statistically speaking, if you want a good life, you should not do anything that you see people around you doing.

Mastery takes 5,000 hours. Back in cave man days there was enough time to master life. Because life only entailed a few things. However, life in the modern day world entails so many different things that no one has enough time to master life. The world is filled with idiots and you are an idiot too.

The world is more lost than ever before. People are more sick than ever before. Our life expectancy is getting shorter rather than longer. We are obviously doing nearly everything wrong. And when you know these things and see the world for how it really is then you become aware that following the lead of the people around you is dangerous. And will only take you places you do not wish to go.

Learning from people’s behavior and the behavioral inheritance system is dangerous because you are allowing them to program your subconscious. Every time you are around someone your mirror neurons are firing like crazy. But the thing is you are not just wiring and firing the things in that you consciously choose to. Your subconscious wires and fires everything about that person into your subconscious mind. Your nervous system is a hoader. It’s going to take everything it can get its hands on.

Every dysfunction a person around you has is wired into your subconscious with your mirror neurons. You are like the 5 or 10 people around you the most because you have wired their behaviors into your subconscious brain. Your beliefs are your reality.

The people around you will dictate your beliefs unless you learn to see not only the world for how it really is, but also the people around you as they really are. No one has life mastered. No one knows what they are doing. Sure some of us master a few things. But mastery is dependent on environment. A great hunter here in Oregon can go to Greenland and not be great. They would have to shift their skillset based on environment. Mastery is dependent on environment. And your beliefs are your environment.

And today, Day 6, let’s talk about how to take in information. Your nervous system is a hoader. Your brain is the curator of your library, that is you. And you are constantly collecting information via the behavioral inheritance system and the symbolic inheritance system from the people in your environment. How in the world are you supposed to filter information and collect what you need?

Well, first you have to remember you were designed for survival. When you are running from a predator and thinking about why you are running, your brain is in the most plastic state. You were invented to learn quickly when you were running from a predator because you needed to in order to survive. So what is happening in your brain that causes this extra plasticity?

Gamma brain waves are the key to not only survival, but also to high intelligence. Flow state activates all parts of your brain and opens it up to change. Sure you can learn things in other ways, but they take more time and repetition. Work smarter, not harder, right?

Your subconscious is your genius and your problem solver. Your logical critical mind is good too. It is great to collect information with. But your subconscious mind is the genius and the problem solver. It is always doing puzzles in the back of your mind. However, your ability to access this information is relative to how well you can access gamma brain waves.

You have heard that saying that when you are stuck and can’t figure something out that you should do something else and it will come to you, right? Well this is gamma brain waves and your subconscious mind working. When faced with a problem your subconscious runs that program until the problem is solved. When you sit and think about something continually hitting your head against a metaphorical wall, you are actually hurting your brain with beta brain waves.

When you have high anxiety, it is because of beta brain waves. If you allow these to continue for too long they will damage your brain. What wires together fires together. You are wiring and firing anxiety into your brain. It is literally the healthy thing to do to walk away and do something else.

The more you partake in Beta brain waves the harder it will be for you to access gama brain waves. It’s literally setting yourself up for failure in multiple ways. Knowing how to self soothe is all about recognizing beta brain waves and doing something to move out of that state.

Psychopaths and people with antisocial personality disorder have lower brain waves and they don’t methylate well. When you are using your bodies resources in exhausting ways like hitting your head against a metaphorical wall in a cycle of low brain waves, you are exhausting resources that could be allocated towards methylation or your immune system. High beta brain waves and anxiety turn off your immune system. Not only do they make it hard to learn, they turn off your repair system in your body.

Your abilities to learn and to be human are dependent on your ability to control your brain waves, aka your state of being.

Finra Tax-The Smoking Gun

I was on the phone with Etrade for 2 hours today. And I found the smoking gun we need. See there is a Finra tax on every trade.

The equation is supposed to be:

.000145 x #of shares

This tax only occurs when you sell. However, recently I noticed my account wasn’t adding up right. It was off. So I figured they were Nicole and diming me to death. But I had never experienced a financial institution that gave me incorrect data. The screen I accessed this incorrect data on the website has since been removed. However, I still have my trade confirmations that I get every night.

See, The Finra tax below. It is not the correct equation/amount. I am assuming they are nickel and diming us all to take part in their rigged stock market. You have seen movies where they steal money by stealing fractions of a cent from billions of people, right? Well, here it is with a smoking gun.

This equation would be:

.000166 x # of shares

They are stealing .000021 for every share of stock you buy.

I’m expecting a callback from Etrade, but I expect to have to report this to Finra. Please look at your account information in multiple places and check the information. It’s only really noticable when you buy 5,000 shares of something. Because that adds up to 10 cents.

There are rules to the real world that are supposed to be followed right? My family is breaking countless rules. Please file a complaint if you see this happening in your account too. It’s bad enough the stockmarket is rigged. They don’t need to steal money from us too. Where are the lines? Ate there any lines? Because from where I sit there are absolutely no lines or accountability.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 5

On day 1 we talked about how being calm is a superpower. You have to be calm in order to be the person you were intended to be. It will be extremely unlikely for you to accomplish your purpose in this life on earth unless you are calm.

Your nervous system is a hoader and collects as much information as it can. While your brain is a curator and needs more time to organize and catalog everything in your brain. Your nervous system is the internet. And your brain is a library.

In order to remain calm, cool, and collected you have to allow your brain time to catch up. This means you have to learn how to hit pause on your nervous system and make it stop being a hoader for a few seconds in order to let your brain catch up.

These breaks only take 10-30 seconds. Doing rapid eye movements from side to side while holding your head still is what allows you to shut down the reptilian part of your brain that makes you feel stressed and overwhelmed. If you feel stressed and overwhelmed often, it’s just because your nervous system is excellent at collecting information. And it is overwhelming your brain. Your brain is an eccentric perfectionist who wants the most organized and valuable library possible. But that organization depends on the way your brain works. What one person organizes their brain like, doesn’t apply to anyone else. What wires together fires together. So our brains are organized by the way we experience the world and collect information.

On day 2, we talked about how you have to teach your brain to filter information. If you store all the information your nervous system collects you will create a junkyard in your library. Not all information is equal or relevant. Your value as a human is dictated by the value of your library.

And in this modern day world we are no longer hunting for information. We all have access to more information than we know what do with. So creating value in this modern day world, and in the library that is our brain, is all about filtering information. Not everyone needs to gather the same information. We all have different dreams, goals, and purposes in life. So we need to filter information accordingly based on those dreams, goals, and purposes.

On day 3, we talked about how knowing yourself is the key to filtering information proficiently. When you know yourself, you can create the best library for you. A library filled with information that will get you to the places you want and need to go.

So how do you know yourself? Everyone says they know themselves, but very few people actually do. Knowing yourself isn’t about memorizing the things you like. It’s about just being with yourself. You know how you spend time with someone else just getting to know them. Well you have to do the same thing for yourself.

And this means you need to spend time being with yourself while doing things/activities you enjoy. Being in a state of joy is how you find your true self. You are a human being. Knowing yourself is about states of being. You are the person you were meant to be when you are in the state of joy. We were sent to earth to enjoy ourselves.

However, the one catch is if your joy involves hurting someone else. That means your brain is operating dysfunctionally and you need to fix the way it wires and fires by doing things you enjoy that do not involve hurting people. Your brain is plastic. You can change it with repetition.

Then on Day 4, we talked about the inheritance systems. Almost all the information you collect and store comes from the two inheritance systems: the behavioral inheritance system and the symbolic inheritance system. Both are when you learn information from others. The behavioral inheritance system is when you learn information by watching someone do something. While the symbolic inheritance system is written words and symbols like books, maps, charts, hieroglyphics, etc.

Some conditions like learning disabilities, dyslexia, and just some preferences make some people more reliant on the behavioral inheritance system. Which is unfavorable and unfortunate. Because humans have this tendency to try to destroy and enslave each other in an attempt to conquer the world. Most animals do not do this. And our brains were not designed to take this into account.

When we see someone do a thing our brain reacts as if you did the thing. This is your mirror neurons creating a chain reaction in your brain. When a monkey sees another monkey eat a new kind of banana, it is without fear that the monkey can store that information. However, when a human sees another human eat a banana they need to have a healthy amount of fear. Because that banana could have been genetically modified to create negative epigenetic triggers and make you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. Our mirror neurons were not designed to take humans need to enslave each other and conquer the world into account. So you have to be aware of what is happening.

Monkey see monkey do is a saying that describes your mirror neurons. If everyone around you jumped off a cliff, your mirror neurons are in place to get you to jump off a cliff too. However, you can overcome your mirror neurons by using your logical brain. The great evils of the world have been using mirror neurons against humans probably since the beginning of time. Hitler loved using people’s mirror neurons to get them to do evil deeds they knew were wrong. And then some of these people fled to Scandinavia and Argentina to avoid accountability for their war crimes. Ignorance is not a plea that is excepted in most courts.

So today on day 5, let’s talk about how you use your critical logical mind to overcome your mirror neurons. Awareness is the first step in solving any problem. So you need to see the world for how it really is. Humans have been trying to enslave each other and conquer the world since the beginning of time. This is nothing new. It’s actually one of the oldest patterns in the world. I hope one day people can be more human, but until that day you need to program your brain to take this information into account at every turn.

The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. People are more lost than ever before. Back in cave man days there were about three things to master in order to master being human. You had to learn to run from predators, eat the right food, and reproduce. If you were able to master those three things you mastered life.

However, in the modern day world there are more things to master than we have time for. It takes 5,000 hours to master something. In the modern world, it is impossible to master life. Especially because people are more invested in trying to enslave the people around them and conquer the world, than they are in mastering anything. You can do something for 5,000 hours and never master it if you don’t consciously try. Some people never master anything by choice.

The world is filled with idiots. And you are one of those idiots. The sooner you realize no one knows what they are doing, the safer you will be. Statistically speaking if you see someone doing something you shouldn’t do that thing if you want a good life. The average American is poor, fat, unhealthy, unhappy, and divorced. This is the outcome if you choose to do things the way the average person does them. It’s not mean to realize the truth of the situation. People are more lost than ever before. It’s the blind leading the blind. So you have to choose to see the world for how it is.

Yes, you can collect some useful information from some people who have chosen to master things you want to get better at. But be careful. Because we all know that person who is great at one thing, but the rest of their life is an absolute disaster. That disaster is contagious because your mirror neurons pick up on it and wire it into your brain.

The symbolic inheritance system is the safest. And not because it’s always right. But because you are not wiring in the disasters of other people’s lives. Being around anyone makes your mirror neurons fire like crazy. You are allowing them to program your subconscious mind. Even that person halfway around the world that you watch on YouTube is programming your subconscious mind. People are dangerous. And not just because they try to enslave each other and conquer the world. People are dangerous because they are contagious. The disasters in their life are being programmed into your subconscious mind and creating your beliefs.

Covid was one of the healthiest times in the modern world. Because we weren’t continually around other people who were programming us to self destruct. During covid and quarantine you, for probably the very first time in your life, had a choice about who you let in to program your subconscious mind. Everyone around you brainwashes you just by activating your mirror neurons. Beliefs are contagious. Beliefs become your reality.

I think we all need to go into a quarantine like phase of our lives again. And this time we need to realize the people around us will enslave us, when given the opportunity. Because they turn your mind into a concentration camp with no escape.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 4

On day 1, we talked about how it takes repetition to program your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind is where your beliefs are held. Your beliefs create your reality. And it takes repetition to change your beliefs. All you have to do is listen to these talks and discussions repetitively and you will reprogram your subconscious mind and change your beliefs.

However, we also talked about a couple things you can do to improve the speed of this change in your subconscious and your belief system. You can partake in movement while listening to these talks and that will create more plasticity in your brain. This movement can be walking your dog, doing dishes, dancing, yoga, deep breathing, etc. Movement allows for your brain to learn and grow quicker while taking in new information. And you can listen to these talks right before you go to sleep or right when you wake up. This will also allow for this information to sink into your subconscious mind quicker.

And lastly you can listen to these talks with headphones. Your brain cannot distinguish between the voice in your ears and the voice in your head. So anything you listen to with headphones your brain takes personally like you are saying it. This can be dangerous, but you can use this tactic for helping you reprogram your brain more quickly too.

If you want to take these extra steps to the limits feel free to do so. Listening before bed or when you wake up with headphones, while deep breathing or partaking in movement of some sort will allow you to see great change very quickly. But repetition is the only real requirement. You were programmed as a child with repetition and as an adult that is how you go about changing your beliefs aka your subconscious programs.

On Day 2, we talked about how you not only have to give your brain breaks to catch up with your nervous system. But you also have to teach your brain how to filter information. Your nervous system is a hoader and collects all the information it can get its hands on. While your brain is the curator of the library that is your brain. Your ability to filter information and only store useful information dictates the value of your library. You need to avoid collecting useless information and creating a junkyard, because the value of your library is your value as a human.

On Day 3, we talked about how you need to know yourself in order to be able to filter information well. Your library is a collection of information that will help you accomplish your dreams, goals, and purpose in life. If you do not know yourself, you will not know the information you need.

We also talked about how you go through the actual process of getting to know yourself. It’s a lot like getting to know someone else. You have to let yourself just be. You are a human being. You don’t get to know yourself by making a list of the things you like. You get to know yourself by just being with yourself and spending time not judging or criticizing yourself. Much like you spend time with someone else to get to know them, you do this with yourself. And this often involves doing activities you enjoy. When you are in a state of joy, you are who you were meant to be. Finding the activites that bring you joy is how you find yourself. You are a human being and finding yourself is about states of being.

Today on day 4, let’s talk about how you go about collecting information. Your nervous system is always collecting information. Everything around you is energy and you are a magnet. You are always collecting information, even if you don’t realize it. Your body and brain were designed to keep you alive. And that means it needs to know as much as possible.

There are two inheritance systems. There is the behavioral inheritance system and the symbolic inheritance system. Almost everything you know came from these two systems. And they are pretty self explanatory.

The behavioral inheritance system is when you learn from other people. Specifically from watching people. Where the symbolic inheritance system is also about learning from other people, but it’s from written symbols. This system began with hieroglyphics and includes written words, maps, charts, graphs, etc.

There will be some things you learn on your own separate from these two systems. But those things you learn on your own will still probably utilize parts of information from other people. We are surrounded by people everyday. It’s our culture and our environment. A cell can only be as healthy as it’s environment allows for. So the people around you dictate more about you than you probably want to admit.

Let’s say you have dyslexia or another condition or preference that cuts you off from the symbolic inheritance system. Then you are going to be more reliant on the behavioral inheritance system. You have heard the saying, “Monkey see monkey do,” right? This is describing the behavioral inheritance system. Because when you see someone do something your brain reacts as if you are doing the thing. This is your mirror neurons firing and creating a chain reaction in your brain.

When a monkey sees another monkey eat a new type of banana and peel it in a certain way, he can take that information and utilize it without much fear, if any at all. But most animals do not try to enslave each other and take over the world. Humans have this weird tendency to try to enslave the people around them and take over the world. And they use the behavioral inheritance system to do it. Monkey see, monkey do.

Let’s say you see a human eating a banana in a grocery store parking lot as you load up your groceries. Now your brain has fired to make you think you ate the banana. This means you are more likely to not only buy the banana the next time you are grocery shopping. But you are more likely to eat the banana. However with humans being the terrorists or conquerors they are in this modern day world, you have no clue if that banana has been genetically modified and altered to harm you by negatively affecting your epigenetics and making you more subhuman on a gene and cellular level. But your brain after seeing that person eat the banana in the grocery store parking lot thinks that banana is safe. And it thinks you have already eaten one.

Another example of how humans use the behavioral inheritance system to hurt people would be Hitler in WWII. He convinced the people in Germany to treat the Jewish people poorly and inhumanely. There were some people who felt uncomfortable with this and they knew it was wrong. But over time after seeing the people around them that they respected and had been neighbors with for a lifetime starting to treat the Jewish people poorly, they started to do it too. And they accepted what Hitler said about them. They believed their mistreatment of the Jewish people was acceptable because everyone around them was doing it.

Would you jump off a bridge if everyone around you was doing it? Your mirror neurons in your brain are set up to make you jump off a bridge if everyone around you is doing it. Of course, there is freewill. So you can use your intelligence and critical thinking to overcome the destruction and/or stupidity of the people around you. But you have to realize you are set up biologically for monkey see monkey do. Who ever created us as humans did not design us to take into account that we would try to enslave each other and conquer the world.

Another example would be social media. Except social media is a mix of both the symbolic inheritance system and the behavioral inheritance system. Everyone online is an expert, right? When you watch the videos on YouTube of what I ate in a day or what I did in a day. Your brain is firing and wiring those things in your brain, as if you did them. Which could be helpful if you were watching a master at something you were trying to achieve.

But the thing is that even when someone is a master, they aren’t the same master you would be. Our environment is what dictates our health and our potential. Someone who is a master at hunting here in Oregon isn’t going to be a master in Greenland without making some adjustments. Mastery is dependent on environment.

Also, think about food. We all have mastered eating by the time we are an adult. However, environment is what dictates health. So one person could be in an environment that causes bad health. But they were able to change their diet to make up for that environmental factor. Diet is environment. When you take food from your outside environment and eat it, you are making it your internal environment. Basically what one person eats today may be right for them in this moment in time. But their environment is different than yours in countless ways. What I eat in a day videos are a great example of humans trying to enslave each other and conquer the world using mirror neurons and the behavioral inheritance system.

The lesson in this is to be aware of the information you are taking in from your environment. When you know better you can do better. But if you think it’s just you that is making the decisions in your brain, you would be extremely wrong. All the people in your environment are programming your subconscious mind. Your beliefs are dictated by your subconscious mind. And everyone around you and in your environment is reprogramming your subconscious mind. Even that person on YouTube half way around the world is programming your subconscious mind.

Awareness is always the first step in overcoming anything.

Reprogramming Your Subconscious-Day 3

On day 1 we talked about how your nervous system feeds your brain information. And how your brain is slower than your nervous system. Which means it often gets overwhelmed by all the information your nervous system collects. Because it has to organize all this information in the library of your brain. Your nervous system is like the internet with incredible speed. Where the library in your brain is powerful, but much slower.

Finding a book in a library takes a lot longer than doing a search on the internet. So we have to give our brain time to catch up. There are countless ways to give your brain these breaks, so you can remain calm. But one of the quickest and easiest ways is to do rapid eye movements. This is where you hold your head still while moving your eyes from side to side over and over, until you feel calm. This only takes 10 to 30 seconds. Your brain is slower than your nervous system, but they both do incredible things pretty quickly.

On day 2, we talked about how there is more information in the world than ever before. And how your nervous system cannot filter information. It is like a hoader and it collects everything it can get it’s hands on. While your brain is the one who has to deal with all this collected information and organize it. We all create a library in our brain filled with the information your nervous system collects. And your value as a human is often dictated by the value of the library you create in your brain.

You can spend a lifetime creating a junkyard of irrelevant and useless information if you do not learn how to filter information. This means you have to learn how to prioritize the information you need and what will be useful. Your nervous system is like a black friday shopper at 5am when the store just opens. It grabs everything blindly and in a frenzy. Where your brain is the curator who has to pause and say will this bring value to your library. If you stress your brain out by overworking it, then you won’t be able to create a quality product. And this product is you.

Knowing where to focus and what is important to you is the key. Your nervous system collects everything. But your brain has to be taught to filter information. If you collect everything, you will create a junkyard. But collecting only valuable information will make you a valuable human.

This means you can’t play keep up with the Jones without it costing you everything. When you start to value everything everyone around you values your library pays the price. And your end product gets watered down. That end product is you. You are your library. If you allow other people to dictate what is valuable information then we all become the same watered down product that lacks depth and direction. You will spend your life in the darkness of the tunnel rather than having tunnel vision and going towards the light. That light is you.

So today, on day 3, let’s talk about how to know yourself. Everyone agrees that it is important to know yourself, but how do you actually get to know yourself? No one ever really explains how you are supposed to get to know yourself. But how would you get to know someone else? Pretty much all the same rules apply.

When you try to get to know someone else you spend time with them. Literally, getting to know them. So you need to spend time with yourself in order to know who you are and what is important to you. And you need to know what is important to you, so your brain can build the library you need filled with important ingredients and information. Knowing yourself is what dictates what is important to you.

Being like everyone else is going to cause you to collect information like everyone else. And when you have the same information as everyone else, you lack orginal ideas. Your value comes from your ability to be unique and create new ideas. Sure, your value is dependent on a lot of steps after those unique ideas. But if you lack the unique ideas the rest of the steps are nonexistent. And your going to be stuck doing things like everyone else and carrying out their ideas.

You don’t need unique ideas in everything. You only need one really good unique idea in your lifetime in order to have overwhelmingly abundant value. Your value is going to be directly correlated with your ability to innovate. Life is no longer about collecting information. We all have access to information nowadays. Now your value is about filtering that information and organizing it in new ways.

In order to find that one unique idea that will revolutionize the world, you have to brainstorm a lot. Get comfortable with putting information together in different ways and not having it work. Because the more abstract you get, the more you learn, and the more likely you are to find that unique idea. We all agree that fried chicken is not a unique idea. But someone thought of fried chicken and waffles and that was a unique idea.

Let your brain wander without judgement. Your brain is like those paintings where you have to unfocus your eyes to see the picture. Judging yourself and being critical isn’t how to see the picture or create unique ideas.

Let yourself be without judgment. This is how you get to know someone else well. You allow them to be around you without judgement. You let them be themselves. So you have to learn to let yourself be you. Stop picking and criticizing yourself and just be. When you spend time with yourself just being, this is when you really get to know who you are. You are not the things you prefer or like. You are a being. Knowing yourself is about knowing how you like to be. And I’m sure you have a lot of different ways of being. Find the ways you like being and do more of those.

Follow your joy. Do things that bring you joy and things you enjoy. Life is about being in joy. When you are in joy you will find your true self. That is who you really are. And never judge the things that bring you joy unless they hurt someone else. That is the only rule about joy. Anything is on the table as long as you don’t hurt anyone else. When your joy involves hurting someone else that means your brain is operating dysfunctionally and you need to fix it.

Joy is about just being. Sure, you can be in joy with others around. Or you can be in joy alone. But being in this state of joy without judging yourself or criticizing yourself is how you learn who you are. You are not the things you like. You are a being. Those things you like are just a way to facilitate a way you like to be.

The more you spend time in joy, the more you learn about who you are. And the more you know who you are, the more you are able to filter information about what is important to you. The better you filter information on what is important to you and the more you know about who you are and how you like to be, the more you become clear on your purpose in this life here on Earth.

Everyone was sent to Earth with a purpose. And you were given skills and gifts to help you accomplish this purpose. Spending time just being in joy without judgement or criticism is how you find not only who you are and your skills and gifts. But it is how you find your purpose on Earth. No one was sent here to be like everyone else. Sure we may all make fried chicken in similar ways. But frying chicken is not what everyone was sent here to Earth to do. A couple people were probable sent to fry chicken. But that means most of you all have a different purpose here on Earth.

Spend time in joy getting to know who you are and you will find your skills and gifts. These will lead you to your purpose here on Earth.

Day 2 Journal Questions- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is important to you? What interests you? What have you been collecting that is irrelevant in your life? How have you been wasting energy collecting irrelevant information? Is your library a great resource or a junkyard? Explain your answer.

Is your library serving you well? How could you improve it? What areas do you feel very prepared and ready in? Where do you need more preparation? How and when can you accomplish this?

How have you let others dictate your values and your own personal value/worth? Are you good at letting other people be better than you at things you do not value? Why or why not? How can you improve in honoring what you do value?

Do you have people around you that share your values? What do you value that you would like to share with people more? Why? Where and how can you fulfill this need?

What growth would you like to see when it comes to honoring your values?

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Day 2

Yesterday, we talked about how you need to remain calm in order to be the person you are intended to be. And often that means giving your nervous system a break and allowing your brain to catch up. Your nervous system is like the internet. While your brain is like a library. Both contain large amounts of information. But your brain is a lot slower than your nervous system. So you have to take breaks to allow your brain to catch up and organize itself, aka your library.

You can allow your nervous system to take breaks by doing rapid eye movements. Which is just holding your head still and moving your eyes from side to side repeatedly. You will know when your brain has caught up to your nervous system when you feel calm. Being overwhelmed with information and behind in your work is stressful for anyone. The more often you give your nervous system these breaks to catch up, the less stress you will feel. You do not have to wait to feel overwhelmed before you decide to give your nervous system a little break. There is no sense in working your nervous system to death because that will wear you out in the end.

We also talked yesterday about how there is more information in the world than there ever has been available before. And it’s not like you have to always go searching for it. Information is thrust onto you everywhere you look and go. You are constantly being bombarded with information. This is why your nervous system needs breaks. And this is also why your brain is trying so hard to catch up and running behind. The modern world spews information on you and it can make you sick creating dis-ease in your mind and body.

So if you can’t turn off the information of the world and live your entire life in a sensory deprivation tank, what do you do? Well, you have to learn to filter information and decide what is important. It never helps to have loads of irrelevant information. It just creates a library of junk that will never be used. A library can be a junkyard when it’s filling with information that will never be used.

In the modern world, collecting information is not the main objective. When I was young the internet didn’t exist. Hunting for information was what I had to do in order to learn about the world. I lived near the country, without a lot of people, and the power would often go out. Books were the only real source of information besides living your daily life. However, in the modern day world we live in now, we no longer have to always hunt for information. Now we have to learn what to gather and what is valuable and useful to us.

Not everyone will need to gather the same information. The information you deem valuable may not be useful to someone else. We live in a world that is setup for specialization. If you try to be a Jack of all trades in the modern world, you will definitely be a master of none. You have to choose your battles. And that means you have to decide what is important to you and filter the information your nervous system collects accordingly. If you do not learn how to do this, you will be constantly overwhelmed and have a library full of junk. Basically, you will spend your whole life and existence working for nothing. You need to decide what is important to you and prioritize those things accordingly. You don’t need to read all the books in a library to be smart. You just need to read the books that apply to your life, goals, and interests.

You are a genius. You have just spread yourself too thin. You don’t need to know everything. You just need to know what is important to you. And what is useful in your life.

This means you need to decide what kind of a life you need and would like to live. This modern world has a lot to offer everyone. With remote work being commonplace, the sky is the limit. Dream your dream because you can find where that dream will fit in the world. Sure, maybe the people around you do not like what you like or what interests you. But I bet you anything there is a place online where you can find like minded people. And once you find them online you can figure out where to find them in the real world.

Life is about specialization. Even if you are an accountant who loves underwater basket weaving, I am sure there is someone else in the world like you. There are billions of people in the world. Yes, we are all very different, but we are very similar as well.

The information you collect with your nervous system and organize in your brain dictates who you become. Everyone spends their whole life building a library. But the utility of that library is what determines it’s value. And that value is your value. The better you are at determining what will add value to your library, the more your value as a human goes up. Life isn’t about knowing it all. Life is about knowing what is important and useful to you. Your value is dictated by your ability to know what is valuable and useful to you.

So, this leads us to the next predicament. What is valuable and useful for you? Great question, right? But I’m guessing it feels a bit overwhelming, right? The good news is what is valuable to you will constantly be changing. Sure there will be some subjects that you always are interested in collecting more information about. However, once you learn to filter information more effectively it frees up a lot of energy and space in your library.

If you want to learn how to make fried chicken, you seek out information on how to fry chicken. But once you know how to fry chicken and you are competent and satisfied with your fried chicken, then you never have to seek out more information on fried chicken. If a new recipe comes along or a new technique, it’s up to you to decide if that information is worth the space in your library. Maybe you decide to specialize and be a fried chicken expert. Or maybe you are content with the fried chicken you already know how to make. Life is like fried chicken, you either are satisfied with what you know how to produce or you seek more information to improve your product.

If you are constantly trying to improve all your products, you will become a jack of all trades and master of none. There has to be a point in time where you decide your fried chicken is good enough. Or you decide to become a fried chicken master. You have to choose your battles. It takes 5,000 hours to master something. That is about 5 years of working full time. Are you willing to invest 5 years worth of full time work into frying chicken? Because that is the commitment it takes to master something. If you can fry chicken good enough and you are not willing to dedicate 5 years of your life to frying chicken then you need to be content with filtering out the new information you get about fried chicken.

Many people say tunnel vision is a bad thing. But wouldn’t being stuck in a dark tunnel your whole life be worse? When you have tunnel vision you go towards the light, rather than fumbling around in the dark and getting no where fast. Sure there are probably people who make better fried chicken than you. But are you willing to live in the dark so you can try to keep up with everyone around you? I understand you only feel smart or important when you are surrounded by other people who value what you value. But you can loose everything in life if you start valuing everything that everyone around you is valuing and deeming important for themselves. You have to decide what is important to you and your life. That means letting other people be better than you at some things. Who cares if Norma makes better fried chicken than you, if you are specializing in rocket building. Will fried chicken change the world? Maybe for someone. But if you are specializing in rocket building than fried chicken isn’t going to do much of anything for you.

My whole life people have treated me like I was stupid because I do not value the same things as them. But my ability to filter the information my nervous system collects is what makes me a genius. On this revolution, I just changed the filter to the information I collect. It has been almost 3 years and I have nearly figured out this new world. It takes 5 years to master something. So I am well on my way to mastering this covert world and stupid imaginary game you all play. Honestly, I still see it all as a waste of time. It’s like fried chicken to me. But if I didn’t take the time to learn about fried chicken with you all, than you all would have killed me. Figure out what is fried chicken to you and what is rocket building. No one has the ability to know it all. Your job and duty is to know what is important to you and that will dictate what you need to know and what is important to fulfilling your purpose here on Earth.

Know thy self.

Journaling Questions-Day 1

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/aka Journaling and Talking To Yourself

I invite you to write/journal about this experience. This is where you will see how much you have grown individually. And over time if you keep doing this, you will see your programming and efforts really start to shine through and show.

Questions to ask yourself…

What did you see or feel? What would you like to see change or happen in your life? What are you excited about and looking forward to creating in your life? How has your life changed recently that is motivating you? What are your dreams and goals? How are you actively working towards achieving these everyday? What do you want to start doing to continue to see more progress in your life?

What is something you need to work on Not doing in order to increase your progress and productivity? How are you holding yourself back from the things you really want? How are you stopping yourself from being the person you were born to be? Are you honoring your hierarchy of needs and wants to get the most satisfaction out of life? Where can you do better?

Give yourself credit where credit is due. What are you proud of yourself for doing? How have you seen growth in yourself lately? How can you encourage yourself to grow more? Have you given yourself positive reinforcement and/or a healthy reward for this growth?

Reprogramming Your Subconscious-Day 1

There is no right or wrong way to do this. Sure, some factors will help your brain rewire faster. But as long as you listen to this repeatedly, it will change your brain for the better. Thus, changing who you are on a gene and cellular level and making you more human.

Motion creates emotion. And emotion helps to change your brain. So I encourage you all to do something while listening to this. Folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen, walking your dog, yoga, deep breathing, etc will all help this information sink into your subconscious quicker. Plus, getting things done will also create positive emotion and make you want to listen to this more. The more repeative habitual movement you do while listening, the more your brain will change.

Another very important and effective tactic for reprogramming your brain is to listen to this right before you go to sleep or fall asleep listening. Breath deep, relax, and just let it all seep into your subconscious mind. The less you try to do, the more it will work. Have you seen those pictures where you have to unfocus your eyes in order to see the picture? Your brain is just like that. The more you relax, let loose, and just let it happen, the more change you will experience.

Also, headphones will increase the effect of these talks. Your brain takes things more seriously when it cannot tell if the voice is coming from inside your head or outside. This is why headphones are a bit dangerous. No matter what you are listening to your brain thinks it’s you talking to yourself. It’s a computer. It takes things literally. You are literally putting another voice in your head. If you do not like headphones, don’t use them. I do not prefer them and was able to reprogram myself without them.

There are no right or wrong ways to do this. Just do what works and feels best for you. Everyone is different. I like really strong black coffee. But you may not. Sure it has to do with our taste buds, but mostly it has to do with the way our brain filters the signals from our nervous system. My brain is different than yours because my brain is wired differently because we all live differently everyday. What feels best for you today is what you should do. And what feels best for you today may not feel best 6 months from now when your brain has changed.

This is not going to be much different than my other talks. We are just going to talk about all the things I have wanted to share with the world for a lifetime. If you have been tuned in for awhile, I am sure you have heard most of these things already. But reprogramming your subconscious mind is about repetition. And it’s not really about remembering these things I talk about with your logical brain. It’s about just letting them in to literally sink in. It’s like steeping tea. You just have to hang out with the tea bag in your mug and you get tea.

Everyday we will talk about a lot of the same things. And I will slip in new things here and there. This will allow your brain to cling onto what it likes. When you think you are allowing your subconscious programs to run. Over 90% of your day your subconscious mind is running the show because you are thinking. Spacing off is probably one of the healthiest things you can do for your brain. Sure, you can call this meditation or flow state. But really it’s just a state of being at ease and not over thinking everything.

Life is supposed to put us at ease. Your life is easy. When you are at ease, everything is easy. Even complex things can be easy. When you are not at ease, you are creating dis-ease in your life and especially in your body. It’s not lazy to want life to be easy. It’s how you were designed to be and run.

When you feel fear, it prevents your body and immune system from healing. And when you are stressed or feeling fear it stops your brain from working properly. So the most revolutionary thing you can do everyday is learn how to be and stay calm. Life has it’s ups and downs. But it’s easier to handle everything when you are calm.

I encourage you all to get excited about life. And really learn how to change your perspective on anxiety. Maybe it’s just excitement about the unknown? Living in the present moment is also very helpful in putting yourself at ease. This all sounds really nice, right? But how are you supposed to do this?

Everyone always says to calm down and to breath, but I know that has rarely been enough in my own life. I was stuck in a hyperactive fear state for most of my life. And I bet you all can relate to this more than you want to really admit. There are countless science things that are happening in your body in order to create this fear state that causes dis-ease. And me explaining all of those fancy science things doesn’t really help you too much on a daily basis, because it doesn’t change your subconscious mind. So yes you need to take magnesium, potassium, vitamin K2, and countless other vitamins and supplements. But I want to give you a way to turn your fear response off that’s free and you can do any time you need to. Ten seconds and you can reset your fear response from your reptilian brain. And if ten seconds doesn’t work, then do it again. Rarely does it take more than 30 seconds to get a sense of relief from using this technique to reset your brain.

Look straight ahead and without moving your head move your eyes back and forth from side to side. It doesn’t matter if it is right to left or left to right. Do what feels best for you. This is a way to hack the program running in reptilian brain that causes the overactive fear response from the amygdala damage we all have. This will help you learn how to self soothe.

Being calm is a superpower. And often people in my family cult like to make you think they have it. But there is a big difference from being a calm human and an uninvested sociopath. Being sensitive and aware of your nervous system is your super power as a human with humanity. You just have to know how to turn it off when it overwhelms you. This rapid eye movement is how you turn your nervous system off for a moment. It allows you to breath and filter all the information through your brain. We get overloaded with information from our nervous system and our brain can’t catch up. This is what you need to do to stop the information from overloading your brain. It gives it the few seconds it needs to catch up, take a deep breath, and organize all this new information to make sense.

Often being overwhelmed just means you’re really good at collecting information and your brain just needs some time to catch up and sort it all out. Over stimulation from too much input creates a state in your body much like that of fear. Stress is stress. And often stress is just a sign your brain and body need time to catch up and you are pushing too hard. Stress can be good too. You just have to learn to know when your body or brain needs a minute to catch up.

It’s like when I’m walking my dog Haywood off leash and he finds something that smells really good to him. He has to take an extra minute to filter that information from his nervous system, and nose, through his brain. But all I have to do is pause for a minute to give him time and he catches up. Your brain just needs to catch up to your nervous system in order to make sense of everything. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

You live in a world that is overstimulating and filled with more information than ever before in human history. You are doing more than your human body was designed for. You are not broken, you are a genius trying to sort out all the books of information you have in your library of a brain. Every library was unorganized until the Dewey decimal system was created. And if the Dewey decimal system doesn’t make sense or work for you, do what works for you. There is absolutely no right or wrong way to organize your brain and nervous system. What wires together fires together, and your brain is unique to you.

What works best for you is to find what works best for you. I can tell you how I do things but my brain is different. Everyone’s brain is different. Your gut controls how you use your brain. Which means your microbiome and gut bacteria dictate how you use your brain. And your gut bacteria and microbiome have epigenetics of their own that effect your epigenetics. We all are very different from each other. And we all are changing every minute of every day. There is no right or wrong, only what works for you and what doesn’t work for you.

Life is meant to be easy. You just have to figure out what puts you at ease. Self soothing and learning to be calm is where everything comes together. Your immune system, your brain, your body, your soul, and your heart need you to be calm and at ease in order to be the person you are meant to be. The more you are able to remain calm while inputting the overwhelming information from the world through your nervous system and learning to store and organize that information in your brain the more powerful you will be.

The State Grid

Every time we start a new group or rung on the caste system of this stupid imaginary game this is the grid. Every group within that caste system in the world is represented in this grid. Some have leaders in this grid, but most report to leaders outside the grid. However, if we reach all the groups within the grid, we are able to reach their leaders worldwide.

In some areas, we reached the majority of the people. But there are always some people left fighting for my family and to be a subhuman race. We need to reach everyone. Otherwise we will be playing this part of the game for months again. And then with the next group we just start over again. This is the pattern of this revolution and the past almost 3 years.

So today let’s reach the regular ordinary people or the Americans and let’s reach all of them.

Junction City-Day 1,049

Have you ever looked for a sign so hard you got even more lost?

We often ask God for a sign and all too often we expect that sign to jump out and change our lives instantly. But humans are the ones who rule the material world. God exists in our nervous system and our feelings. So when we take a sign from the material world and interpret it as God we get even more off track and lost.

God speaks in many ways to us all, but rarely does he use the material world. God is a feeling and he speaks through feelings and rarely through material things. The answers are inside you. Because we all are God like. Find the pieces of God within yourself and you will find the answers you seek.

Other People’s Money

My family had all these weird little sayings my whole life. And I never really understood them until this revolution. “It’s better to be feared than loved,” is one I never understood until the past few years. This is pretty much their wargames motto.

However, another saying that never made sense till very recently is, ” Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.” My family recently inflated the stockmarket with a big wave of money. And I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Well, that is until last night. My family likes to pretend they are a royal family from Louis the 18th days. And they have created a court around them. This is explained fully in the books that make up their cult Playbook.

My family has finally tapped into the people they keep in their court. My Grandma Kudearoff had people she kept close, but she also had friends. My mom and her siblings and my Dad, do not have friends. They only have enemies. And they keep these people close. But these people have no clue my family views them as enemies. They feel privileged to be kept so close, not understanding why my family keeps them close.

Louis the 18th did not have doors in the palace of Versailles because he wanted to hear everything that was happening. This is why my family keeps their enemies so close and treats them as friends. It allows for them to know their business and limit their experience in any way that will be beneficial to my family. No one kept close to my family is allowed potential. Privilege is their prison. But yet they rarely see it. Because somehow my family brainwashes them to believe they are the chosen ones. People get drunk on feelings of belonging and loose sight of everything else.

I need to connect with the people my family keeps in their courts. But they keep these people extremely sheltered. Even after being in Eugene/Springfield for almost 3 years, these court members have absolutely no clue I’m still alive. I need your help reaching these people. The sooner we reach these people the sooner we exhaust my family’s greatest resource. Other people’s resources and power will forever be my family’s greatest resource. They never do anything for themselves. They always get other people to do things for them. The sooner we eliminate this option for them, the sooner we obtain our freedom.

Here are some maps I drew of where these people live. Remember I’m logic brain based so drawing maps is not in my wheelhouse. I need you all to get me connected with the people who live in these shaded grids I have created. These most valuable court members live in Thurston, Springfield, North Eugene, and West Eugene. And my Grandma Kudearoff’s friends live in Glenwood and Southwest Springfield. My family has warred on my Grandma Kudearoff’s friends. I’m guessing it’s because they stood up for themselves just like I did. My family hates people who do not fully submit immediately. And they tend to make examples out of these kind of people, just like they did with me. It allows for people to live in fear of them and ties right into their wargames motto:  “It’s better to be feared than loved.”

I’m going to need everyone’s help reaching the people in my family’s court. These people’s money is how my family is continuing to rig the stockmarket. Once we reach these people we are guaranteed a brand of freedom we have never known before. And then my family will be in a prison they literally created for themselves. I sure love irony. How about you?

Excuse more poor mapping skills, I’m new to creating revolutions and figuring out imaginary lines that rule this stupid imaginary game still. It’s all so ridiculous. But here we are.

Brookings-Day 1,040

Sometimes life gets choppy. And sometimes life is smooth. But life is still just life. Don’t overvalue the current state because tides are always changing. Create security by looking at the big picture, where small waves don’t really matter that much.

Brookings-Day 1039

There is always light to be found, but sometimes it feels impossible to see the light. Clouds can blind us. Hardships can blind us. Life gets complex and complications arise, often too frequently for our liking. Find the light and follow that light. Because it usually leads to more light and brighter days.

I’m way behind in my photos but I am catching up.

North Bend to Gold Beach-Day 1034

Life is about the hard times. We grow in these times and develop the skills and gifts we need to flourish during the good times. Without the hard times, we wouldn’t be who we are meant to be. Because if things were always good we would never be motivated to grow and change. Hard times show us who we really are. But the good times are when we enjoy the person we have become.

The upside of anger is the person you become.

Roseburg to Cottage Grove to Elkton to Reedsport-Day 1032

Maybe there is no finish line in life. Maybe all there is are rest stops along our journey. And maybe we should grateful for these pitstops because what would we do after we are finished? Is anything really ever finished. Energy never dies, it just changes form. So maybe trying to get to a certain destination is the wrong perspective. Maybe we just need to aim to change form and be better all the time. Because there is no end.

Energy doesn’t die or go away, it just changes form.

Oakridge to Willamette Pass to Roseburg-Day 1028

Can you see through the fog? Can you hear through the noise? Can you smell through the poison of bad bacteria?

Life is hectic. But if you don’t take the time to create peace in your life, you will never have it. Peace means getting still and being honest with yourself.

Peace takes pain at times. Because being honest and facing yourself in stillness hurts when you don’t do it enough. The man in the mirror is you. But do you recognize that man? Do you know that man?

Because that man is you.

Klammath Falls to Oakridge-Day 1027

Sometimes the most amazing things we see, we don’t notice. Because we see them everyday. And take them forgranted. When you see something beautiful or someone you love your brain releases feel good chemicals and neurotransmitters. It’s a chemical reaction. It’s the human experience. But just like drugs we develop a tolerance to these chemicals.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder because it’s like a detox from the chemicals in our brains, aka the drugs our brains naturally produce. We live in a world filled with foods and many other things that light up our pleasure centers and ours brains. Because they aime to get us addicted.

Have you ever fasted, alone, without television, or music and just remembered what you feel like at your normal set point? When is the last time you felt the person you are without all the add ons? Because if you don’t remember who you are, you won’t remember who others are either.

Love is always the answer. But not if you take it forgranted. Because you have flooded your brain with feel good chemicals from countless fake things.

Lakeview to Klamath Falls Hwy 140-Day 1026

Know your boundaries. Otherwise others will create them for you. And they often will not have your best interest in mind.

Know what you need to do, does not always align with what you want to do. But what you want to accomplish requires you to do the things you need to do.

Wants are fun. But needs get you the things in life you really want. Know about your hierarchy of wants. Because needs are just a way to get to the really good wants in life.

Goals are wants.

Between Sprague River & Bonanza

If you do a lot of driving get a full spectrum blue light because it helps with serotonin and paying attention to the road(alertness). All truckers need these. It will help with the inflammation driving causes from being around poison so much. Blue light helps activate your immune system. #FunFact

Burns to Lakeview Hwy 395-Day 1025

Sometimes God Highlighs the path he wants you to take. But sometimes the devil highlights the path he wants you to take too. How do you know who is who?

Their voices often sound the same in your head. But the key to knowing the difference is finding the path that aligns with your soul and your greatest good. God will never ask you to destroy yourself. But the devil will demand it and tell you it is what you should do. God believes in freewill. He will never tell you what you should do. Just what is in your best interest.