How To Heal Cancer #3 Address Candida Part 3

Signs and Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth by Eric Baker (Candida Crusher on You Tube)

  1. Persistent nasal congestion or stuffiness
  2. Sinus inflammation, swelling, or infection
  3. Flu-like symptoms, coughs, and recurring colds
  4. Excessive mucus in the throat,nose and ear canals, sinuses, or lungs
  5. Joint pain and swelling
  6. Bruising easily
  7. Cheekbone or forehead tenderness or pains
  8. Tinnitus, ear infections, dryness, pain, discharges, wax build-up
  9. Sore throat, hoarse voice, or laryngitis

Now you can see that a lot of the things we end up taking antibiotics for are really just Candida issues and it makes them worse because the antibiotics kill off our good bacteria that fight the Candida.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

Notes From You Are The Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

Stress is one of the biggest causes of epigenetic changes. We are not meant to endure stress in the long term or live in survival mode. No living creature is designed to live in survival mode.

Living in survival mode means living in our reptilian brain. We can only focus on 3 things: Physical body(Am I okay?), Enviroment(Is it safe?), and Time(How long will this threat be hanging over me). These things make us less spiritual, mindful, and less aware because it trains us to be more self absorbed and focused on our bodies and material things. Keeps us in the survival energy centers that promote selfishness. Makes us obsess over time, never enough time. We become materialists and define reality with our senses. The me first mentality is reinforced and self importance becomes a way of being.

Meditation can change your epigenetics in just one session. As you get better at it, you will receive more benefits. This changes over 1,000 genes and improves your immune system.

Source: You Are The Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

How To Heal Cancer #3 Address Candida Part 2

Diet is the only way you will sustain lowering the amount of Candida in your body. However, when you start tackling the issue of Candida supplements, vitamins, and other lifestyle changes will help you get to your desired results more quickly. Be careful not to use these methods as a crutch to allow you to keep your dis-ease manageable though.

Some other things to try to lower Candida:

  • Get more sunshine
  • Red light therapy
  • Tanning beds
  • Cryotherapy
  • Coconut oil on skin
  • Biotin-highly recommend!!
  • Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade-highly recommend!!
  • Antifungal herbs/spices
  • Essential oils
  • Charcoal
  • Spirulina & Chorella
  • Aloe Vera-highly recommend!!
  • Probiotics
  • Fermented foods
  • Milk thistle
  • Oregano oil
  • Workout more
  • Sauna
  • Cold showers
  • Yoga
  • Lifting weights
  • Exfoliating your skin
  • Remineralize your body-fulvic minerals are great!
  • detox baths

When killing off Candida one of the most difficult parts for me was dealing with the toxins they produce and leave behind in your body. Taking binders to absorb these toxins has been a life saver for me, along with fasting. Candida cannot grow if you are not feeding it. I love fasting because it is a great way to bring down the levels of Candida in your body quickly and change your epigenetics. Or group together a couple things like fast while going to the sauna, taking a detox bath and some binders. Treating Candida overgrowth does Not have to be a chore, it can be something you grow to look forward to because it will make you feel better once you get the hang of it.

Your true self is waiting for you to find yourself.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #3 Address Candida

Candida is a yeast that is present in our bodies all the time. It is healthy in small amounts. However, with the food systems filled with grains, sugars, and gluten Candida has been allowed to run away with us all. Have you seen the shows on TLC about the morbidly obese people? I think it is called “My 600 lb Life”. Well, the people on this show have a Candida overgrowth problem big time. This is why they are an emotional wreck and lie to themselves about food.

Candida takes over your brain. And it releases toxins in your body that keep you from yourself. Remember when I had you check out the show “Fit to Fat” about the personal trainers? Well, their emotional issues were from Candida overgrowth. And the reason it is so hard for some of them to loose weight is Candida overgrowth. Getting this yeast in check is something that most people unknowingly battle with their whole lives.

Candida overgrowth is what makes us overly emotional, more manageable, and it leads to disease. When you feel like you do not have control over your emotions, then you are willing to accept manageable as the best it will get. You will bypass trying for good, when manageable is an option. This is how the systems get you to keep yourself small. Candida overgrowth is the largest covert war tactic used by my family cult. It starts out just with you keeping yourself small, but it leads to every kind of disease you can think of. It is a win win situation for them. Especially, because eliminating it seems almost impossible.

Eliminating Candida is another thing that is a lifelong process just like healing leaky gut. It is something you are always going to have to be aware of. However, living without it after spending a lifetime on an emotional roller coaster is beyond priceless. Those of us who have suffered with it for years will understand just how painful it can be. It can interfere with every aspect of your life. It is physical, mental, and emotional pain. It is a special kind of hell that takes you over. It is enough to make anyone want to accept learned helplessness. And that is the goal right there. When you feel out of control of your body, you will accept learned helplessness in every aspect of your life because it is real to you.

I challenge everyone to spend a least a few weeks cleansing and just experience the freedom you feel. You are not supposed to feel enslaved to your body. Your body is on your side, it is your partner in life before anyone else can ever be.

Steps to eliminate Candida overgrowth:

  • Avoid sugar, even natural sugars
  • Avoid grains, especially gluten grains
  • Avoid gluten as much as possible(especially if you have autoimmune issues)
  • Avoid dairy
  • Avoid coffee
  • Avoid/minimize caffeine
  • Avoid alcohol & soda
  • Avoid fruit
  • Avoid nuts and seeds(especially peanut butter it has mold in it)
  • Limit Condiments
  • Eat low carb
  • Eat more quality fats-focus on Omega 3s
  • Avoid refined oils
  • Take a probiotic
  • Eat more meat and eggs
  • Avoid processed meats
  • Avoid canned meats and foods
  • Eat more fermented foods(beware if histamine issues)
  • Eat coconut products everyday(oil, milk, cream, etc)
  • Take digestive enzymes and Apple cider vinegar(if you can tolerate it)
  • Put coconut oil on your skin

I am sure after that list, you are asking yourself, “Well, what can I eat?” Eat meats, healthy fats, nonstarchy vegetables(if you want), and probiotics. Now can you see why the Keto and Carnivore diets are gaining so much popularity? We are meant to eat low carb most of the time. In our evolution as humans we have never eaten such a carb heavy diet as the Standard American Diet before. Industrialization is when we started eating processed foods and grains regularly. This is also when we started developing chronic illness and disease more. Weston Price is a dentist who has done amazing research on the decline in our health with industrialization. He suggests we focus on making sure we get the fat soluble vitamins and Vitamin A and K2. If we focus on getting more than the recommended of these vitamins we should get everything else we need as well just by default.

You do not have to get your diet dialed in right from the get go. It is a learning process and not everyone is going to be the same, because we all have damaged and destroyed our bodies differently. So be patient with yourself, but also do not settle for manageable being the best it gets.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #2 Heal Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is something we all have to be aware of and keep at bay. Genetically modified plants, sugar, grains, dairy, Candida, and many other things contribute to creating leaky gut. Some signs you have leaky gut would be chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, confusion, difficulty concentrating, skin problems, joint pain, etc.

We probably all have an aliment that would be improved by addressing leaky gut even if we are not chronically ill. However, all disease starts in the gut. So if you have any kind of chronic illness addressing leaky gut will aid in healing it. Also, leaky gut and fatty liver are both associated with autoimmune diseases. So if you have an autoimmune disease of any kind addressing leaky gut will not only help, but is necessary in healing.

They say the gut is the second brain. But I believe the gut to be the boss of your brain, because it tells your brain what to do and feel. When you take care of your gut, everything improves in my experience. How well you digest your food plays into so many things. Food is energy and fuel.

The healing process depends on how badly you have damaged your gut. Some people may be able to do a few diet changes and take some probiotics and be better than they ever remember. But for the other end of the spectrum like me and people with autoimmune disease, it will take major life changes to see the desired improvements. However, small changes will always make a difference over time.

Again, I encourage you to research because there are many ways to improve leaky gut. And it is not a one size fits all process. But here are some ideas on large and small changes that can make a difference. And remember the self destruct button that my family cult outfits us all with starts with leaky gut, because it leads to larger dis-ease and malnutrition.

  • Avoid grains, but especially gluten grains
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid sugar
  • Avoid dairy
  • Avoid GMO foods
  • Avoid coffee
  • Avoid over the counter pain relievers
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce/avoid alcohol
  • Sleep more
  • Avoid antibiotics
  • Address Sibo
  • Address Candida
  • Try a Low FODMAP diet
  • Start fasting and/or intermittent fasting
  • Drink more bone broth(be careful if histamine problems)
  • Exercise more/regularly
  • Chew your food better
  • Avoid birth control pills
  • Take digestive enzymes
  • Take collagen(beware with histamine issues)
  • Take a mutlivitamin
  • Take vitamin D and get more sunshine
  • Take aloe vera
  • Take b12 and K2
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat more ferment foods(beware with histamine issues)
  • Heavy metal cleanse
  • Parasite cleanse

Basically anything you can do to live a healthier life will help you improve your leaky gut in the long run. Life and epigenetics are all about the small things we do everyday. These are the things that define us. These are the things that make us who we are, down to the genetic level.

Addressing leaky gut is how everyone can protect themselves from disease. Even if you are just trying to improve your immune system so you do not get a cold or the flu addressing your gut will help. Your gut is where disease starts, but it also can be where health starts.

Remember life not an all or nothing journey, it is about progress not perfection. So if you want to have those couple drinks this weekend, be really good on your diet during the week and balance it out so you can enjoy yourself without harming yourself too much. Same goes for if you want that piece of gluten filled birthday cake when you go to a birthday party. Be good the rest of the week and even it out. Life is about balance and so is health.

Take care of your gut and your gut will take care of you.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #2 Heal Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is something we all have to be aware of and keep at bay. Genetically modified plants, sugar, grains, dairy, Candida, and many other things contribute to creating leaky gut. Some signs you have leaky gut would be chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, confusion, difficulty concentrating, skin problems, joint pain, etc.

We probably all have an aliment that would be improved by addressing leaky gut even if we are not chronically ill. However, all disease starts in the gut. So if you have any kind of chronic illness addressing leaky gut will aid in healing it. Also, leaky gut and fatty liver are both associated with autoimmune diseases. So if you have an autoimmune disease of any kind addressing leaky gut will not only help, but is necessary in healing.

They say the gut is the second brain. But I believe the gut to be the boss of your brain, because it tells your brain what to do and feel. When you take care of your gut, everything improves in my experience. How well you digest your food plays into so many things. Food is energy and fuel.

The healing process depends on how badly you have damaged your gut. Some people may be able to do a few diet changes and take some probiotics and be better than they ever remember. But for the other end of the spectrum like me and people with autoimmune disease, it will take major life changes to see the desired improvements. However, small changes will always make a difference over time.

Again, I encourage you to research because there are many ways to improve leaky gut. And it is not a one size fits all process. But here are some ideas on large and small changes that can make a difference. And remember the self destruct button that my family cult outfits us all with starts with leaky gut, because it leads to larger dis-ease and malnutrition.

  • Avoid grains, but especially gluten grains
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid sugar
  • Avoid dairy
  • Avoid GMO foods
  • Avoid coffee
  • Avoid over the counter pain relievers
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce/avoid alcohol
  • Sleep more
  • Avoid antibiotics
  • Address Sibo
  • Address Candida
  • Try a Low FODMAP diet
  • Start fasting and/or intermittent fasting
  • Drink more bone broth(be careful if histamine problems)
  • Exercise more/regularly
  • Chew your food better
  • Avoid birth control pills
  • Take digestive enzymes
  • Take collagen(beware with histamine issues)
  • Take a mutlivitamin
  • Take vitamin D and get more sunshine
  • Take aloe vera
  • Take b12 and K2
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat more ferment foods(beware with histamine issues)
  • Heavy metal cleanse
  • Parasite cleanse

Basically anything you can do to live a healthier life will help you improve your leaky gut in the long run. Life and epigenetics are all about the small things we do everyday. These are the things that define us. These are the things that make us who we are, down to the genetic level.

Addressing leaky gut is how everyone can protect themselves from disease. Even if you are just trying to improve your immune system so you do not get a cold or the flu addressing your gut will help. Your gut is where disease starts, but it also can be where health starts.

Remember life not an all or nothing journey, it is about progress not perfection. So if you want to have those couple drinks this weekend, be really good on your diet during the week and balance it out so you can enjoy yourself without harming yourself too much. Same goes for if you want that piece of gluten filled birthday cake when you go to a birthday party. Be good the rest of the week and even it out. Life is about balance and so is health.

Take care of your gut and your gut will take care of you.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

An Outline For Healing Cancer

Here is an outline/mind dump so you know what parts you want to read about or if you want to read the whole thing. Also, this is great if you just want to try a couple things here and there.

  • worm pills (rx, over the counter, and natural)
  • heal leaky gut
  • address candida
  • red light therapy & tanning
  • cryotherapy
  • sauna & cold showers
  • heavy metal detox
  • cancer killing herbs/spices/vitamins
  • remineralize your body
  • vitamins-nutrition is key
  • no sugar/no fiber/low carb diet
  • lower cortisol
  • walking & stretching/yoga
  • detox baths
  • sauna
  • make your own body products
  • eliminate chemicals in your cleaning products and home
  • fasting and intermittent fasting
  • binders
  • essential oils
  • herbal tea
  • sleep
  • meditation
  • mindset
  • find your purpose/why
  • love-you need love and self love
  • distractions/forward momentum in life outside of healing
  • address addictions-don’t necessarily have to eliminate them all at once

Okay that is it, I know it looks like a lot, but please take into consideration it normally takes over a decade for cancer to grow so healing means changing the way you live. I am sure I will think of a few more steps once I get to writing out each step, but everything overlaps in the end so it is hard to miss something if you are paying attention to what your body needs and asks for.

Healing is love, love always,

Nicole Graves