How To Heal Your Cancer, Especially Children’s Cancer

If you or your child have cancer there are three things you need to fix.

#1 Stop poisoning yourself and your children.

#2 Fix your or your child’s subconscious beliefs.
The easiest way to do this is with you and I statements on a recording before bed and first thing in the morning.

#3 Fix gut bacteria with natural antibiotics and antifungals on a rotation. Plus, pharmaceutical worm pills are amazing at killing cancer. You can get these in quantities by crossing the border into Mexico. No prescription is needed and get different brands to rotate. This will help deal with tolerance.

Fixing gut bacteria is about killing bad bugs and growing good bugs. Yes, this can be done with food. But if cancer or any kind of chronic illness is present then you need to use food and natural antibiotics and antifungals. Prescription worm medication is not 100% necessary. But it is really effective and fast acting and often cheaper than herbs when bought in Mexico.

You will need to change your diet and eat fermented foods you make yourself. This is as easy as leaving milk out on the counter for a day or two. But you will also need to create different mixes of natural antibiotics and antifungals to overcome tolerance. When you take a natural antibiotic or antifungal, your body develops a tolerance. This is homeostasis in action. To overcome this you need to switch medicines/herbs every 5 to 10 days. It works best if you have 3-4 different mixtures you take. And remember when mixing natural antibiotics and antifungals mixing different kinds multiples the effects. They dont just add to the effects of each other, they multiply.

Also, try to keep as many of the natural antibiotics and antifungals as ones that do not kill your good bugs. This is not always possible, because some of the really strong killers kill all bugs. This is why it is important to eat fermented foods daily. Also, a mix of fermented foods are best. And no fermented foods with red spices. Those grow antibiotic resistant bacteria.

A treatment example:

Everyday:  high dose vitamin C, high dose lysine powder( 2/day 30 minutes before meals), high dose iodine, high dose calicum, high dose vitamin D

First Rotation:
Rx worm pills 2-3/day for 5 to 7 days

Second Rotation:
Turmeric oil(powder has oxalates and hurts your kidneys), fresh garlic chopped finely and let sit for couple minutes and swallow, caprylic acid, oregano oil … 2-3/day for 5 to 7 days

Third Rotation:
Woodworm, black walnut, aloe vera … 2-3/day for 5 to 7 days

Beware of grapeseed extract it works but it turns on MTHFR gene mutation that most of us have. All grapefruit things do this. So no grapefruit regularly.

This is just an example, but this is how I healed my cancer. If you can’t get rx worm pills, then just do three different mixes of natural antibiotics and antifungals. Try as many different kinds as possible because some will work better for you then others. Notice the ones that make you feel better and keep those ones in rotation. Rotating the 3 different mixes is what allows them to actually kill the bad bugs. And eating fermented foods is what helps you build more good bugs as you kill the bad bugs.

Lysine actually physically prohibits viruses from replicating. And most cancers and autoimmune diseases are caused by viruses. However, getting your gut bacteria in check is what will allow for remission and continued health after you kill off the cancer. It is probably best to continue some kind of mild treatment for a couple years afterwards. Maybe just taking a few natural antibiotics and antifungals in a rotation all the time. Buying herbs in bulk and making your own supplements is way more cost effective then buying them premade.

However, if you do not fix your subconscious beliefs you will not get better. On average science says it takes about 66 repetitions to rewire your brain completely. And again it is best to continue rewiring your brain for a couple years to really get it all in there solidly.

This will not only heal cancer it will heal most autoimmune diseases.

Also, it is great to add in some binders. Binders are substances that get heavy metals and toxins out of your body. Chorella, aloe vera, activated charcoal(do not take at same time with herbs or vitamins), high dose vitamin C, diatomaceous earth food grade are a few of my favorites. Beware of spirulina because it is high in arginine and grows the viruses in your body. Which is very counterproductive.

This is the blueprint for treating pretty much any kind of modern illness. Disease is epigenetic. There are only 6 diseases in the world that are caused by genes alone. So by changing your environment you can overcome epigenetics diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Your body is your environment.