How To Tell If Someone Is Knowledgeable Or Intelligent?

People who are knowledgeable obtain a lot of facts, aka knowledge. They memorize and retain information. And they repeat this information. There is no original thought in being knowledgeable. It is mimicry.

People who are intelligent also obtain facts and information. But they put together this information in ways to explore the unknown. We learn about the unknown through intelligence. Intelligence is problem solving and connecting the dots. Pattern recognition and putting together logic puzzles is intelligence. Something cannot become knowledge until it is known.

Einstein was intelligent. Issac Newton was Intelligent. They took facts and knowledge and put them together in ways never done before to create knowledge on the unknown.

Memorizing facts is not intelligence. Anyone can memorize facts with enough repetition. Science says it takes about 66 repetitions to cement something into your subconscious mind. Being knowledgable is something everyone can accomplish without ever having an original thought.

Original thought is intelligence. Intelligence is putting things together in a way never done before to explain the unknown to make it known.

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