• You feel important
•You feel included
•You feel like you belong
•You feel accepted
•You feel special
•You feel powerful
•You feel apart of something bigger than you
•You feel a brand of certainty about life that allows you to escape the unknowns that scare and overwhelm you because they are so big and numerous
•It gives your life and you purpose. It gives you something to look forward to everyday
•You feel chosen and included, which makes you feel better than others. If you are included and they are not, you must be better/superior
•You dont have to think for yourself or figure out life on your own. Thus, avoiding uncertainty
•You dont have to figure out how to win in your own life because someone else tells you what to do. This is winning. This will make you happy. And even though that happiness never adds up to what you expect, you keep going after it in hopes it will get better
•It helps you to regulate your emotions by taking them out on others
Until you realize the payoffs you get for destroying people and partaking in this stupid imaginary game and address them, you will continue to do it. This way of living is all most of you know. So figure out the payoffs you are getting and find other ways to get those payoffs in healthy ways. Aka create healthy coping mechanisms rather than maladaptive behaviors and addictions.