Shame, Guilt, and How To Forgive Yourself

We have been taught to crucify ourselves over making mistakes because it keeps us stuck. Part of being human is making mistakes. The key is to learn from them and move forward. Live and learn as the saying goes.

Shame is used to keep us stuck. Shame implies there is something wrong with you and that is why you made a mistake. Shame prohibits you from moving forward. Because if there is something wrong with you that caused you to make the mistake then you believe you are helpless to change it. You can change your behavior. There is nothing wrong with you. Guilt is the feeling you get from making a mistake that is intended to get you to do better. Guilt is designed to help you live and learn. There is nothing wrong with you. Humans make mistakes and you are human. That means you need to learn how to forgive yourself and move forward. If you dont learn this you will be stuck making the same mistakes over and over.

Yes, mistakes suck. Yes, guilt sucks. Yes, forgiving yourself is hard. But you get better at it. And the sooner you learn to course correct the easier it gets to forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself for one mistake is easier than 10 years of the same mistake. So the sooner you learn to identify your mistakes, the easier it gets to course correct and move forward

There is nothing wrong with you. Shame is a tool to keep you stuck. You are human. Humans make mistakes. Guilt is to remind you not to make the same mistake again. Being human is hard, but forgiving yourself makes being human a lit easier. Plus, it allows for growth.