North Bend to Gold Beach-Day 1034

Life is about the hard times. We grow in these times and develop the skills and gifts we need to flourish during the good times. Without the hard times, we wouldn’t be who we are meant to be. Because if things were always good we would never be motivated to grow and change. Hard times show us who we really are. But the good times are when we enjoy the person we have become.

The upside of anger is the person you become.

Roseburg to Cottage Grove to Elkton to Reedsport-Day 1032

Maybe there is no finish line in life. Maybe all there is are rest stops along our journey. And maybe we should grateful for these pitstops because what would we do after we are finished? Is anything really ever finished. Energy never dies, it just changes form. So maybe trying to get to a certain destination is the wrong perspective. Maybe we just need to aim to change form and be better all the time. Because there is no end.

Energy doesn’t die or go away, it just changes form.

Oakridge to Willamette Pass to Roseburg-Day 1028

Can you see through the fog? Can you hear through the noise? Can you smell through the poison of bad bacteria?

Life is hectic. But if you don’t take the time to create peace in your life, you will never have it. Peace means getting still and being honest with yourself.

Peace takes pain at times. Because being honest and facing yourself in stillness hurts when you don’t do it enough. The man in the mirror is you. But do you recognize that man? Do you know that man?

Because that man is you.

Klammath Falls to Oakridge-Day 1027

Sometimes the most amazing things we see, we don’t notice. Because we see them everyday. And take them forgranted. When you see something beautiful or someone you love your brain releases feel good chemicals and neurotransmitters. It’s a chemical reaction. It’s the human experience. But just like drugs we develop a tolerance to these chemicals.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder because it’s like a detox from the chemicals in our brains, aka the drugs our brains naturally produce. We live in a world filled with foods and many other things that light up our pleasure centers and ours brains. Because they aime to get us addicted.

Have you ever fasted, alone, without television, or music and just remembered what you feel like at your normal set point? When is the last time you felt the person you are without all the add ons? Because if you don’t remember who you are, you won’t remember who others are either.

Love is always the answer. But not if you take it forgranted. Because you have flooded your brain with feel good chemicals from countless fake things.

Lakeview to Klamath Falls Hwy 140-Day 1026

Know your boundaries. Otherwise others will create them for you. And they often will not have your best interest in mind.

Know what you need to do, does not always align with what you want to do. But what you want to accomplish requires you to do the things you need to do.

Wants are fun. But needs get you the things in life you really want. Know about your hierarchy of wants. Because needs are just a way to get to the really good wants in life.

Goals are wants.

Between Sprague River & Bonanza

If you do a lot of driving get a full spectrum blue light because it helps with serotonin and paying attention to the road(alertness). All truckers need these. It will help with the inflammation driving causes from being around poison so much. Blue light helps activate your immune system. #FunFact

Burns to Lakeview Hwy 395-Day 1025

Sometimes God Highlighs the path he wants you to take. But sometimes the devil highlights the path he wants you to take too. How do you know who is who?

Their voices often sound the same in your head. But the key to knowing the difference is finding the path that aligns with your soul and your greatest good. God will never ask you to destroy yourself. But the devil will demand it and tell you it is what you should do. God believes in freewill. He will never tell you what you should do. Just what is in your best interest.

Redmond to Burns-Day 2024

Highway 27 South of Prineville
Highway 20 near Brothers, Oregon

Have you ever felt the world freeze? You see something amazing and it’s like everything stops. When you see beautiful things or souls over and over you start to take them forgranted. But when something is new and beautiful, it takes your breath away.

Remember those breathless moments. Those moments are God talking to you. But it’s your job to remember what he was saying.

Culver, Oregon-Day 1023

All roads lead to your beliefs. What you believe dictates what is possible in your world. Everything is a self fulfilling prophecy. And you can let this be a blessing or a curse.

Your beliefs are your reality. Is it a beautiful place where you find joy or an ugly prison you wish to escape?

Day 1023 Prineville to Madras to Sisters to Redmond

Baker City to Prairie City-Day 1021

Just East of Prairie City on Highway 26
Just East of Prairie City on Highway 26
Granite Highway 410 North of Sumpter
Between Sumpter & Granite on Highway 410
Between Sumpter & Granite on Highway 410

Just because the road is small and rarely taken doesn’t mean the journey isn’t worthwhile. The road less traveled is almost always the safest bet.

Prairie City to Prineville-Day 1022

West of Mitchell on Highway 26
West of Mitchell on Highway 26
South of Kimberly on Highway 19
South of Kimberly on Highway 19
South of Kimberly on Highway 19
West of John Day on Highway 26

Comfort lives on the other side of discomfort and often fear. Feel the fear and do it anyway was one of the best books I ever read. My Mom gave me this book to read because she knew they had given me brain damage in order to make me live in fear. If I made myself face my fears she hoped it would cause me to have a heart attack and die. But what I found is that living in fear is way harder than facing my fears. So do the thing. Go where you need to go. Be the person you are destined to be. Because not being who you are hurts way more than facing your fears.

Be you unapologetically, no matter what. When someone makes you question yourself, question them instead.

Union, Oregon-Day 1020

Highway 203 near Union, Oregon

Have you ever seen the light at the end of the tunnel before?

When you work towards a goal for so long and devote not only your energy, but your life towards this goal everything else gets blurry. It’s easy to forget to breathe. It’s easy to forget to take care of yourself and the others in your life. And all too often we don’t realize we are getting close to accomplishing our goals until we are there at the finish line in the light. Pay attention when life sends you signals and hints that the light at the end of the tunnel is near. Because if you don’t, you may just spend your entire lifetime searching and working towards the light at the end of the tunnel, instead of enjoying the process and your progress. Death is the final light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t forget to enjoy life on your way there.

Day 1014 to 1018

southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon

Pendleton, Prescott, and a lot of others that all blurr together…. no fancy words with these. But I need to get back on track with my daily photos.

Pendleton, Oregon-Day 1013

Space is a feeling we all need at times. But what does space feel like? It’s an absence of feeling and a break to our nervous system. Space is a nothingness that is valuable beyond words. Space is the answer to so many feelings and problems.

What are you going through right now that space could help you with?

Stanfield, Oregon-Day #1011

Stanfield, Oregon

Growth is knowing not everything can be seen. Moments where things look empty and deserted can be deceiving. Evolution is not linear. And it’s not always visible.

You can’t predict growth. It happens in spurts when conditions align and allow. Growth often goes unseen, until it is called upon. Embrace the unseen parts of yourself, because you never know when you will need to call upon them.

Stanfield, Oregon

West of Roosevelt, Washington from Day #1010

The Dalles, Oregon-Day 1010



Contrast is life. Everything exists on a spectrum. Life is just a spectrum of experiences that create different chemical reactions in our brains. Life on earth is just a chemical experience. We are here to get high on neurotransmitters and hormones. That’s all the human experience really is. Love is a chemical reaction. Stress is a chemical reaction. Hate is a chemical reaction. Everything you feel is a chemical reaction in your body and mind.

Would love feel so amazing without hate? Probably not, because contrast is everything.

Dallasport, Washington-Day 1009

Spearfish Park

Have you been to the edge? The edge of the world, the edge of your consciousness, or the edge of your sanity? Because they all feel the same. The unknown is a scary place. And no one knows what is on the other side. But you take a deep breath and with a silent prayer, bravely step into the unknown. Because often the known is our prison. It’s what keeps us stuck in patterns that ruin our lives and happiness. Freedom only really comes from the unknown and the edge.

Have you been to the edge?

Mt Hood-Day 1007

Being above the clouds allows for great views. But it also allows a birdseye view of your obstacles. What is holding you back? If you were to look at those obstacles from above what would you see? There is a lot to be said for facing things head on. But when that doesn’t work try looking down on the obstacle you face because everything looks more manageable from above.

Then take the drive back to facing things head on with more clarity, purpose, and confidence. Facing your problems and obstacles will always beat trying to run from them.