The Dalles, Oregon-Day 1010



Contrast is life. Everything exists on a spectrum. Life is just a spectrum of experiences that create different chemical reactions in our brains. Life on earth is just a chemical experience. We are here to get high on neurotransmitters and hormones. That’s all the human experience really is. Love is a chemical reaction. Stress is a chemical reaction. Hate is a chemical reaction. Everything you feel is a chemical reaction in your body and mind.

Would love feel so amazing without hate? Probably not, because contrast is everything.

Dallasport, Washington-Day 1009

Spearfish Park

Have you been to the edge? The edge of the world, the edge of your consciousness, or the edge of your sanity? Because they all feel the same. The unknown is a scary place. And no one knows what is on the other side. But you take a deep breath and with a silent prayer, bravely step into the unknown. Because often the known is our prison. It’s what keeps us stuck in patterns that ruin our lives and happiness. Freedom only really comes from the unknown and the edge.

Have you been to the edge?

Mt Hood-Day 1007

Being above the clouds allows for great views. But it also allows a birdseye view of your obstacles. What is holding you back? If you were to look at those obstacles from above what would you see? There is a lot to be said for facing things head on. But when that doesn’t work try looking down on the obstacle you face because everything looks more manageable from above.

Then take the drive back to facing things head on with more clarity, purpose, and confidence. Facing your problems and obstacles will always beat trying to run from them.


A Letter to Law Enforcement

If anything has happened to me resulting in accident, injury, or death, especially a car wreck, it ties back to my family. I have an account at Charles Swabb that is quite substantial and my father is the beneficiary. I fear they will hurt or kill me in order toget their hands on this money. Please investigate and take this into account.

Thank you

Nicole Graves

Sandy Oregon-Day 1006

Perspective is everything. If you don’t like what you see, change your angle. Life rarely gives us exactly what we want. It’s our job to find the frame to make life into what we desire and need.

A turn of direction this morning changed my perspective from man made jungle to the heavens on earth. Sandy, Oregon is on the way to Mt Hood from Portland. Getting up to go to pee, on a cold winter morning at the crack of dawn, never looked this beautiful before.

Antibiotics, C Diff., & The Epigenetic Trigger of Autism

Autism is an epigenetic disease. There are no set genes that predetermine someone will have Autism. It is a group of genes that can be turned on or off. This is what makes it an epigenetic disease/epidemic.

What causes these epigenetic triggers is the real question? Well, our gut bacteria is a huge predictor in our gene expression. And the pathogenic bacteria C. Diff has been linked to Autism like behaviors. Also, it causes neurotoxins and is resistant to antibiotics. So, whenever you take antibiotics you are allowing these bacteria that run wild in our modern day society to have a hay day inside you.

Free floating calcium allows C diff to flourish. Alcohol and opiate use also allows C diff to flourish. C diff changes the way your brain processes dopamine because people with Autism process dopamine differently. Also, people with Autism have a more diverse gut bacteria population. More does not always equal better, but gut bacteria will always dictate the person we are and how we experience the world.

C. Diff is common in older people and especially in nursing homes. This is thought to be because they take calcium supplements, have low vitamin D levels, and do not have the vitamin K2 in their system to allow the calcium to be deposited in their bones and teeth. Do you have bone density problems? Do you have bad teeth? Do you have digestion problems?

Gluten and lactose intolerance are common when you have a C. Diff infection. Also raw veggies are hard for you to digest and cause bloating. Have you heard of SIBO? Well this bacteria can very well be apart of that small intestinal bacteria overgrowth. Even the animals that are raised conventionally for us to eat are overgrown with C Diff due to the antibiotics we feed them.

Have you ever taken antibiotics? Did your Mother ever take antibiotics? Have you ever lived or worked with someone who took antibiotics? Have you ever used a public restroom? Well, you have probably been exposed to C. Diff more times than you would ever like to imagine. Have you ever visited a hospital or nursing home? Were you born in a hospital? Did you attend a public school? See, it is overwhelming to think of how much we are exposed to antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Where you go and who you interact with dictate what bugs/bacteria you are being exposed to. These bugs/bacteria will either make you a better human or a lesser than version of human. It is a bit scary and overwhelming, but it is something we need to be aware of in order to overcome. You are a bug and in order to flourish you need good bugs to out number the bad bugs.

Taking antifungals and natural antibiotics can be the most revolutionary thing we all can do, besides eating a lower carb or keto diet. You are what you eat in more ways than you can imagine. Become one with your bugs.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

P.S. Omega 3 to omega 6 ratios also play a large part in the quality of your cellular make up and the quality of your nervous system. Learning disabilities like ADD, ADHD, and Dyslexia are caused/triggered by abundance of Omega 6. You are what you eat in many ways.

Television: Mind Control, Emotion Control, & Hormonal Control

If you wanted to influence people that you had already made more suseptable to suggestion, wouldn’t it be nice if they just watched this box full of pictures you created for them? Your mind does not know the difference between real life, visualization, and/or tv. If your mind does not know the difference, that means it will influence your hormones, your emotions, and your reality just as if it is real life. Your whole limbic system and reality are changed when you watch tv and/or play video games.

This is why the 90’s generation is so different, well part of why. The Xbox generation is literally a different species on a gene level, but then take into account that their mind, body, emotions, and thus souls have been programmed since the beginning with video games and tv. Those of us who grew up without all the electronics that this generation had access too have a hard time relating to them. Not to mention them being the first generation to grow up with WiFi and we have no long term studies on how that effects people in the long term on a physical or mental level.

When you hand over your mental picture to a source outside of yourself, you are handing over control of your body, mind, and spirit. Even if it is a good tv show, it is still a form of brainwashing. Tv is fun, don’t get me wrong, it can be pleasurable. But just know what you are doing when you take part in television. Your brain, body, and soul do not know the difference between television and meditation/visualization. Should you be altering your epigenetics with the information you are taking in from television? Because it only takes 4 days of meditation/visualization to change your epigenetics. Are you willing to take responsibility for what you watching on a gene level because it is changing you?

You are what you watch.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

Mind Control & Hormone Imbalances

If you are confused about who you are, you are going to be not only easier to control and manipulate, but you will also be more open to suggestion and vulnerable to brainwashing. In the 1980’s hardly anyone, but alcoholics had fatty liver disease. Now almost all of us have fatty liver to a certain extent, even children. And fatty liver leads to estrogen dominance when your liver is unable to balance your hormones.

Have you noticed how men are more in their feminine energy nowadays? Have you noticed how women are more in their masculine energy nowadays? Well, women today almost all have PCOS to a certain extent due to all the chemicals and toxins in the world and systems. This allows for more “male” hormones in women. The carb filled diets that we are sold as the Standard American Diet is also a factor in PCOS. Insulin plays a large role, because it is too a hormone.

So, women are more masculine because they have more “male” hormones. And men are more feminine because they have more “female” hormones. Do you think this has anything to do with the confusion on pronouns nowadays? Maybe the LGBTQ community was literally designed and created by the modern world we live in? If they can confuse us about who we are, we can easily be controlled when we are trying to figure out the rest of who we are. When we do not know ourselves on the very first building block of who we are, we can be swayed on all the other things we are, because we feel uncertainty. When we are uncertain we are easily controlled. When we feel out of balance on the inside we will look towards the outside for balance and to steady us.

When you know who you are you, you look inside for your equalibrium. However, when you do not know yourself, down to a gender level, you can be persuaded about almost anything.

Balancing your hormones is the most revolutionary act you can take to start the process of finding yourself.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #9 Mineralize Your Body

Did you know we inherit vitamin and mineral deficiencies from our Mother? We do, so once again you start off with uneven playing ground if you were born into the war games. Also, the heavy metals in poisons, gases, car exhausts, immunizations, processed foods, etc all displace different minerals. So we all have work to do when it comes to getting enough minerals.

Without the right minerals our bodies cannot protect itself. And when heavy metals are in the places of where these minerals should go we experience dis-ease in our bodies. An example would be lead, lead replaces calcium and makes our teeth and bones weak. So the more you have partook in the war games the more you will need to address your dental health. And then you will be faced with dental work that can go wrong and create infections that seep into your bloodstream for a lifetime creating disease and making you more emotional than necessary. It is all a chain reaction. Everything is a chain reaction of destruction.

Where ever you can stop the destruction you can stop the chain reaction. When your body has what it needs it can fight for you, instead of against you. If you have not experienced chronic illness than you need to mineralize your body to keep the disease away. If you are experiencing chronic illness you need to mineralize your body to help yourself heal.

Fulvic minerals are amazing. But also zinc is amazing for everything the more I learn about it. If you have thinning hair, autoimmune disease, or any chronic illness take high dose zinc for a couple months and see if your condition improves, see if your mood improves. The better you feel mentally the more you will heal physically. It is a ying yang experience. Healing is a holistic experience.

Look into minerals they are the building blocks to well being and overcoming the physical effects of the war games that we have both inherited and experienced.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

Cognitive Decline, Dementia, & Alzheimer’s

Your brain is being used against you as a weapon. You do not know how smart you are. Insulin and high blood glucose(even within “normal” range) damage your brain and cause decline. Vitamin deficiencies cause decline. Leaky gut causes decline. You are being set up to not even have the option to think for yourself.

Have you noticed how with age your brain is getting foggier and harder to use? This is the goal and just another way to keep you small, manageable, and diseased. Cognitive decline is not a “normal” part of aging, it is a war tactic that has been normalized.

So what do you do to reverse or stop this war tactic? Have you started taking a multivitamin yet? Please do so, this will not solve the problem, but it will help to stop the damage from happening as quickly. Make sure it has Folate, B12, Omega 3, Dha, and Selenium. I still have not found one that has all of these, but do what you can. Taking action is always going to be better than inaction.

Some other things you can do:

  • Eat a better diet with less processed foods. Nutrient dense foods are the answer. Liver is a super food. Once again I have not been able to get myself to eat it yet, but my dogs love it. It depends on how bad your health has declined already on which super foods will be best for you. I have to eat only meat because my system has been destroyed my whole life and recovering from cancer and autoimmune diseases took extreme measures if I wanted to really heal and not just put a bandaide on a broken bone so to say. If you do not quite know where to start go ahead and try a carnivore diet, there is no harm in allowing your body to heal. If you are not able to make such a sudden change than just eat better and do what you can. Progress not perfection is a great rule of thumb when beginning.
  • Avoid sugar, sugar is a drug and weapon. Balancing your blood sugar and keeping your insulin in check is one of the biggest things you can do for your mental and emotional health. Sugar feeds all the bacteria, parasites, viruses, cancer, etc in your body and keeps you seeking comfort outside of your self. The more sugar you eat the more your brain will shrink with age and decline, even if you do not develop diabetes.
  • Get enough B12 and Omega 3
  • Get Vitamin D and sunshine
  • Avoid Gluten-not only does gluten lead to leaky gut, but it damages your stomach so you cannot absorb all the nutrients from your food. This will lead to nutrient deficiencies even before leaky gut is an issue.
  • Get enough Omega 3-Eat fish that are not high in heavy metals at least once a week or find another way to make Omega 3 a regular part of your diet. I really enjoy putting hemp oil on my skin because you can absorb nutrition through your skin too.
  • Get your minerals-make sure you are getting enough minerals in your diet. Fulvic acid minerals are a great way to boost your intake and improve your overall health.
  • Cut out the addictions and unhealthy habits. The world and systems are set up to make you small and self destruct you do not need to overtly destroy yourself in any manner and aid in their agenda. Be good to yourself.

Overall, we need to eat better and in this world that is an uphill battle. So take your vitamins and supplements, while you figure out what kind of diet works best for your body. We all are different and health and healing is not a one size fits all journey. But just know you have been stolen from yourself and if you want to find yourself you are going to have to do things differently. Following the norms is what got you here, so you have to do differently to get a different outcome. You deserve to know yourself.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #7 Heavy Metal Detox

Just as we inherit bacteria, parasites, and viruses from our Mother and Grandmother, we also inherit heavy metals. And our Mother and Grandmother inherit them from their Mother and Grandmother. So, it is a domino effect. Perhaps, these are the biological roots to generational trauma in the physical body.

As the generation continue and our heavy metal load is increased, we become less able to utilize our brains and bodies. I did not realize I was a genius until I did years of heavy metal cleansing. However, I am sure my heavy metal load was more intense than most because lead was how they dumbed me down as a child and throughout my life. But they do this to all of us on a smaller scale to keep us manageable, small, and diseased.

Have you ever drank tap water? Have you ever showered in unfiltered water? Have you ever had shots or an immunization? Have you ever eaten processed foods? Have you ever lived in a house with paint? Have you ever had dental work done? Have you ever eaten rice grown in California? Have you ever been outside when an airplane was flying overhead? Have you ever been to a gas station? Have you ever been on an airplane? Have you ever smoked? If you answered yes to any of these than you have heavy metals and need to detox.

Our world and lives are filled with heavy metals. There really is no escaping them all, unless you want to live in a bubble. However, you just need to help your body to detox the metals it is exposed to on a daily basis. This means cleaning out the heavy metals that are stored in your body that you have inherited and collected throughout your life.

There are many different avenues you can take to detox heavy metals, but since we are doing the work for many generations that came before us I suggest the firefighter Niacin sauna detox. There are many different variations, but the results are amazing no matter what in my experience.

Brief Overview:  Start with 50-100 mg of Niacin on empty stomach, start exercising for 30 min, enter sauna for 30-60 min, take 4-5  capsules of activated charcoal (500 mg), take shower.

I started this protocol when I was in Las Vegas. Full disclosure I have never done the exercise part, but I am sure it adds greatly to the results. When I started I did not have a sauna, so I used a hot detox bath instead. Even without the exercise and sauna this protocol helped me walk again. My hips and back were a mess from PCOS, heavy metals, and candida. This protocol helps with all of these. When I took activated charcoal for the first time, I realized I did not have anxiety I just had toxins in my blood stream. Like I said this protocol is life changing. My white bed sheets turned purple when doing this protocol in Arizona when I was using a sauna. So, do no skimp on the activated charcoal, it can save your sheets.

Also, another way to detox heavy metals is by taking chorella and spirulina tabs everyday. I did this for months during quarantine when in Arizona and this is when I realized how smart I was. Chorella draws metals out of your brain. Also, I was mixing in cilantro which also helps remove metals from the body and brain. Plus, Diatomaceous earth food grade is something I am a big fan of and it works on heavy metals too.

Heavy metal detox is something that is a long term process. Even now I still feel better when I do the things. I do not think there is a limit to how much we can cleanse our bodies when we are making up for all the generations that have come before us. Perhaps, it is just something we need to view as a life long process. Health and healing seem to be that way. Once I learn something it is never really something I do once and am done with. It is something I add to my collections of tools to continue to utilize.

Start heavy metal cleansing today because you do not know how smart you are till you have removed some of the heavy metals from your brain and body.

Love Always

Nicole D Graves

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How To Heal Cancer #6 Sauna & Cold Showers

Saunas mixed with cold showers are magical. I don’t really have much of the science behind it, but I do know it does wonders for your stress response, balancing your hormones, removing toxins and heavy metals thus supporting your liver and allowing it to heal. Removing heavy metals and supporting your liver are two of the most revolutionary things you can do in order to prevent cancer and chronic illness.

Prevention is the name of the game. We should all think of ourselves as preventing cancer. It allows for us to be more proactive in our healing process rather than waiting for disease to come before we take action. Disease is guaranteed in the world we live in. It is not a question of if, it is just the question of when. If we all take action like we are having to work towards preventing cancer we will have way more luck with our health because we will take it seriously. You are not helpless over your health if you take actions to support your body.

Life is about choices. Make the choices that support the reality you want to live in. The little steps and actions you take in your daily life are the key to making your dreams come true or your nightmares a reality. Choose wisely, but choose not to live in fear. Take charge of your own life and reality.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #5 Cryotherapy

Ewwwh! This is one of my absolute all time favorite things! It is so hard to make myself do, but the benefits are amazing! It is a bit pricey, but it worth saving for. Plus, you can normally find good deals on Groupon.

Cryotherapy is a great way to balance your hormones and lower the load on your immune system. It does all the things. It really helped me detox heavy metals and thus reduce my Candida. When you have heavy metals in your body all the bad things stick to them like parasites and Candida. It is basically a way to make the bad things in your body have a more comfortable place to grow. It puts them at ease while creating dis-ease in you. Removing the heavy metals from the toxic world we live in huge! Everyone needs to take Chorella and Spirulina tabs. They have saved my life. However, when I was really sick with cancer and autoimmune diseaseS in Las Vegas, Cryotherapy saved my life.

I recommend doing multiple things along with Cryotherapy. Healing modalities seems to have a multiplied effect, rather than just adding to each other. Herbs and drugs multiple with each other when taken together. They do not just add to the effect of each other. All healing seems to be like this.

So if you are going to do Cryotherapy do it in a fasted state, and take some antifungals too. Red light is often offered at the place that do Cryotherapy or they have saunas. Do all the things. The more you do the less your body will have to do.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

P.S. Do a cold rinse when you finish your showers, it helps your hormones and supports your immune system. Make sure and get the cold water on the base of your skull, this will help calm you down and get you into your para sympathetic whatever.

Also, cold water plunges or swimming in cold water also is great for you.

Cryotherapy helps tighten loose skin too!

Just get cold!

Saunas followed by cold showers are amazing as well!

Stress your body with changes in temperature and it will get stronger!

Are you taking a multivitamin yet? If not, why not? Get one with Omega 3 and DHA!

How To Heal Cancer #4 Red Light Therapy & Tanning

By now you all are starting to get the idea that healing cancer is all about lowering the load on your immune system, right? Anything you can do to make your body have less work to do to maintain homeostasis and health will help you heal cancer. All the little things you do in your daily life are what really matter. The big thing you do here and there is not as impactual as the little things you do daily, for the most part. I am sure there are some exceptions, but you get the idea.

Red light therapy is amazing and helps your body heal on a mitocondiral (sp?) level. Basically it helps you heal on a cellular level. It is amazing and easy and enjoyable. What I did was order a full spectrum red light bulb off Amazon and put it in a lamp by my bed when I was in Arizona. These are great for pets and kids as well. My dog Haywood has Lupus and when he would get burned and have a flar the red light would help him recover two or three times as fast. So anyone who gets sun burned should invest in one.

Also, red light helps your skin heal scars and stretch marks. It takes time, but over time you will notice a difference. It is great for renewing aged skin. And if it is making so much of a difference on your skin, you can only imagine what it is doing on the inside of your body. I have heard people using it to help heal their leaky gut. Whenever I was having an autoimmune flare red light or sunlight on my tummy always helps relieve the inflammation in my body. Not quite sure the reason, but if it works it works. If you know about autoimmune flares it is all about finding relief you do not question why because pain relief is priceless.

Red light, tanning, and sunlight all lower your viral load and help your body fight off everything. Of course tanning should be monitored and not overdone, but sunshine is healing in whatever form you choose. Candida is lowered by light because it is a yeast. Just get some light everyday and you will start to feel better. This I can guarantee. And if you are going to be using lights in your home, why not get a full spectrum red light? It just makes sense and is logical to do what is best for you, and your pets and children! Life and health is all about the little things!

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #3 Address Candida Part 3

Signs and Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth by Eric Baker (Candida Crusher on You Tube)

  1. Persistent nasal congestion or stuffiness
  2. Sinus inflammation, swelling, or infection
  3. Flu-like symptoms, coughs, and recurring colds
  4. Excessive mucus in the throat,nose and ear canals, sinuses, or lungs
  5. Joint pain and swelling
  6. Bruising easily
  7. Cheekbone or forehead tenderness or pains
  8. Tinnitus, ear infections, dryness, pain, discharges, wax build-up
  9. Sore throat, hoarse voice, or laryngitis

Now you can see that a lot of the things we end up taking antibiotics for are really just Candida issues and it makes them worse because the antibiotics kill off our good bacteria that fight the Candida.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

Notes From You Are The Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

Stress is one of the biggest causes of epigenetic changes. We are not meant to endure stress in the long term or live in survival mode. No living creature is designed to live in survival mode.

Living in survival mode means living in our reptilian brain. We can only focus on 3 things: Physical body(Am I okay?), Enviroment(Is it safe?), and Time(How long will this threat be hanging over me). These things make us less spiritual, mindful, and less aware because it trains us to be more self absorbed and focused on our bodies and material things. Keeps us in the survival energy centers that promote selfishness. Makes us obsess over time, never enough time. We become materialists and define reality with our senses. The me first mentality is reinforced and self importance becomes a way of being.

Meditation can change your epigenetics in just one session. As you get better at it, you will receive more benefits. This changes over 1,000 genes and improves your immune system.

Source: You Are The Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza

How To Heal Cancer #3 Address Candida Part 2

Diet is the only way you will sustain lowering the amount of Candida in your body. However, when you start tackling the issue of Candida supplements, vitamins, and other lifestyle changes will help you get to your desired results more quickly. Be careful not to use these methods as a crutch to allow you to keep your dis-ease manageable though.

Some other things to try to lower Candida:

  • Get more sunshine
  • Red light therapy
  • Tanning beds
  • Cryotherapy
  • Coconut oil on skin
  • Biotin-highly recommend!!
  • Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade-highly recommend!!
  • Antifungal herbs/spices
  • Essential oils
  • Charcoal
  • Spirulina & Chorella
  • Aloe Vera-highly recommend!!
  • Probiotics
  • Fermented foods
  • Milk thistle
  • Oregano oil
  • Workout more
  • Sauna
  • Cold showers
  • Yoga
  • Lifting weights
  • Exfoliating your skin
  • Remineralize your body-fulvic minerals are great!
  • detox baths

When killing off Candida one of the most difficult parts for me was dealing with the toxins they produce and leave behind in your body. Taking binders to absorb these toxins has been a life saver for me, along with fasting. Candida cannot grow if you are not feeding it. I love fasting because it is a great way to bring down the levels of Candida in your body quickly and change your epigenetics. Or group together a couple things like fast while going to the sauna, taking a detox bath and some binders. Treating Candida overgrowth does Not have to be a chore, it can be something you grow to look forward to because it will make you feel better once you get the hang of it.

Your true self is waiting for you to find yourself.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #3 Address Candida

Candida is a yeast that is present in our bodies all the time. It is healthy in small amounts. However, with the food systems filled with grains, sugars, and gluten Candida has been allowed to run away with us all. Have you seen the shows on TLC about the morbidly obese people? I think it is called “My 600 lb Life”. Well, the people on this show have a Candida overgrowth problem big time. This is why they are an emotional wreck and lie to themselves about food.

Candida takes over your brain. And it releases toxins in your body that keep you from yourself. Remember when I had you check out the show “Fit to Fat” about the personal trainers? Well, their emotional issues were from Candida overgrowth. And the reason it is so hard for some of them to loose weight is Candida overgrowth. Getting this yeast in check is something that most people unknowingly battle with their whole lives.

Candida overgrowth is what makes us overly emotional, more manageable, and it leads to disease. When you feel like you do not have control over your emotions, then you are willing to accept manageable as the best it will get. You will bypass trying for good, when manageable is an option. This is how the systems get you to keep yourself small. Candida overgrowth is the largest covert war tactic used by my family cult. It starts out just with you keeping yourself small, but it leads to every kind of disease you can think of. It is a win win situation for them. Especially, because eliminating it seems almost impossible.

Eliminating Candida is another thing that is a lifelong process just like healing leaky gut. It is something you are always going to have to be aware of. However, living without it after spending a lifetime on an emotional roller coaster is beyond priceless. Those of us who have suffered with it for years will understand just how painful it can be. It can interfere with every aspect of your life. It is physical, mental, and emotional pain. It is a special kind of hell that takes you over. It is enough to make anyone want to accept learned helplessness. And that is the goal right there. When you feel out of control of your body, you will accept learned helplessness in every aspect of your life because it is real to you.

I challenge everyone to spend a least a few weeks cleansing and just experience the freedom you feel. You are not supposed to feel enslaved to your body. Your body is on your side, it is your partner in life before anyone else can ever be.

Steps to eliminate Candida overgrowth:

  • Avoid sugar, even natural sugars
  • Avoid grains, especially gluten grains
  • Avoid gluten as much as possible(especially if you have autoimmune issues)
  • Avoid dairy
  • Avoid coffee
  • Avoid/minimize caffeine
  • Avoid alcohol & soda
  • Avoid fruit
  • Avoid nuts and seeds(especially peanut butter it has mold in it)
  • Limit Condiments
  • Eat low carb
  • Eat more quality fats-focus on Omega 3s
  • Avoid refined oils
  • Take a probiotic
  • Eat more meat and eggs
  • Avoid processed meats
  • Avoid canned meats and foods
  • Eat more fermented foods(beware if histamine issues)
  • Eat coconut products everyday(oil, milk, cream, etc)
  • Take digestive enzymes and Apple cider vinegar(if you can tolerate it)
  • Put coconut oil on your skin

I am sure after that list, you are asking yourself, “Well, what can I eat?” Eat meats, healthy fats, nonstarchy vegetables(if you want), and probiotics. Now can you see why the Keto and Carnivore diets are gaining so much popularity? We are meant to eat low carb most of the time. In our evolution as humans we have never eaten such a carb heavy diet as the Standard American Diet before. Industrialization is when we started eating processed foods and grains regularly. This is also when we started developing chronic illness and disease more. Weston Price is a dentist who has done amazing research on the decline in our health with industrialization. He suggests we focus on making sure we get the fat soluble vitamins and Vitamin A and K2. If we focus on getting more than the recommended of these vitamins we should get everything else we need as well just by default.

You do not have to get your diet dialed in right from the get go. It is a learning process and not everyone is going to be the same, because we all have damaged and destroyed our bodies differently. So be patient with yourself, but also do not settle for manageable being the best it gets.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #2 Heal Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is something we all have to be aware of and keep at bay. Genetically modified plants, sugar, grains, dairy, Candida, and many other things contribute to creating leaky gut. Some signs you have leaky gut would be chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, confusion, difficulty concentrating, skin problems, joint pain, etc.

We probably all have an aliment that would be improved by addressing leaky gut even if we are not chronically ill. However, all disease starts in the gut. So if you have any kind of chronic illness addressing leaky gut will aid in healing it. Also, leaky gut and fatty liver are both associated with autoimmune diseases. So if you have an autoimmune disease of any kind addressing leaky gut will not only help, but is necessary in healing.

They say the gut is the second brain. But I believe the gut to be the boss of your brain, because it tells your brain what to do and feel. When you take care of your gut, everything improves in my experience. How well you digest your food plays into so many things. Food is energy and fuel.

The healing process depends on how badly you have damaged your gut. Some people may be able to do a few diet changes and take some probiotics and be better than they ever remember. But for the other end of the spectrum like me and people with autoimmune disease, it will take major life changes to see the desired improvements. However, small changes will always make a difference over time.

Again, I encourage you to research because there are many ways to improve leaky gut. And it is not a one size fits all process. But here are some ideas on large and small changes that can make a difference. And remember the self destruct button that my family cult outfits us all with starts with leaky gut, because it leads to larger dis-ease and malnutrition.

  • Avoid grains, but especially gluten grains
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid sugar
  • Avoid dairy
  • Avoid GMO foods
  • Avoid coffee
  • Avoid over the counter pain relievers
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce/avoid alcohol
  • Sleep more
  • Avoid antibiotics
  • Address Sibo
  • Address Candida
  • Try a Low FODMAP diet
  • Start fasting and/or intermittent fasting
  • Drink more bone broth(be careful if histamine problems)
  • Exercise more/regularly
  • Chew your food better
  • Avoid birth control pills
  • Take digestive enzymes
  • Take collagen(beware with histamine issues)
  • Take a mutlivitamin
  • Take vitamin D and get more sunshine
  • Take aloe vera
  • Take b12 and K2
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat more ferment foods(beware with histamine issues)
  • Heavy metal cleanse
  • Parasite cleanse

Basically anything you can do to live a healthier life will help you improve your leaky gut in the long run. Life and epigenetics are all about the small things we do everyday. These are the things that define us. These are the things that make us who we are, down to the genetic level.

Addressing leaky gut is how everyone can protect themselves from disease. Even if you are just trying to improve your immune system so you do not get a cold or the flu addressing your gut will help. Your gut is where disease starts, but it also can be where health starts.

Remember life not an all or nothing journey, it is about progress not perfection. So if you want to have those couple drinks this weekend, be really good on your diet during the week and balance it out so you can enjoy yourself without harming yourself too much. Same goes for if you want that piece of gluten filled birthday cake when you go to a birthday party. Be good the rest of the week and even it out. Life is about balance and so is health.

Take care of your gut and your gut will take care of you.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

How To Heal Cancer #2 Heal Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is something we all have to be aware of and keep at bay. Genetically modified plants, sugar, grains, dairy, Candida, and many other things contribute to creating leaky gut. Some signs you have leaky gut would be chronic diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, confusion, difficulty concentrating, skin problems, joint pain, etc.

We probably all have an aliment that would be improved by addressing leaky gut even if we are not chronically ill. However, all disease starts in the gut. So if you have any kind of chronic illness addressing leaky gut will aid in healing it. Also, leaky gut and fatty liver are both associated with autoimmune diseases. So if you have an autoimmune disease of any kind addressing leaky gut will not only help, but is necessary in healing.

They say the gut is the second brain. But I believe the gut to be the boss of your brain, because it tells your brain what to do and feel. When you take care of your gut, everything improves in my experience. How well you digest your food plays into so many things. Food is energy and fuel.

The healing process depends on how badly you have damaged your gut. Some people may be able to do a few diet changes and take some probiotics and be better than they ever remember. But for the other end of the spectrum like me and people with autoimmune disease, it will take major life changes to see the desired improvements. However, small changes will always make a difference over time.

Again, I encourage you to research because there are many ways to improve leaky gut. And it is not a one size fits all process. But here are some ideas on large and small changes that can make a difference. And remember the self destruct button that my family cult outfits us all with starts with leaky gut, because it leads to larger dis-ease and malnutrition.

  • Avoid grains, but especially gluten grains
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid sugar
  • Avoid dairy
  • Avoid GMO foods
  • Avoid coffee
  • Avoid over the counter pain relievers
  • Reduce stress
  • Reduce/avoid alcohol
  • Sleep more
  • Avoid antibiotics
  • Address Sibo
  • Address Candida
  • Try a Low FODMAP diet
  • Start fasting and/or intermittent fasting
  • Drink more bone broth(be careful if histamine problems)
  • Exercise more/regularly
  • Chew your food better
  • Avoid birth control pills
  • Take digestive enzymes
  • Take collagen(beware with histamine issues)
  • Take a mutlivitamin
  • Take vitamin D and get more sunshine
  • Take aloe vera
  • Take b12 and K2
  • Avoid smoking
  • Eat more ferment foods(beware with histamine issues)
  • Heavy metal cleanse
  • Parasite cleanse

Basically anything you can do to live a healthier life will help you improve your leaky gut in the long run. Life and epigenetics are all about the small things we do everyday. These are the things that define us. These are the things that make us who we are, down to the genetic level.

Addressing leaky gut is how everyone can protect themselves from disease. Even if you are just trying to improve your immune system so you do not get a cold or the flu addressing your gut will help. Your gut is where disease starts, but it also can be where health starts.

Remember life not an all or nothing journey, it is about progress not perfection. So if you want to have those couple drinks this weekend, be really good on your diet during the week and balance it out so you can enjoy yourself without harming yourself too much. Same goes for if you want that piece of gluten filled birthday cake when you go to a birthday party. Be good the rest of the week and even it out. Life is about balance and so is health.

Take care of your gut and your gut will take care of you.

Love Always

Nicole Graves

An Outline For Healing Cancer

Here is an outline/mind dump so you know what parts you want to read about or if you want to read the whole thing. Also, this is great if you just want to try a couple things here and there.

  • worm pills (rx, over the counter, and natural)
  • heal leaky gut
  • address candida
  • red light therapy & tanning
  • cryotherapy
  • sauna & cold showers
  • heavy metal detox
  • cancer killing herbs/spices/vitamins
  • remineralize your body
  • vitamins-nutrition is key
  • no sugar/no fiber/low carb diet
  • lower cortisol
  • walking & stretching/yoga
  • detox baths
  • sauna
  • make your own body products
  • eliminate chemicals in your cleaning products and home
  • fasting and intermittent fasting
  • binders
  • essential oils
  • herbal tea
  • sleep
  • meditation
  • mindset
  • find your purpose/why
  • love-you need love and self love
  • distractions/forward momentum in life outside of healing
  • address addictions-don’t necessarily have to eliminate them all at once

Okay that is it, I know it looks like a lot, but please take into consideration it normally takes over a decade for cancer to grow so healing means changing the way you live. I am sure I will think of a few more steps once I get to writing out each step, but everything overlaps in the end so it is hard to miss something if you are paying attention to what your body needs and asks for.

Healing is love, love always,

Nicole Graves